[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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Can anyone tell me frag rate for Red Giant, wondering how much he will cost me.
  • Posted messages: 308
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I seem to recall it was 19. Same as Smoke I think. I think Smoke is way better looking with a better reward. So when I opened my freebie crown and found no Red Giant, I wasn't all that bummed. I have 631 fragments toward him thanks to wandering horse promo.
Sissy Long Stockings
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DestinyH wrote:

Can anyone tell me frag rate for Red Giant, wondering how much he will cost me.

It's 18 per Crown.
  • Posted messages: 13,107
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Opened a crown I won from the wanderers even and got red giant! My first divine I’ve won from an event without spending passes! default smiley (l)
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Sissy Long Stockings
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I just won Ràn from my trophy reward gifts! I wonder which other divines are in the rewards? default smiley (l)
The Pinto Pony
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The Pinto Pony wrote:

I just won Ràn from my trophy reward gifts! I wonder which other divines are in the rewards? default smiley (l)

Kaktos, White Chocolate, and Svadilfari are next. Unsure if you're wondering about the ones after Ran or about ones after Svadilfari, but... default smiley (lol) congratulations!
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Anyone opened a Golden Fleece & know how many frags they got for Taurus?
  • Posted messages: 32
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Malfoyesque wrote:

Anyone opened a Golden Fleece & know how many frags they got for Taurus?

I got 53
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I got a Bee in my objective HOP!! Yay
Plus finally hit jackpot with the TC for Red Giant but it was only for the remainder of what I was missing from the frag meter which was only about 130 or so... Definitely spent more than I'd have liked to in order to get him but I really love this new Stellar series and I also have Super Nova so I think I'm going to try my best to get this whole collection as it comes out... I'm obsessed with stars and space and the planets so this series is right up my alley!! default smiley (l)
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Anyone who tried for Caryopsis would be kind enough to give the fragment rate?
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Caryopsis drop rate is 53 frags
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Got 53 fragments in each GF for Caryopsis
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Anyone know the fragment rate for Little Tom Thumb in the TC?
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Malfoyesque, it's 35 fragments
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I just got 18 fragments for Sparks in the Tyche's Crown default smiley :)
The Pinto Pony
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Libonotus fragment rate is 40 per horn, set at 2500 passes default smiley :)

I lucked out and got him on my fourth try on my swedish account, using two horns from my inventory default smiley :d
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I got libonotus in one try, hehe, best luck I’ve ever had
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mairys wrote:

I got libonotus in one try, hehe, best luck I’ve ever had

I did too! I cannot believe my luck! I am collecting the Wind horses so I am especially happy to get this one. default smiley (l) It is my 3rd Wind horse. default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 553
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Opened four hops I'd amounted over the years, got two GAs and libonotus! Very happy. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 247
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I already had 20 fragments for Libonotus and I opened 1 HOP. I got 980 fragments and got Libonotus. default smiley :d
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1 day of vip, 2 lunges, and... libonotus in the third! Ok Then!
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Libonotus seems to be a good deal. Got him on 3 HoP's on USA account and 5 on this one. I had him from a long, long time ago but that one is all used up, so now a new one to take his placedefault smiley ^)
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I got 2 more on my first try, so 3 in a row default smiley (d)
What are those odds, and can we keep them around forever?
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I got an Ow companion and 25 Pass seeds from the Anniversary code default smiley ^)
The Pinto Pony
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