[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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Used one tc from my inventory and got 1,002 cumin frags, really chuffed with that! default smiley (7)
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Opened the two TC I had in inventory and then bought 8 more and got Cumin! Cost me 1600 passes in total which I’m very happy with default smiley :)
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amanda2132 wrote:

Does anyone know the fragment drop rate for greyfell in fleeces?

93 frags if I recall correctly.
Bohemian Anna
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I found Smoke to be rather fetching, and gambled a crown. No luck and only 18 frags. Holy Smoke that's expensive!! Not for me.
Sissy Long Stockings
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I was able to get 3 Cumin but was REALLY expensive but got several fairy companions relatively easy. Not even going to try for Greyfell as I have too many as is.

Good luck to those trying!!! May the odds forever be in your favor!! default smiley (l)
Cory Schneider
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Got the fairy companion in 1 go.
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Nothing exciting the last few horns
Set Bellmont
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For the first time I was extremely lucky with luck items.
Had to almost fill the meter for greyfell, but all but one were 3 star, and the other 2 star, so I can’t complain.
Won cumin after 5 or 6 challenges
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The fragment rate for the bird is 40, while the fragment rate for Alice is 35.
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The pastries, in my opinion, are overpriced, as Dark Chocolate was free at its release, while White Chocolate was 600 passes, 600 passes that also got you tons of extra prizes. While they shouldn't have to keep their original price, I do feel that the new price should slightly reflect the amount they cost previously. default smiley :)
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Soooo 1,800 passes and 6 Golden Fleeces later I got a Hippogriff!!! Surprised it didn't cost me more!!! Not bothering for the Pastries or Alice in Wonderland as I already have them. Got several 3* and 2* prizes which was nice for a change instead of all 1* prizes! default smiley :)
Cory Schneider
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I bought one Golden fleece (200 passes) and got 1.000 fragments for Hippogriffin! So happy default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 81
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Welp, 5 GF (1000 passes) all 1* and no Hippogriff... sad times, but such is life! Also tried one T Challenge to see if I'd luck out with Alice to avoid the AoO work, but no luck there either. Good luck to everyone else!
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Got Hipogriff on the 3rd gf
three tc for alice and no dice
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Filled my trophy meter today and got Dark Chocolate for free! default smiley xd The timing is hilarious. Not particularly interested in pastries though and definitely will not be paying 1400p for White Chocolate
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Luckiest day ever!! I stroked 5 Xanthos last night and got 3 HoPs default smiley (7)
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I just got the offer for the Saturn pack and was able to add him to my collection default smiley :)

This Pack Contains:
Get Saturn with fragments
193 x Saturn fragment
A pony of the Welsh breed
Exclusive perks reserved for the best breeders
30 days VIP
Spend lavishly in the sales
550 passes
Spend lavishly in the store
69,900 equus
Wake up your horses without waiting
85 x Aging point
Foal easier
4 x Hera's Pack
Be 100% sure of giving birth to unicorns
2 x Hestia's Gift

This pack is worth 5,200 passes

This Pack Contains:
Get Saturn with fragments
90 x Saturn fragment
A pony of the Welsh breed
Spend lavishly in the store
44,900 equus
Wake up your horses without waiting
40 x Aging point
5 x Fertility Wand
1 x Artemis' Arrow

This pack is worth 1,300 passes
The Pinto Pony
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I am being offered the Sushi pack with Vanners - Deluxe pack has 252 frags, 5 poseidon packs and 4 bonus packs. Basic pack has 117 frags, 5 Black Orchids and 3 Hpynos Blankets. (the rest is the same as above)
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I got the Xanthos pack, normal had 459, deluxe had 850. I was amazed at the fragment amount and bought enough packs to get two. Would have bought more, but I needed to show restraint. default smiley (lol) The items with it were the nyx pack/p stone/timer selection.
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English Angora fragments are set at 117 per Challenge. default smiley :)
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Apeliotes fragment rate is 27, he is set at 3700 passes default smiley ;)
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Fern fragment rate is 40
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Literally luckiest day ever??? I had 4 HOPs stored up from the event and I got the divine. I have no idea how to make him reach the tempest tho? � Never had a wind divine before.
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yayy i got the wind divine and opened 6 HOPs and i got really good gifts too, i feel it did make up for maxing out the meter for Lancelot.
  • Posted messages: 15
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got fern in 2 fleece default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 91
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