[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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My luck has turned around default smiley :d Got one Tyches crown from wanderers ( got Napoleon)decided to open it and got all the fragments needed for Red Giant default smiley (7) got first one from the series !
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Took me 38 HOPs to get 3 diplomas.
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Idk if I did my math right (I don't exactly shine in that subject but I do okay) but if the frag rate for Venus is 14 and we need 1000 fragments - I'd need to open something like 71 TCs to get her and each TC is 200 passes and 1000 passes costs $15 so that's gonna make Venus cost me a little bit over $200 ???
Is this right??
I did take advantage of the pass ufo I got this morning but even with that - she's just outrageously priced!! I'd absolutely love to be able to get her but my goodness I just can't justify spending that much at once on my game right now...
I'm hoping maybe I got my math wrong somehow but unless I were to get super lucky with the TCs and don't have to fill the meter, she's just a little too expensive for me right now...
Thank you in advance for reading this far!!
Good luck to anyone who is trying to get Venus this weekend, I'll cross my fingers and my toes for ya!! Haha
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Nalu93 wrote:

FOURTEEN (14) Fragments for Venus???

Didn't the Saturn debacle teach them *anything*? How is this an acceptable price for Venus default smiley :o

Yes that is outrageous! That's as expensive as Balios usually is.

You would need to open 71 TCs to fill the meter, costing over 14,200 passes.default smiley :o All for 50 passes a month, and a foal who does nothing.
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That's so out of touch calling it out of touch is an euphemism.

I thought we went over it over and over again but apparently it's still not enough default smiley :(
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It only took me 9 Fleeces, and 6 of them were already in my stash, to get Taranis!!! Super happy, any divine that gives a luck item is well sought after in my opinion for my gameplay!!
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3 TCs - no luck for Venus (tragically lost out on a Hermes Staff, but at least got one ZLB as a base prize), probably won't try again
7 GFs - no luck for Taranis (1x 3* prize; 1x 2* prize; 5x 1* prizes)
4 HoPs - 1 Saddler, 3 Heels, and some random store stuff/APs

Not great, I guess I'll hold out hope that I'm getting my mediocre/bad luck out of the way now for when there's one I want more haha
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Well, I’ve opened four HoPs and I’ve gotten three diplomas (?!) and zero employees :/
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So I've been saving luck items in hopes of guaranteeing myself a divine by frag meter, and thought i was getting close to maybe getting one with 13 fleeces... but if taranis drops 27 frags each time it'd take me 37 fleeces... looks like I'll have to keep waiting :/
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Over 6000 passes and only managed to fill Venus's meter half way.
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Well I bought passes with the pass UFO, then saw Venus was in the TC and thought yeah, I'll open a few, I love the solars so might as well build some fragments. Had one TC already in my inventory from the compensation package that just went out, opened it, found her first try plus a Hestia's Gift, P pack, Timer, WOY, ZLB, and some other small stuff. Guess I hit the jackpot looking at the comments on here!
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I managed to acquire 748 frags, but no Taranis. Ran out of passes and fleeces. Not a complete bust as I did acquire quite a few harmony packs and golden apples, but sad to see my gambling didn't pay off this time. Oh well, next promo it's mine.default smiley 8-)
Sissy Long Stockings
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Got Taranis on the 2nd fleece along with a 3* prize!! default smiley :o
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So the howrse team sent me a titan’s challenge and hop as a sorry for the glitches gift? Well I decided to use it AND I GOT VENUS??? What luck! Any tips on best care to get passes asap?
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Decided to push my luck a little more and got Taranis in 4 GFs. I've missed out on a few recently that I really wanted, so happy to have a good weekend!
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R/Jayco - Venus needs no care, she gives you 50 passes at every real life new moon so once a month regardless of if you care for her or not!
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Oh thank you! And good luck to all who try!
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Went through 7 challenges and no dice default smiley :@ I guess getting a solar system divine was not in the cards this time around. Time to save up for the next one to make rotation
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Well I started my Solar collection through the Black Friday sales last year...

I think Venus was in the sales? I remember she was so pretty I really wanted her but wasn't fast enough, or maybe that was the last time she was in a luck item and I missed the Monday deadline?

Anyway, I was going to try for her today but having just seen the cost needed to fill the meter I'm noping out of that for just 50 passes a month. default smiley :o

I feel quite sad about that. I do have four TCs in stock so I will try those and maybe I'll drop lucky.default smiley :s
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Waste of time default smiley :@ All crashed out, best was level 4 and the 'prizes' were naff default smiley <:o) << Insanity laughing face

#1 Lvl 4 = Helios' Ray

#2 Lvl 2 = Spurs

#3 Lvl 2 = P. Stroke

#4 Lvl 2 = P. Stroke
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Objective HoP had an expert diploma...except I didn't have any employees hired default smiley :'(

So I went through & hired most of them so that it doesn't go to waste default smiley ^)
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took me 30 fleeces to get taranis (24 bought 6 not). I have never spent that much on a divine before (and I never will again) and I kept going out of sheer spite after a while. the sunk cost fallacy Really got to me there default smiley (d). definitely not worth it and also the worst luck I've had in a while
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I played my Titan's challenge and only ended up with horse food, droppings a saddle and 2 aging points.
Very bad luck for me default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 33
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Just tried again with 2 crowns and got nothing. Tack, food 6 aging points and 20 fragments. default smiley :'(
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Magically, after opening quite a few of TCs at the very last end I won Venus finally <3 622 frags I needed to win her, default smiley (b)
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