[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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Got 10000 equus from a star UFO early this morning. Then got Ow companion and 25 pass seeds from the anniversary code, and got an additional 25 pass seeds from a star UFO on that same page. I also received Tianma from the gift on my trophy page! It's like I'm celebrating my birthday a week early! Haha
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Got Libonotus today

Think I opneded 7 this week but all were at no cost
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Got the divine in HoP first try default smiley :)
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I literally had 200 passes left, and got Amun on my first try C: Love getting divines on this account, I have so few default smiley (l)
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Got Mordred first try at like 3:45am after waking up for the coat release! Was so surprised and happy!

Tried 3 GF for Amun (frag rate at 27), but no luck so far. Meter already half filled from Ascent, so we'll see what the weekend brings haha

Tried 1 HOP with no immediate luck either - undecided about going for more with other potential exciting horses on the horizon...
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35 frags per TC for Mordred
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Can't even recall what promo I got Mordred frags from previously, but opened some inventoried TCs and Staffs, then paid 800p and lucked out on the rest of the frags! Found a TC in the last TC too, so good thing I didn't stop lol. I don't usually care for Staffs as much because they're such a rare item, but I'm happy I found a good use for them!default smiley ^)
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Does anyone know what the fragments drop is for Sparks, in the T Crowns?
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Meeki wrote:

Does anyone know what the fragments drop is for Sparks, in the T Crowns?

18 as usual default smiley :)
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I wasn't planning on opening any HOPs for Longma, but I ended up getting him in my daily objective HOP! default smiley :d
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Does anyone know if Egyptians divines are in rotation and if so has Sekhmet already been offered?
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perioda wrote:

Does anyone know if Egyptians divines are in rotation and if so has Sekhmet already been offered?
We do have Amun right now, but it's iffy whether they're truly in rotation or not (Howrse doesn't always keep to a predictable schedule like they used to).
Sekhmet was last offered in June 2022.

The last Egyptian prior to Amun was Thoth last October, and we'd gone through the set prior to that. Prior to this weekend, Amun was offered July 2022, so I wouldn't have thought we'd seem him this soon. We've also had Amun, Anubis and Set in the Ascent over the past few months
Legacy Ann
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Clarity21 wrote:

I wasn't planning on opening any HOPs for Longma, but I ended up getting him in my daily objective HOP! default smiley :d

default smiley <:o)
And it's two for the price of one, because you can breed her with any Tianma (just try if there is a covering offer and if not, put a message on your page) to get Chitu!
Chitu does not have a perk but you can increase his skills with the points he gets, so he'll win lots of equus for you in competitions.
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Nalu93 wrote:

18 as usual

Thanks Nalu!

I did not know that was a set number for every Crown, my guess was it would differ for each divine. Will try to remember this default smiley (b)
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Anyone mind double-checking my math?

If it's 18 fragments per crown, 325 fragments from the Memory event, and then 15 per day for the objectives, it should take 18 crowns to get Sparks safely or 17 crowns if objectives are validated on the last day before the time he leaves?
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The wind divine is 13 fragments per HoP.
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35 for Pluto & 53 for Fuji
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Did I open waaaaaaay too many Fleeces for an army of Fujis? Sure did.
But no Regrets. My only regret is that I couldn't get more. default smiley (h)

Most Fleeces were 1*, but I did run off with a couple of Arms and hops so that's nice
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I opened 10 HOPs and no Caicias... default smiley :$
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7 bought and 1 inventory fleece for Fuji default smiley :-)) not bad — considering my luck has been terrible the past few months. Plus his nice drop rate.

Opened 1 bought and 13 inventory HOPs for Caicias and no luck. May try again later.
The Pinto Pony
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The Pinto Pony wrote:

Plus his nice drop rate.

His drop rate can level mountains, 1 cloud every 10 days is some Jupiter-level pass value drop rate.
Of course, you need 20 clouds (they also work on Wild Horses! So wild!) to make a skiller, but the more the merrier default smiley :p
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Got fuji with 2000 passes plus 1x inventory fleece default smiley (l)
Won’t be going for Pluto as I have him already:he’s been very kind to me over the last 30 days and has given me 100 passes default smiley :d
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f-fuji in two fleeces? WHAT
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(confession time: I have no use whatsoever for clouds.... are they popular in the item exchange?)
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changsu wrote:

(confession time: I have no use whatsoever for clouds.... are they popular in the item exchange?)

I guess it depends from player to player. Personally my 10 exchanges all go towards clouds every week default smiley :p
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