
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Oh ok, that would explain why i never see or hear anything about them elsewhere. And right, i love the kitty's fur. She's so cute! The dog is pretty is pretty stinking cute too.default smiley :) I do really like the Icelandic horses as well.
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Those are really really good finds
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Famousamos wrote:

magazine thingies something that is only available in Germany then?

somewhat yea.

you can get them in german speaking areas in europe. i've als discovered that some get a french translation so in france you can get them to.
ive bought magazines in germany, switserland, austria, luxemburg, liegtenstein and france.

you can subscribe to the magazines if you live in germany, switserland or austria.

you can order older magazines from the publishers website but those are only being shipped in germany
wild horse stables
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Interesting...thanks for explaining!default smiley :) Sounds like you've traveled a bit too!default smiley (ow)
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I got a pretty CollectA fella in the mail today!default smiley :)

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The first CollectA pieces i got, and the ones that drew me in to the brand, was the Tinker mare and foal. Well, i have now completed the family with the Tinker stallion! Now i know some are big on perfect conformation and all that, so whether they like the piece or not is based on that. I know nothing about all of that lol, and i have no idea if he has correct either way, i find him gorgeous! This is one of my favorite real life breeds!

Oooh....ahhhh!default smiley (7)default smiley (lol)
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Famousamos wrote:

Sounds like you've traveled a bit too!

i've seen a lot of western europe
belgium, luxemburg, germany, france, switserland, austria, liegtenstein, italy, zjec rebublic, england, scotland and malta

never been outside of europe tough

Famousamos wrote:

I got a pretty CollectA fella in the mail today!

he looks gorgeus. and tough i don't care for perfect conformation. i do like a bit of realistic conformation. and his conformation is way better than whatever schleich has been up todefault smiley ;)
wild horse stables
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That horse is gorgeousdefault smiley (7)
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wild horse stables wrote:

i've seen a lot of western europe
belgium, luxemburg, germany, france, switserland, austria, liegtenstein, italy, zjec rebublic, england, scotland and malta

never been outside of europe tough

That's awesome! I'm part Scottish and Irish (and so is my surname) so i'd love to visit those places someday. But so far i've only been out of the US once, and that was to visit Mexico, many years ago.default smiley :)

wild horse stables wrote:

he looks gorgeus. and tough i don't care for perfect conformation. i do like a bit of realistic conformation. and his conformation is way better than whatever schleich has been up to

Splash16 wrote:

That horse is gorgeous

Thanks guys! Yeah, when i discovered CollectA, it didn't take me long to get hooked on it as well. What happened was my local Orscheln's was carrying a line of Schleich, so i got hooked on it, and then they switched from Schleich to CollectA, so that got me going on them. They do now have a few Schleich again, as well as other Breyer horses, but most of the individual models they carry are the Breyer/CollectA ones. Although i'm a bit frustrated because all they do is restock the exact same models over and every Orscheln's store i've been too its the same exact ones. I wish they'd get some new ones! I never have seen the Tinker Stallion, though they had the mare and foal. I had to order him from Ebay!
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Bump up so this doesn't get deleted
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collecta's are really cool. i have 4 now tough they are pretty hard to find here in the netherlands. more do able than breyers but still not the easiest. only thing i really don't like is the way the stummach bends in at the shoulders
wild horse stables
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Yeah i've noticed that about the stomach too...never knew if that had to do with conformation attempts, or if it was just the sculptor's style. But i still love themdefault smiley :) I'm really sorry that it is so hard to find these figures in the Netherlands!default smiley :'(
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I've been eyeing up that CollectA for a while, and he looks amazing! Well done for getting him!

In the UK, getting Breyer is easier than CollectA. I can at least price compare with several online stores, but CollectA is only sold by one online shop... There may be more, but I am yet to find them. Currently ordering through one that does free delivery over £40. Schleich and Papo are quite easy to find though in stores.

I agree with the conformation, shoulders seem to be overly narrow for CollectA, even with the narrower breeds. Still like their designs and styles though!
horses rock623
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He's definitely worth getting in my humble opiniondefault smiley :) I don't think i have ever come across the Papo brand in a brick and mortar store, but i don't have much store selection. Haven't really looked at them online either. I probably shouldn't...the last thing i need is the temptation to collect another series ha ha!default smiley xd

I did take a little trip today, and got some new goodies! Again with the big pics.default smiley :$

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I finally came across some of the new Schleichs put out this year!

I got the new Sow and Piglet!

I also got the Lop Eared Rabbit.

I got the Jack Russell Terrier, which might have come out last year...? Not sure. Also might be a duplicate, but i haven't found the other yet if it is.

Next is the new Ram.

And the new Beaver.

I also got a couple horses! I got the Belgian Draft Horse.

And the Oldenburger Mare.

That's it for the Schleich, but i also got a Breyer! Its Voyeur, the champion show jumper!

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I personally collect both Schleich and CollectA, both of which I usually buy on ebay. <3 Will try and get some photos once I've cleaned up my room.
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I am so happy to report that my magazines came in yesterday.

i always love the magazines they do most of the foals so welll.

wild horse stables
  • Posted messages: 195
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Ooh those are cool I didn't even know the magazines were a thing
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Those are so cute, i love them!default smiley (l)

Oathkeeper wrote:

I personally collect both Schleich and CollectA, both of which I usually buy on ebay. <3 Will try and get some photos once I've cleaned up my room.

Ooh i look forward to it!default smiley :d
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Wow, that's a lot of foals! They all look awesome, though.
Mia Kabance
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Got this handsome boy in the mail today!default smiley (7)

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Its Breyer's Harley, the Sugarbush Draft! I'd love to see one of these big beauties in person!default smiley (l)

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She's so pretty!
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I meant he's default smiley xd
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Thank you! He's a real horse and would be so stunning and large as life in person!default smiley ^)
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Hey guysdefault smiley :) I got the second installment of the 2022 Breyers Stablemates club today!

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Its Phineas! He is listed as a Shagya Arabian with a Rose Star Dapple Grey coat.

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Hey how's everyone been doing lately?
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By Retired breeder, 30th April 2022 23:21:55
I’m so good! Finals are wrapping up and I’m about to head to the UK. How are you?
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