
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Famousamos wrote:

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I have mainly horses... A few cows, and zebra... I'll have to get some photos together of them default smiley :)
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Retired breeder wrote:


I collect Schleich too! Which model is your favourite?

My favourite models are the old camargue mare from 2005, the grey riding pony and the new camargue mare from 2011.

I have a schleich instagram too! I'm @lordschleich and i love to take pictures from my models default smiley ^)

I bought the dartmoor mare 2018 some weeks ago and i ordered the quarter mare yesterday default smiley :)

I don't think i could pick a favorite, though i'm slightly partial to the big animals like elephants, and i like the antelope breeds cause of the horns. I also really like the horses, so man, i just can't pick ha ha. Congrats on your newly, or soon to be, acquired models!

Retired breeder wrote:

I am so happy default smiley :d cus i am going to get some more schleich in a few weeks mabye sooner. Hope its sooner though! default smiley :d XD

I know that feeling, congrats! Hope you get them soon! I'm waiting on some myself.
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PurpleEquines wrote:

I have mainly horses... A few cows, and zebra... I'll have to get some photos together of them

I can't wait to see them if you do! I love collecting the cows, and there is a new zebra and foal this year!
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By Retired breeder, 2nd April 2018 23:48:10
I have tons, Still going too default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2018 01:08:26
I have tons, Still going to default smiley (lol)[/quote] Same I have seen schiech photos of schliech houses!
Retired breeder wrote:

Same I have seen schiech photos of schliech houses

What do you mean by a schleich house? Like a model Schleich house, or a real house decked out in Schleich? Cause either one would be cool lol.
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2018 01:11:44
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2018 20:11:19
I collect Schleich horses. I want to get some stables and tack for them; I've got I think nearly 30 or so horses by now.

I used to have some other Schleich animals too, mostly tigers, lions, a couple of bears (oh my!) and some dogs.

I also name my horses (doesn't everybody?).
By Retired breeder, 5th April 2018 20:12:00
Oh and I have a zebra foal soon will get the mother.
Retired breeder wrote:

I collect Schleich horses. I want to get some stables and tack for them; I've got I think nearly 30 or so horses by now.

I used to have some other Schleich animals too, mostly tigers, lions, a couple of bears (oh my!) and some dogs.

I also name my horses (doesn't everybody?).

I admit that i don't name them lol...i just couldn't remember them all!

I just got some newbies in...all from this years release. I got the Braunvieh Cow, the Yorkshire Terrier, Arctic Wolf Cub, Arctic Fox, Lion, and Lion Cub. I don't have time to post the pictures of all of them, but here's the cow!

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By the way, does anyone know how to pronounce the breed of cow i mentioned in my last post, the Braunvieh? I am guessing its something like Brawnvayah but that's purely a guess lol.
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I was sad to find out that apparently, all Orscheln's are gonna discontinue carrying Schleich...bummer. Oh well they always had old models that i already had. Didn't get new ones often enough. Now i'll have to pay close attention at the new Tractor Supply a couple towns overdefault smiley :)
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I am probally going to get some new schleich today at a close store where they sell schleich I hope that they have some old models because they dont really have old models The oldest model that I remember was there was the pinto shetland from 2004 it was the last model that was for sale and I didnt had it so I bought it that was mayby 3 years ago
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I got the Labrador retriever female today its from 2015 or 2016
and I got the dalmatian male today and its from 2015 or 2016 I just dont know the date anymoredefault smiley :$
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Congrats! I love Dalmatians as I had one as a child and she was great!
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By Retired breeder, 14th April 2018 20:05:19
I have lots of those toys! Like 15 horses and counting. I also have two dogs, two baby cows, and a north- pole Wolf.
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2018 20:09:13
I so want the Thoroughbred set!
Retired breeder wrote:

I have lots of those toys! Like 15 horses and counting. I also have two dogs, two baby cows, and a north- pole Wolf.

You mean the arctic wolf? I have one of thosedefault smiley :) and i just got the new this year arctic wolf pup.
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By Retired breeder, 14th April 2018 22:24:51
Yes, the Arctic wolf. But it's the old one
By Retired breeder, 14th April 2018 22:25:38
Can I post y'all pictures of them?
Retired breeder wrote:

Can I post y'all pictures of them?

Yes please! I only knew of one arctic wolf, but i've only been collecting for like five years, give or take.
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By Retired breeder, 16th April 2018 02:13:24
default smiley (y)I'll try!default smiley (lol)
Awesomedefault smiley :) Can't wait to see them if you are able to!
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By Retired breeder, 16th April 2018 20:50:11
Do any of y'all have either of these? I've been dying for this horse and this mare and foal set default smiley (7)

By Retired breeder, 17th April 2018 02:17:35
The Black one is retired, I think
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