The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2018 20:37:47
Although my first ever was Dances, Today I rode my first Haflinger named Mickey!
By Retired breeder, 7th April 2018 20:38:29
Although my first ever was Dances, today I rode my first Haflinger named Mickey!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2018 12:05:03
The first actual horse I rode was a quarter horse mare named Windy, but I rode 2 ponies before her. Their names were Shadow and Whiskey. (Hence the username)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2018 23:46:58
The first horse I rode was named Candy, and I rode her when I was 3default smiley ^)
First horse I ever rode was my Mom's Registered Arabian mare
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Her name is Holly
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2018 15:57:36
Myggan (Swedish for mosquito)
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2018 14:18:46
Mine was a fleabitten gray named Gypsy
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2018 04:09:49
My first ride (well i was a toddler, i just sat on the horse lol) was when i was just one year old on a shetland pony called Whiskers. And my first proper ride (where i started learning how to trot) was when i was 3 years old on another shetland pony called Tango, i started mastering the rhythm right when i was 4.5 years old. And my first canter was when i was 5 and on a small horse called Benjenmen (lol not Benjamin, Benjenmen is his correctly spelt name lol)
And these ones were the only ones i rode till i was 8 where i finally got to ride a huge horse called Merlin and he was recently fully trained at the time so he was kinda spooky and i got my first fall from him.
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2018 03:15:16
default smiley (y)I think I've ridden 2 horses in my life. The first horse I don't really remember, but the most recent horse was a bay gelding named Stretchdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2018 03:16:07
I'm almost 13, and the last time I rode, I was 8
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2018 03:17:16
default smiley :pdefault smiley (y)Hopefully I'll ride again, soon!default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2018 09:46:15
The first horse I rode was called Ants, if I remember right!
I don't remember the name of the very first horse I rode, 'cause I was not that old.
But the first one that I remember was a little Shetland named Prins
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Black arabian gelding, not sure how old I was at the time, younger than ten however.
His name was Pepper, I miss that beautiful boy.

Carrot, you will ride again, trust me. I didn't ride for eleven years and then bought two of my own.
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By Retired breeder, 19th April 2018 22:10:06
I sure hope so!!!!!
By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2018 05:09:19
Hey guys! Guess what! I'm so excited! I read a book about a girl who wants a horse, and finally got one. In the book, she worked at a riding stable in exchange for lessons. Well, guess what! I talked to my mom about it and she said I can do that if I can find a stable! Now I just need to make some phone callsdefault smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2018 05:10:30
You we're right, Nickelback, I WILL ride again!
By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2018 13:56:00
The first horse I ever rode was a stubborn quarter horse gelding. He was chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail and he had a wide blaze, and three white hooves. His name was Dee. I haven't seen him in forever.: '(
By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2018 14:13:55
The first horse I ever rode was a Bay Quarter Horse Mare named Sophie. Crazy as it is my sister leases a different horse named Sophie. lol. I now ride a black Welsh Cob gelding named Webster. I used to ride a 12.2 hand Caspian Horse mare named Rosie.
By Retired breeder, 23rd April 2018 03:10:59
The firse horse I rode was 13 hands and almost bombproof she was called Dolly, but before that I rode several shetland ponies. I can't remember all of their names; I was only 4, default smiley :p but my fav one was called Cinnamon. default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 26th April 2018 03:58:08
I've ridden shetland ponies when I was REALLY little, back in parades and baby animal days but when I was probably 10 years old I remember getting to ride and guide this horse around all by myself for the first time...

~His name was Freckles. He was a 22 year old bay leopard appaloosa (by leopard, I mean it almost made him look fleabitten- but not quite). He was so fun! I would let him graze while I rode, which where I was riding at you weren't supposed to allow the horse to do that, but I let him anyways. I only got to walk him around...

~The first horse I ever trotted, cantered, went on fast-paced trail rides was a (then) 22 year old black arabian named Toshaa. Ah, she was the sweetest horse ever! Not very thick, but wiry and fast. She gave me my confidence and my initial trust in horses. I loved her so much. She unfortunately packed up and moved with her owner and her herd several years ago...

~The first horse I ever truly fell in love with was another Egyptian Arabian, his name was Shai. He wasn't exactly rideable because he hadn't been trained in forever, and I was a beginner at the time. Even though I never really rode him around he and I clicked very well. He was a young bay arab with a faint star..

~Some other VERY important horses in my life are: Fajah, Chammy (Rest In Peace), Cooper, Indy, TWISTERdefault smiley (l), Hank, Sean, and finally to the horse that I ride and love now... Hadeya.

Sorry its very long. If you want a complete story on all the horses in my life go to my forum!
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2018 22:26:26
The first horse I ever remember riding was a horse named Hank. He was my sweetie until we moved. The first horse I ever considered to be my best friend was a red chestnut gelding named Matt. He passed away last March or the March previous to that.
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2018 11:28:19
A little Shetland pony called Wombledefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2018 21:17:46
The first one I can remember was a cranky pinto named Art. The first one that I took lessons on was a beautiful male horse named Curly. default smiley (l) He had a palomino coat and a curly mane and tail. He used to be a parade horse, so he was perfectly fine with loud noises and is the calmest horse I know. He was abandoned because he went blind in one eye. Then he was rescued by my riding stable. Unfortunately, I moved across the country. I miss him so much. default smiley :'(
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