
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:06:42
I really wish I had a schliech YouTube account! My sister is like "why?" And I'm like "cause it would be fun and it's awesome!" And then I think, 'have you seen second chance stables!!' But I'm to chicken to ask my mom because I know she'd say no and ask why and be like "so you want one because everyone else has one?" And then we would probably argue. Or she would say ill talk about it to your dad. Then forget to get back to me for like a month, or me my mom and dad would talk about it that night and it would still be a no!default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:08:56
Sorry jealous of Miller's account and stuff.
By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:09:36
I meant jlmillers not Miller's. Auto corect
I do!
ten letters, I hate this rule
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Sorry late post, that's to someone asking if anyone likes the dressage riders double rein
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Just call me jl or miller if you want
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:23:36
Retired breeder wrote:

I really wish I had a schliech YouTube account! My sister is like "why?" And I'm like "cause it would be fun and it's awesome!" And then I think, 'have you seen second chance stables!!' But I'm to chicken to ask my mom because I know she'd say no and ask why and be like "so you want one because everyone else has one?" And then we would probably argue. Or she would say ill talk about it to your dad. Then forget to get back to me for like a month, or me my mom and dad would talk about it that night and it would still be a no!default smiley :@

Oh, my gosh! Are we sisters!default smiley (lol)
If you have an email you can make a youtube account. To be honest I'm not showing my face or anything as I didn't get parent permission. ....don't tell! The websites I did though!
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:28:42
Wow! You are daring!!!
Well, I will never show my face, front or backyard [it might give wayyyyy to many clues to where I live] etc.
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:46:27
Ya, I have heard of poeple getting stalked. You should really tell your parents!
By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:52:15
^^^ya. No offence or anything like that, but that is NOT a good idea.
By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 03:57:08
Seriously, but, it is your opinion! Anyways! Who loves making saddles for their schleich!
I just asked and they said it was fine as long as I don't show my face an blah blah blah. Which I would never show my face or my outside of my house. My mom knows I would never give out too much info so she said it was okay.

I have not attempted to try a saddle yet. They look so hard to do.
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 04:01:17
I wish I could! I want to watch second chance stables video on how to do it. Why are we up this late? We should all be asleep. Especially me, I'm going to work with my dad tommarow, he pays me 5$ an hour to sort parts and stuff like that. (He's an electrician, and the co-boss and it's a family buisness)
If any of you have a gmail, you automatically get a YouTube account
I have one, but don't post, bc my parents won't let me.
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 04:02:10
Im not really as old as you think I am though
By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 04:03:54
It is only 9:00 were I live right now, I go to bed at eleven!default smiley :-x
jlmiller wrote:

I just asked and they said it was fine as long as I don't show my face an blah blah blah. Which I would never show my face or my outside of my house. My mom knows I would never give out too much info so she said it was okay.

I have not attempted to try a saddle yet. They look so hard to do.

Yeah, i try to avoid moving rooms if I shoot tutorials, and including the least amount of shown body parts. But sometimes I need to show my hands
My awful, chubby, pudgy, small, hands.
Lol, my friend calls me man hands because of my hands, not feminine at all
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 04:04:59
Wow it's 11 here
How old do you guys think I am? Just wondering...
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Retired breeder wrote:

Wow it's 11 here

Are you in New York?
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It's 10pm in wisconsin. I'm 13. Guessing your around 10-15
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By Retired breeder, 30th January 2015 04:07:50
No, i won't post my personal stuff here, like my state.
Most of my videos I won't even have my voice in them.
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