[Event] The Memory event


The Memory event is back with an equestrian theme!

🎮 How to play

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How to win?

Match all the tiles in pairs to clear the board.

Clear the board to win a prize and open the next game.

You must play every game once before you can replay any.

Earning the Jackpot:
Match pairs in all 25 games to win 3 Heracles Horseshoes!

How to win lives

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If you run out of lives, you can't play.

Get more lives by:

Logging in daily. Come back 5 days straight for extra lives!

Finding special life pairs in some games.

Using Passes to buy lives.

Using Jokers

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Jokers help you find pairs easier. You get one free joker every day for one us and you can also use Equus or Passes for more help.

There are three types of jokers:

Reminder: Shows 1 to 5 tiles you've seen before in the game.

Family Ties: Shows all tiles from the same group for the level.

Crystal Ball: Shows 3 new tiles you haven't seen yet.

🏆 Jackpots

🎁 3 Heracles


Turn your horse into a champion of Gallop Racing with this new item: the Heracles' Horseshoe Gallop race.

Provide a competition bonus that matches your horse's profile.

Your horse can wear only one variation of the Heracles Horseshoe at a time.

🎁 New divine horse

A new divine horse from the Fire series: Sparks!

Throughout the contest, you can find fragments of the new divine horse Sparks in Tyche's Crowns.

Provide wood to maintain its flame and avoid giving water to prevent extinguishing it. Once the flame is large enough, it offers a Hera’s Lily.
You can increase her skills by using your Passes.

📱 Mobile version

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The mobile version will be available for this contest.

To avoid compatibility issues, we recommend you play on the mobile version (if you want to play on a mobile device).

Have fun playing the Memory event!

The Howrse Team

The event will end at 16:00 on Monday, May 6, 2024 CET.
  • Posted messages: 887
  • Karma: 10 points
Just want to say that I don't like being forced to use your free joker in the tutorial. If they want to let you know how to use it then they should give you another one for the. I know this happens every time a new promo starts but.....default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 1,411
  • Karma: 10 points
sofizzy wrote:

Just want to say that I don't like being forced to use your free joker in the tutorial. If they want to let you know how to use it then they should give you another one for the. I know this happens every time a new promo starts but.....default smiley :@

They do give you a second free one today that you can save for a later level depending on how far you can go. They force you to use the Reminder joker, but the crystal ball one can be used when you want.
  • Posted messages: 13,094
  • Karma: 10 points
Rogin, I just realized that when I went over to play on the US version. My bad. Should have waited until I woke up a bit moredefault smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 1,411
  • Karma: 10 points
Got to level 5 today
I will not be spending passes so will wait until tomorrow to go forward
  • Posted messages: 556
  • Karma: 10 points
I've made it to Level 5 on UK but somehow I'm only barely on Level 4 here default smiley xd
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,945
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm a little confused on what the horseshoe is supposed to do. It 'matches your horse's profile" does that mean the bonus changes based on your horse? Or is it just supposed to be beneficial to Gallop races?
  • Posted messages: 29,186
  • Karma: 10 points
It means "give your horse a bonus specific for the competition he's best at". These are specific for gallop default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,739
  • Karma: 10 points
Average prizes, average looking event.. I’ll be stocking up this time and not spending passes.
  • Posted messages: 471
  • Karma: 10 points
Are we able to start over and win prizes again if we finish early? I know they've done that in the past, but it doesn't mention it here.
Jade Heart
  • Posted messages: 204
  • Karma: 10 points
Once you're done you're done. At least, that's how it was default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,739
  • Karma: 10 points
Does the divine seriously cost 2700p? For what? Reused art and a Hera's Lily? They can't be serious.
  • Posted messages: 5,263
  • Karma: 10 points
I really wish they would stop forcing us to undertake the tutorial. Mostly everyone here knows how to play the Memory game; please stop treating us all like first graders. default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 1,731
  • Karma: 10 points
Not interested in grand prize, so I'll hurry go as I go, nice to have an event you don't really have to work for, and can relax, I guess
  • Posted messages: 129
  • Karma: 10 points
Just* not hurry, excuse my autocorrect
  • Posted messages: 129
  • Karma: 10 points
Jade Heart wrote:

Are we able to start over and win prizes again if we finish early? I know they've done that in the past, but it doesn't mention it here.

You can replay any level but you can’t get the main prize for that level again.
  • Posted messages: 13,094
  • Karma: 10 points
My notepad screaming in joy right now knowing I'm going to take it out and blow the dust off it for it's once-a-year memory event service. default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 12,196
  • Karma: 10 points
StarLegacy wrote:

I really wish they would stop forcing us to undertake the tutorial. Mostly everyone here knows how to play the Memory game; please stop treating us all like first graders. default smiley :@

There are many new players that don't know how to play the game; while it may be annoying for us to have to take a minute or two to go through the tutorial, it is invaluable for others. If there weren't tutorials you can bet your spurs people would be upset, because... they don't know how to play the game, and they just got here, and they think they messed up already, and how is this even supposed to work?
default smiley :o

What I really wish is for the crystal ball joker to not always reveal full pairs - once in a while I'd forgive it since that would happen randomly on occasion. But every time just makes me angry because I know they know they are "cheating" me out of a pair - the ball is supposed to show three tiles but if they were three random tiles (like I think they used to be?) I would essentially get three free pairs. If you show a pair then you only get two.
  • Posted messages: 935
  • Karma: 10 points
Yesterday it said next free joker in 13 something hours but now it says 23 hours?

Did I misread yesterday? or has this happened to anyone else
  • Posted messages: 556
  • Karma: 10 points
Screenshots i took notes in the past i wrote them down by roles but i think they stay up longer this time. To take notes just come up with unicorn, zebra etc
  • Posted messages: 1,094
  • Karma: 10 points
Right now Im trying to figure out how much lives cost so i can get more fragments for pretty sparks
  • Posted messages: 1,094
  • Karma: 10 points
i'm on 7. used the family ties and found the blue tile pairs. and then uncovered the first 2 tiles.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,589
  • Karma: 10 points
I am on level 7 and got to Waite for more lives.

A like the new squares. But miss the collection we had to get in the past to earn extra lives. Bring that back please.
  • Posted messages: 1,774
  • Karma: 10 points
Grand Prize is kinda cool... if TBs weren't one of the fastest bred horses in the game, making you swap them out alot more often than the others in the Prix to get a good ranking
  • Posted messages: 159
  • Karma: 10 points
On this server yes, they change very rapidly. Not on other servers. And that's okay. We'll probably get more benefits from the Trot or Barrel ones, I think default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,739
  • Karma: 10 points
I like this event as it's one I happen to be quite good at. default smiley :)
Captain Canada
  • Posted messages: 5,623
  • Karma: 10 points