[Event] The Memory event


The Memory event is back with an equestrian theme!

🎮 How to play

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How to win?

Match all the tiles in pairs to clear the board.

Clear the board to win a prize and open the next game.

You must play every game once before you can replay any.

Earning the Jackpot:
Match pairs in all 25 games to win 3 Heracles Horseshoes!

How to win lives

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If you run out of lives, you can't play.

Get more lives by:

Logging in daily. Come back 5 days straight for extra lives!

Finding special life pairs in some games.

Using Passes to buy lives.

Using Jokers

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Jokers help you find pairs easier. You get one free joker every day for one us and you can also use Equus or Passes for more help.

There are three types of jokers:

Reminder: Shows 1 to 5 tiles you've seen before in the game.

Family Ties: Shows all tiles from the same group for the level.

Crystal Ball: Shows 3 new tiles you haven't seen yet.

🏆 Jackpots

🎁 3 Heracles


Turn your horse into a champion of Gallop Racing with this new item: the Heracles' Horseshoe Gallop race.

Provide a competition bonus that matches your horse's profile.

Your horse can wear only one variation of the Heracles Horseshoe at a time.

🎁 New divine horse

A new divine horse from the Fire series: Sparks!

Throughout the contest, you can find fragments of the new divine horse Sparks in Tyche's Crowns.

Provide wood to maintain its flame and avoid giving water to prevent extinguishing it. Once the flame is large enough, it offers a Hera’s Lily.
You can increase her skills by using your Passes.

📱 Mobile version

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The mobile version will be available for this contest.

To avoid compatibility issues, we recommend you play on the mobile version (if you want to play on a mobile device).

Have fun playing the Memory event!

The Howrse Team

The event will end at 16:00 on Monday, May 6, 2024 CET.
  • Posted messages: 907
  • Karma: 10 points
Its easier than before they flip over longer especially family ties last to end of game.
  • Posted messages: 1,187
  • Karma: 10 points
I still don't understand exactly what the horseshoe does. Does it only specifically give the bonuses as shown on the item of you click on it? What if I put it on a Selle for example? The description is just too vague.
  • Posted messages: 781
  • Karma: 10 points
Emerald01 wrote:

I still don't understand exactly what the horseshoe does. Does it only specifically give the bonuses as shown on the item of you click on it? What if I put it on a Selle for example? The description is just too vague.
Yes, it gives the bonuses shown.

It's basically a series of items similar to the Falabella bonus. Each applies a bonus to the skills used in the competition type noted in the name. This one adds to speed, dressage and gallop because it's the "Gallop" horseshoe
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,084
  • Karma: 10 points
My favorite event is back! The prizes are however a serious downgrade from the last run though... We had a new unicorn breed if I remembered correctly, and was it also Archimedes as the grand prize some years back?
  • Posted messages: 682
  • Karma: 10 points
I am on map 10. I hope this is on track.
  • Posted messages: 1,780
  • Karma: 10 points
i just started 10. flipped the first 2.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,681
  • Karma: 10 points
I am also on 10, and with some luck, managed to clear half of the board
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
on level 13, no passes used default smiley :)
Winx Ⓜ️
  • Posted messages: 149
  • Karma: 10 points
Finished level 12, three hearts left.
Not worried if I don't finish though because the grand prize is very meh.
  • Posted messages: 2,671
  • Karma: 10 points
On NL server, thing are going just fine, gonna finish level 13 there tomorrow with no problem at all.

INT server: bit behind, I have 7 different tiles open on level 12. I hope I'll finish it tomorrow with no trouble, so I can use the free joker on 13 before starting that level.
I'm just a bit more lucky on NL this time default smiley :)

On both servers no hearts left at this moment.

As always, using a large piece of paper with squares on it, in which I doodle what I find. You'd laugh out loud if you saw it default smiley (lol) but it works fine!
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
SusanG wrote:

A like the new squares. But miss the collection we had to get in the past to earn extra lives. Bring that back please.

I agree on that!
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
Veren wrote:

What I really wish is for the crystal ball joker to not always reveal full pairs - once in a while I'd forgive it since that would happen randomly on occasion. But every time just makes me angry because I know they know they are "cheating" me out of a pair - the ball is supposed to show three tiles but if they were three random tiles (like I think they used to be?) I would essentially get three free pairs. If you show a pair then you only get two.

I got 3 different ones with my crystal ball just 5 minutes ago, and yesterday too. It's just random I guess, and yes often there is a pair among the revealed tiles but not always. You were just not very lucky with them so far...
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
Ravenknight wrote:

Its easier than before they flip over longer especially family ties last to end of game.

My crystal ball tiles did not last until the next day, a few days ago. So I was happy I had taken notes!
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
I am so tired of having to go through a tutorial for every single event. Why can't it be optional?! We get the same events every week!
Longest Ride
  • Posted messages: 746
  • Karma: 10 points
Lvl 12 with 5 hearts waiting... the prizes are pretty nice for this event, although I'm sad there is no new unicorn breed, usually that's what the memory events bring :')
  • Posted messages: 12,285
  • Karma: 10 points
Level 13 is a lot of work for an Aging point prize.
  • Posted messages: 1,309
  • Karma: 10 points
Just wondering if you can start over once you finish. Can you do all the levels again and get another horseshoe? Thanks if anyone knows the answer to this:
  • Posted messages: 424
  • Karma: 10 points
just finished level 12 default smiley (l) no more lives remain - i do really enjoy this event. I use a notepad to draw out the graph and write down the cards i flip and what's on them. it's total chicken scratch but It really helps lol
  • Posted messages: 250
  • Karma: 10 points
I have just barely started 14. This event feels a bit dull compared to some of the others, but prizes are prizes
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Petsrok wrote:

Just wondering if you can start over once you finish. Can you do all the levels again and get another horseshoe? Thanks if anyone knows the answer to this:

You can replay the levels and get the small prizes offered in the cards (tack, bonus items etc) but you can't get multiple horseshoes. Well, you get 3 for finishing but you can't get 6.
  • Posted messages: 29,274
  • Karma: 10 points
I was camping over the weekend and managed to collect hearts each day, but I didn't play the puzzles or use my Jokers. I am ready to start puzzle #14 tomorrow. How is everyone doing compared to me?

And yes, I miss getting extra lives for finishing collections. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 643
  • Karma: 10 points
I'll be starting level 15 tomorrow with two lives left.
  • Posted messages: 2,671
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm about 1/3 of the way through level 15 with no lives left. I was travelling over the weekend and missed a couple bonuses, but it was nice having all the hearts stacked up from passively building up those daily hearts (from logging in on the app).

I do wish we got more lives daily or had other opportunities to get them, but so far enjoying this event. I'm actually pleasantly surprised to be enjoying the prizes we get through free play!
  • Posted messages: 161
  • Karma: 10 points
I never start boards unless I have enough hearts to finish (half the number of tiles, minus a couple based on size) or to do the family ties if I get that joker free, because I don't like to use cheat sheets until I'm having to remember 20+ tiles. I've only made three mistakes so far but I don't really care for the main prize so no stress there.

I've got two lives left and have finished 14 so I think that's pretty average compared to other people, right on track.

I also miss the collections - not that it was all that exciting but you could see all the different tiles and what you needed to get and then you got a little heart bonus.
  • Posted messages: 943
  • Karma: 10 points
Level 16, no passes spent default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 9,591
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