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  • Posted messages: 12,329
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superauri wrote:

Also wondering for the heavy trophy collectors perspective (top100) what they feel about the price of divines and if you think its fair

A little late to the party because my week has been busy and I didn't have time to write this earlier, but I am currently #84 in trophies. Personally, I have essentially stopped trying for the divines because their prices have become absurd. Because of the pricing, there are only 10 more divines that I *ever* plan to get on this game and they are Greyfells 3,5,& 10, Shenma, Hrímfaxi, and the remaining 5 rainbows that I don't have. Other that that, I have turned my trophy collecting towards companions, GAs, and RCs, because I know I won't be wasting loads of passes on a futile effort to get a divine that won't pay me back within my lifetime.

To start, the prices of divines has most definitely gone up, and the likelihood you will get divines in luck items has gone way down. If we're being honest, I remember back in 2014 I got Venus for 20 old passes in a Challenge (2000 new passes). Meaning that it took me 3 1/2 years to start making a profit off of her. She has the same drop rate as Saturn, plus you get Uranus when you breed her. It was shocking to learn that many people were having to spend around 20,000 passes to get Saturn. Additionally, I remember in 2014 I got Jade who has arguably the best pass drop rate in the entire game for 16 passes in a Challenge. 16. For Jade. It took me a year to earn that back. Then, about a year ago people were spending 10x that amount to get him. I could continue on with this for while, telling you how little each of my 60 divines that I got before 2018 cost to emphasize how much the prices have skyrocketed, but it would just make me really sad.

However, I think the biggest loss so far is the introduction of divine fragments. At first, the idea was great, and the mechanics were good. I got a few of my divines by filling up the meter in the Challenge and GF back when they would give 60ish fragments each time you lost; but there has definitely been a change in how many fragments you get. Additionally, we are now loosing out on so many BMIs in the events because they have been replaced with fragments. I used to be able to get enough BMI for a free Prix skiller in 1 or 2 events, but now it takes like 5 or 10. Also, having the divines at the end of the event would *guarantee* that you would get a divine for a set number of passes. You could do the math and calculate the number of passes it would take to get a specific divine. I remember 14-year-old me sitting down and calculating how many passes it would take to get Gullfaxi from the pinatas. It was 15 passes, so I went for it and I got him. Additionally, if you were really strategic about the event, you could lower the price of the divine by quite a bit. Nowadays with the event Divine always in a luck item, you can't even begin to estimate an accurate price of how much it will take to buy the divine. You may be opening 5 luck items or 200.

Overall, as a person who used to go for nearly every divine, I am incredibly disappointed. The prices have gotten insane, and the rewards have stayed the same, and in some cases, gotten worse. Getting a divine in at this time will not make you profit. They are almost entirely for the trophies, and at this point, they aren't even worth that.

I would love to see this changed. The divine fragments are, in theory, a really good idea, but the overall greed for money needs to stop. I understand that Howrse needs to earn money to keep the game running. However, they need to realize that at some point people are not going to buy passes, because the divines just aren't be worth the money. They need to find their healthy balance between giving out divines to encourage people to try, and making it hard enough that people will buy some passes. But right now, the balance between the two is *very* off.
  • Posted messages: 6,745
  • Karma: 10 points
I do not find the pricing fair any more on the divines I would much prefer just to buy the thing than having to open 20 to 50 items hoping it will show up and having no way of knowing what it will actually end up costing.

Regarding the loot boxes (our luck items) I believe in the Netherlands it's illegal to have this type of item in a game that is aimed at children and it is on the list of rules that EU at some point are going to take up (it might have gone to the back of the queue with the recent climate in the world) but it has been debated before and it will be debated again whatever any type of luck or gambling based items should be legal in a game that is aimed at children.

I know Fortnight has been forced to remove some of their luck chests because they were having actual issues with children becoming addicted to opening them.

I don't remember if the item is still there but I think there is some rules regarding it today.

But it might become an EU law that a game that is aimed at anyone under 18 may not contain any type of luck-based/gambling items.

If anyone knows if this is actually a rule in the Netherlands and how the Netherlands server deals with that (if there is one?) I am curious to know the answer.

And the final note to you Howrse there is a real possibility that it does become law in the future in the EU and maybe in America as well that luck gambling based items are illegal in games aimed at children, so you might want to think about alternatives. Before it suddenly becomes a law.
  • Posted messages: 1,654
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^ I'm also in the top 100 for trophies and I think the divine prices have been absolutely absurd. The solars in particular, which I've voiced multiple times. I want to finish as many divine trophies as possible since I was not actively playing back when they were originally released. Of course, the remaining trophies I'm pressed on getting include the pet trophy, whereas I need the ladybug, the darumas/pinata pets, various wandering spirit coats, and divines. The divine trophy dream has become just what it has been, a dream, because there's no way I can complete the trophies with my current budget; which is already a lot. I earn roughly 700-1000 passes per week via gemstones, dailies, objectives, and team payouts, but I still find myself having to buy passes on occasions despite saving everything for the weekend promos.

I feel like hardcore players such as myself are ignored and rarely listened to when it comes to actual complaints and constructive criticism that we've given the past few weeks. We fund the game, so why not try to appease us in even the slightest way possible, which can include adjusting fragment payouts or an alteration to the RNG of Titans and Fleeces. Of course divines can't be totally free.. but we shouldn't have to spend 5000-15000 passes per weekend on one divine. Again, as I've said before many times, I'd be much more inclined to buy passes if the odds were evened out. As would many others.

But I do feel like after the huge backlash from Saturn prices that something will be done. However I will remain skeptical until the next Solar divine comes out.

Perhaps the newly appointed Ow will turn a new leaf and help give the players what we've been asking for for years - fairness and balance. I have some hope after seeing the re-vamp of the piñata promo we just had, with adjusting the prizes. But I won't believe it until I see it.
  • Posted messages: 3,122
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I never really focused on trophies, but on my last account I was in the top 100 for general ranking, before I chose to pull the plug on it because I became obsessed with keeping my ranking, so I feel that I should give my views.

I personally feel that pricing has become way too much, and I say this as someone that can spare about 20-30 £ each week and tends to act on it. Howrse got me through high school and many other hard points in my life, so I want to support it now that I am in a position to do so, but it is starting to become really hard to justify it.

At one point that 20-30 would have been able to get me the majority of weekend divine even if I had to max the meter, but now that 20-30 might not even get me a quarter of the way through the meter. What happened? Why are we being expected to dump about 4 times the amount in to get the same thing? It's a pixel at the end of the day, a luxury item, so it shouldn't risk breaking the bank.

I am one of those that liked the concept of the divine fragments, I remember dumping around 35 fleeces worth to get Jade and having barely anything to show for it as we didn't have them back then, so it was either you got the divine or you didn't, not the divine or you got to keep some fragments.

However, with how much promos seem to lean towards them I have started to dislike them, especially when you can still be expected to dump 2000-3400 passes to max out the rest if you don't get lucky. At one point 2000ish passes would have finished the promo, plus gotten you many nice prizes, but now it's mostly half fragments, half prizes, with only a few decent prizes in the most.

Again, I wish to support Howrse, it has brought me over a decade of joy, but it might come to the point where I decide to spend that money elsewhere as the cost doesn't justify the amount I can come out with.
  • Posted messages: 10,182
  • Karma: 10 points
One thing Im noticing in the Titans Challenges this weekend is that the difficulty has been skewed somehow. Last weekend I got to level 6 over and over again but could never reach level 7 for Saturn, this weekend I have hit level 5 multiple times in a row, but cant get to level 6. Im so overly frustrated at this point, hows everyone else doing?
  • Posted messages: 798
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By Retired breeder, 15th August 2020 06:03:55
Does anybody know if there are events like these every weekend? I'm going to have to save up TC and HoPs if there is.
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anybody know if there are events like these every weekend? I'm going to have to save up TC and HoPs if there is.

Yes. There are divine promotions every weekend. Some weekends don't have divines in all luck items though. Additionally, we usually don't know which divine/s are coming until the day before, so it can be very hard to predict when a certain divine will be released.
  • Posted messages: 6,745
  • Karma: 10 points
So, I went relic hunting with old images because I found, to my shock, that they hadn't been deleted yet (we're talking 2012 stuff, for the old old old Neptune event) and look what I found:

Click to display

And like, so far so good, because I thought, maybe they're this old relic (the gazelle WAS an event item along with the hippogriff companion)
HOWEVER, when I checked over the old hippogriff URL, it wasn't there anymore.

And lo and behold, by checking the pages of the companions... apparently they've been updated?
Gazelle page
Panda page

I love those bonuses, they're more powerful than the dragons (on the other hand, oh boy, already?)
So yes, this is what I found. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 16,739
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To be 100% clear,
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The hippogriff page hasn't been updated since 2012, the picture has been REMOVED (probably because now we have a divine hippogriff) and the companion page is very very messed up default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 16,739
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The divine:
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-Name: Kawaii
-Series: Japanese divines
-Item: N/A. The divine can only be won from the promo.
-Perk: Drops a magic hat
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-Drop rate: more or less once every 50 days
-Other drops:
--Equus in amounts (50, 100, 150, 200)
--Apple seeds in amounts (15, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45)
--assortment of 2** tack
--Oats in amounts (50, 100, 150)
--Flax in amounts (10, 15)
--APs in amounts (5, 10)

*there may be additional amounts of the above drops available, with the exception of 1× magic hate*

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--> At least 10-13mil equus in the direct flash sales (NB: prices in the direct flash sales fluctuate, therefore the above stated price may not be completely accurate.)
-->AT LEAST 1million equus in the auction flash sales
-->× amount of passes that is used to complete your card collection. Remember, the cards that you buy are random so whether you get the card that you are looking for is up to luck. Unless you buy and use a pack of jokers which costs 495 passes per pack for 3 jokers (with a silver and a bronze joker guaranteed). The normal pack of 4 cards costs 95 passes per pack with at least 2 bronze cards each and a diamond card guaranteed IF you don't find one after buying 5 packs.

I would like to thank teah for the information about the drop rate for the divine.

The event:
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-Try to collect all your daily cards every day. You can get 2 cards from logging in, 1 card from taking a horse on a ride and 1 card for winning a competition.

-If you log in for 5 days in a row, you get an extra card upon log in on the 5th day. If you miss a day, then you lose your log in streak and it is reset to day 1. If you want to get max. free cards from the promo, log in daily and do rides and comps with your horses.

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-You can trade 1 card per day.
Cost of trading cards:
-->Diamond cards cost 100 000eq to trade
-->Gold cards cost 50 000eq to trade.
-->Silver cards cost 20 000eq to trade.
-->Bronze cards cost 5 000eq to trade.

-Trade out each duplicate card that you get as you get them to complete your collections. You want to prevent the duplicates from piling up before you complete your collections (if you want to complete your collections). Because you are limited to 1 trade per day, it can be very difficult to switch out unwanted/useless duplicates towards the end of the event. So try to minimize the number of unwanted duplicate cards in your deck by trading them out as you get them. BUT, duplicates can also be used to complete collections multiple times so you need to be careful about which ones you trade.

-You lose the ability to trade cards of a certain rarity after you have collected all the cards from that rarity. Eg after you collect 1 of every bronze card in the event, you will no longer be able to trade bronze cards out for different bronze cards. This is because trading is supposed to be used to switch out cards that you already have for cards that you do not have. So if you already have all the possible cards for a certain rarity you will no longer be able to receive cards that you do not have. Hence, you will no longer be able to trade for them.

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-Validate all the cards that you don't have yet immediately, but keep your jokers until the last day. The jokers can be used as a stand-in card for another card in a collection (if you don't have a card in a certain collection and you want to complete a collection) or it can be used as a prize card. To get the most use out of your jokers, you may want to wait until the end of the event when you know what cards you have and don't have in your collections/prize pool.

-You can use a diamond joker to get yourself a divine named Etrian. Or you could use it to get yourself any other diamond collectable in the event.

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Card sales:
-(Taken directly from the "Get more cards!" page):
"Each pack contains 2 bronze cards (amongst which at least one of the cards you don't have yet) and2 rarer cards! If you open 5 packs without finding a diamond card, you're guaranteed to find one in the next pack.

Make the most of it, it's the moment to complete your collection!

Please note that if you already have all the bronze cards, it may be the case that a pack doesn't contain any cards you are missing."
NB: It costs 95 passes for 4 cards during this offer.

-Taken from the "Get more joker cards!" page:
NB: It costs 495 passes for a pack of 3 jokers.
". Each pack contains:

1 bronze joker card
1 silver joker card
1 uncommon joker card"

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-There are 2 ways to win the ultimate prize/divine:
1) You could complete all your collections to unlock it or
2) You could buy it in the flash sales. However, this will cost a TON of equus. (See further below)

-You can complete the same collection multiple times (and win the prize that the collection offers multiple times) if you gather each card in the collection multiple times. This means that your duplicate cards may come in handy if you have several duplicates in the same collection.

-You can complete the promo several times over and win the ultimate divine over and over again. E.g if you complete each collection twice, you can win 2×Kawaii.

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-This is a very expensive event. If you don't have a lot of equus/passes, you probably won't be able to complete the event unless your luck with your daily cards (especially towards the end of the event) is exceptional and you don't have to waste equus/passes trading your cards out/buying card packs in attempt to get cards that you don't have yet.

-If you don't have much equus, then try to avoid participating in the flash sales. It would probably be better for you to save your equus for trading your cards later in the promo because then at least you'll get a card that you don't have. If you use your equus in the flash sales, then the card that you bought may end up being a card that you already have and you may not have enough equus to trade it out for something that could potentially be better.

The flash sales:
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-Try to gather as much equus as possible to spend in the flash sales (..if you are going to participate in the flash sales). Everything in the flash sales is very expensive.

-The flash sales can also be very frustrating if you buy the wrong card. REMEMBER: you can only buy 1 card per sale every 2 days, so you need to make sure that when you click bid/buy, you are clicking on the card that you actually want. Not the card that's under/above it.

-If you're going to participate in the flash sales, then try to get a fast and stable internet connection beforehand. The last thing you want to do is to bid on a card that you want and then click refresh, only to find that you have already been outbid and have lost the auction due to slow internet connection. Or to see a diamond card in the direct flash sales but then have it disappear so quickly that you didn't even see it appear on the list of cards to buy because someone else has a better connection and bought the card before you even had the chance to do so. Fast internet connection is a must-have if you want to participate in the flash sales.

-Every time you buy a card from the flash sales, you partially fill the meter at the top of your screen. (I'm referring to the meter on the flash sales page.) The fraction by which you fill the meter increases with the rarity of the card that you bought (bronze cards fill the meter a bit, silver cards fill the meter more than bronze cards, gold more than silver and diamond more than gold. Oh yes, and buying Kawaii from the sales fills you meter more than diamond cards.) If you reach the given marks on the meter, you can unlock jokers of each card rarity in ascending order. Once unlocked, you can then purchase the jokers with equus whenever you want (if you want to do so). [spoiler][/spoiler]

Card and divine prices in flash sales:
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In the direct sales:
-Kawaii costs 10-13 mil eq.
-Diamond cards cost 1.1-1.2 mil eq each.
-Gold cards cost 75-110K eq each.
-Silver cards cost 40-52K eq each.
-Bronze cards cost 15-20K eq each.
NB: prices in the direct flash sales fluctuate, therefore, the above prices may not reflect the full price range for each card.

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In the auctions:
-The minimum bid for the Kawaii is 1 000 001eq.
-The minimum bid for Diamond cards is 30 001eq.
-The minimum bid for Gold cards is 20 001eq.
-The minimum bid for silver cards is 10 001eq.
-The minimum bid for Bronze cards is 5001eq.

*NB: Just because the MINIMUM prices in the auctions are much cheaper than in the direct sales does NOT mean that the cards will sell for cheaper. The direct sales is often times cheaper than the auctions. I have seen bronze cards sell for over 50K equus in the auctions in previous events. BUT, I have also seen gold cards sell for their minimum price.
Be careful with how you use your equus in the flash sales. It can be very easy to lose your whole reserve in a bidding war or by buying expensive cards in the direct sales, especially if you're trying to get a higher rarity card that may end up being a duplicate of one of the cards that you already have because then you'll still need to pay another fortune to trade it out for something that is potentially more useful.*

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Cost of the Jokers that you can unlock by buying cards in the flash sales:
-The Diamond joker costs 2,366,400eq.
-The Gold Joker costs 180 960eq.
-The Silver Joker costs 87 000eq.
-The Bronze Joker costs 29 000eq.
NB: Buying these joker cards will not count towards filling your joker meter.

-Also, you the joker meter disappears after you fill it the first time, therefore you cannot fill it more than once.
  • Posted messages: 790
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Cards list

Collection cards:
Click to display
-Genres: music game, party game, online game
-Platforms: PC , arcade machine
-Media Storage: floppy disks
-Design: producer
-Production: N/A
-Distribution: N/A

Click to display
-Genres: role-playing game
-Platforms: console, smart phone and tablet
-Media Storage: cartridges, CD/DVD
-Design: Data analyst, Game designer
-Production: Programner, 3D artist
-Distribution: N/A

Click to display
-Genres: Social game
-Platforms: VR headset
-Media Storage: Download
-Design: Illustrator
-Production: Motion capture actor
-Distribution: Release, Acquisition

Click to display
-Genres: N/A
-Platformes: N/A
-Media Storage: Streaming
-Design: Interface dssigner
-Production: Voice actor, sound designer
-Distribution: Community, moderation, customer support

Prize cards:
Click to display
-2K equus
-10× mash
-Kaeru daruma companion
-50× leather
-200× wheat bran
-150× oats
-25× droppings
-2** red and white ear bonnet
-2** red polo wraps
-2** classical saddle cloth
-1× whip
-2× APs
-1× A. Lyre
-50× wood

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-15K equus
-5× APs
-Cat companion
-A. Heel
-Water element
-P. Stroke
-Black orchid
-H. Ray
-M. Blood

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-100K equus
-C. Timer
-Hera's pack
-Harmony pack

Click to display

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NB: You will only be able to win the ultimate prize (Kawaii) by collecting one of each card in each collection. You can do this multiple times to win multiple Kawaii divines.
  • Posted messages: 790
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Any additions/editions are welcome. NB: my INFO SHEET is just about at the max 10K character limit so try to keep any changes short, otherwise it's going to turn into a 2 part series like my INFO SHEET for the current event. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  • Posted messages: 790
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To go along with the above post

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I posted this a few pages ago but it was covered up by Saturn talk,but to go along with ShadowKokufu's info sheet about the cards,I recorded my earnings to maybe give a general idea of how popular the prizes are: (hope you dont mind ShadowKokufu!)

So from the Video game cards,I opened 254 cards. It took 253 cards to get the divine.

Here are the winnings from non collection cards

Out of 254 cards,120 were non collection.

Etrian x 2
Kaeru companion x 15
10 mash x10
2 AP x 4
5 AP x 6
Heras pack x 2
50 x leather or wood x 3
Chronos Timer x3
200 Wheat Bran x 7
150 oat seeds x 8
50 wood x 1
Water element x2
Whip x 4
Achilles Heel x 2
15,000e x 8
2,000e x 4
100,000e x 1
Medusas Blood x 2
Cat x 4
25 droppings x 4
Helios Ray x 2
Black Orchid x 2
Harmony pack x 2
Red or Red and white 2** tack x15

Personally am pleased with the quality of the prizes. From the collections,I got

2x Percheron horses
2x Golden Apple
1x HoP
1x Titans Challenge
1x Poseidens Pack
1x Themis' Scale
  • Posted messages: 12,197
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I don't mind. The more info that we can add, the better. Just don't forget to post that up in the event's forum when the promo goes live. default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 790
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The prices for the cards are insane... not just the flash sale prices, but the trading ones are also expensive, especially for newer players like me. I struggle with saving up in general, so even the prices for trading cards will be something that I can't justify spending equus on. And flash sales are definitely going to be out of the question for me...
Looks like I'm just going to have to hope luck is on my side if I want to get decent prizes or Etrian, because I know there's no way I'll be able to complete all the collections to get Kawaii. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 108
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that with past card events, the prices DECLINE in the direct and flash sales as the promo progresses. I wasn't testing that part of this upcoming card promo, but there is little reason to think the past pattern won't hold true this time in this regard.
  • Posted messages: 9,104
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I am also a heavy trophy hunter (ranking between 33-45 ). I tend to only shoot for a divine if I actually like it.
I usually set a limit on the luck items but sometimes it can be hard to stick to. CT's are essentially gambling and although I don't gamble on the lottery or have a habit, the desire to win the prize in a luck item can be very strong.
I feel that these luck items should be abolished.
Like the others have said I tend to keep trophy hunting to collections of pets, coats, rays , that type of thing.
I have around 340 trophies and not very many complete divine collections.
At the moment I'm working on rosettes.
On another note, Etrian used to be my favourite divine along with the other one that we got from playing the phone app game. I do have to say that I feel it should not be offered as a prize in the cards. It's so rewarding when you actually have to work to get something as was the case with these divines. ( They should have made them available for sale for collectors ).
I'm dreading the day they release Archimedes in luck items !!!
Red rain
  • Posted messages: 3,084
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Shadowkokufu will do! default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 12,197
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The pattern does hold true for this version of the event. I was watching.. noting those prices and the range just kept getting bigger every time I looked because of that pattern. I'll add that to the sheet, thank you for clarifying it!
  • Posted messages: 790
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It looks like saving up equus is a good idea for the next event.
midnight stargazer
  • Posted messages: 8,947
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Anyone happen to know when Fern was last released and what luck item they were in? I'm missing them and Liana, and I know Liana was this past January but I don't think we've seen Fern recently.
  • Posted messages: 3,122
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panthera wrote:

Anyone happen to know when Fern was last released

You can easily check this yourself by searching "Fern" in the directories and checking show only special horses. You'll see a lot which were born on 29/30 November last year. Probably Black Friday.

Then previous to that most were born around 2018-05-21. I then searched the events forum using the handy search bar for "Fern".

Ayra posted on18 May 21018 in the HOP topic:

"I found Fern in my first Golden Fleece and 3 stars!"

I hope this helps and hopefully have shown how one can use this system to answer these types of questions default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 6,536
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panthera wrote:

Anyone happen to know when Fern was last released and what luck item they were in? I'm missing them and Liana, and I know Liana was this past January but I don't think we've seen Fern recently.

I would like to see them released again too as i am only missing Carnivorus (and consequently Lotus, who will come when i get Carnivorus). Then i will have completed that collection! I hate it when i'm just missing one!default smiley xd

Same with Greyfells...i am only missing two, but Howrse doesn't seem to like to release them much anymore! All i want to do is complete the collection sniff sniff.default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 14,395
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 17th August 2020 09:30:04
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Has anybody seen Kawaii's picture? Also, are you able to finish the card event without passes or buying cards?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Has anybody seen Kawaii's picture? Also, are you able to finish the card event without passes or buying cards?

Click to display

If you're shamelessly lucky, yes. But I'm going to say no, you can't finish without buying any card at all.
  • Posted messages: 16,739
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