The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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Is it bad if I don't remember? I think mine was either Toby or Calypso...maybe
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2017 13:54:18
Mine was Pie, a Shetland pont
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2017 13:54:45
Pony lol oops my mistake
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2017 13:57:36
My first horse to ride was named Ginger. She's a sweet clydstale/quarter horse mix. She was patient and gentle and a fast trotter. She is almost 37 years old now, so a year ago we sadly had to retire her. Now she lives at the farm in a big pasture with her companion, Gypsy, who is 31 years old and about to be retired.
It was actually the only horse I ever owned, one that my grandparents bought me when I was 5. His name was Storm, and sadly I was too young to ever know what breed he was. Sadly my grandparents got too old to take care of him and all their other horses so they had to sell him. I have no idea where he is today, but he will forever be my best friend.
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By Retired breeder, 5th April 2017 01:12:05
mine was romeo. A welsh pinto pony that was really cutedefault smiley (7)default smiley (lol) but He was to much of a wild untrained horse but romeo left about 4 years ago and now I have a arab,quarter and miniature strawberry roan horse that is about to give birth to a mini mule that is in about 3 to 6 weeksdefault smiley <:o)
Joker he was an old appaloosa who was my first horse and knocked me out of the saddle by running under a pine tree. When I went trailriding with some friends we were crossing a river and decided that we both needed a bath. Classic!!!! He lived a happy and comical life before passing at the age of 33. He was a pain but still my best trailriding horse I ever owned.
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By Retired breeder, 11th April 2017 18:42:18
Fancy Ribbon was a friend's horse default smiley :) She was a welsh cross
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2017 19:07:01
My Mom's Fjord Sally
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2017 22:09:11
I was at least 2 or 3 when I first rode a mixed breed beautiful filly name Kia! Miss that girl
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2017 15:40:02
When I was 3 I showed my Morgan Paco in junior show for the first time! He I said now 32!!
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2017 00:38:33
An adorable palomino shetland named Cornbread.
By Retired breeder, 13th April 2017 00:44:16
My first was stanley
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2017 00:50:34
the name of the first horse I ever rode in a lesson[ because there are those little pony rides when I was like 5] but his name was Isa
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2017 10:56:00
She's tündérpor(fairy dust...)
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2017 18:10:09
The first horse (pony) I ever rode was Pickle, a black Shetland pony. The first equine I ever rode was a donkey called Coco at one of the pony rides for little kids. I rode her in the morning,then I rode her in the 'race' which you could trot on a lead rein in. Ever time I ride I think of those two girls. So grateful to them.default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 15th April 2017 22:22:02
Mine was a beautiful white arab called Twizzle
By Retired breeder, 16th April 2017 21:40:18
Sadly the wonderful horse I rode for years passed away recently.
The first horse I rode was named Pepper. I was about 7 years old, but I still remember to this day. default smiley ^)
King Cobra
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By Retired breeder, 17th April 2017 01:51:59
The first horse I rode was Rajha a chesnut quarter horse mare I used to ride all the time lol when I saw her trotting around the ring I jumped and flew at her neck and held on until she stopped trotting lol I was 8 months old default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 19th April 2017 22:06:28
The first horse I ever rode rode was a little black pony named Velvet (she had that name for a reason) I was so scared at first because to trot she had to do at least 3 steps of cantering! She used to be a carriage pony so I don't know why she would do that default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 21st April 2017 19:42:41
mine was a trakhner (Probably spelled that wrong) Her name was Angelica nicknamed Angie
By Retired breeder, 21st April 2017 21:29:11
The first horse I rode was Snowflake
By Retired breeder, 21st April 2017 21:34:53
I use to take riding lessons at a place called silver spurs, and the first horse I rode was named sierra. She was always so patient, and sweet. I always insisted I rode with her. default smiley ^)default smiley ^)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2017 16:31:47
Mines name was Addilyn...She was a shetland
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