[Survey] The Memory event


The equestrian themed memory event has come to an end. Did you reach the end to earn the new Heracles Horseshoes?

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
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I finished a day early. I won't complain about free stuff. I hate that we finish the event and then have to pay 1900 to 2000 passes to get the divine. My average is 11 - 13 fragments per luck item. So frustrating!! Why do we have to pay so much for the divine?? when we finished the event?
  • Posted messages: 11,487
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1. How entertaining was the contest?
5. Loved it. Didn't feel repetitive and didn't take heaps of time.

2. How easy to understand was the contest?
5. I have done this many times, though.

3. How easy was it to progress in the contest?
5. Easy. Had a few ground rules that helped get through.

4. Are you satisfied with the rewards you received? 5. Happy with what I was given.
  • Posted messages: 1,507
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The memory events have to be my favorite, as they're the easiest events to progress in imo.

However I do wish the rewards were better. To go through the effort of completing all of the levels only to get an item that, for me, is a bit pointless. I would have liked the rewards to increase in value more in the later levels. And for the grand prize to be a higher value BMI instead
  • Posted messages: 13
  • Karma: 10 points
The event was fun enough but the prizes were meh.

Just curious but did it bother anyone else that we got +2 red bonnet and cloth but a +2 blue polo wraps?
  • Posted messages: 8
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I didnt even come close to finishing the event. I burned through the lives quickly and they dont refresh with time over the course of the day, so it severely limits you. Extra lives cost a fortune too, not worth that many passes. I wouldnt waste money on something like that anyways. I tend to find Howrse events frustrating and lackluster, and this one was no different. Something always seems to be missing and I cant quite put my finger on it.
  • Posted messages: 1
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I was on the very last puzzle when I gave up. I was getting too many mismatches, was wasting up passes and Equus, and it was getting nearer to the end. What else could I do? Burn through my last passes and hope for the best? default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 1,731
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The event was OK apart from that. I just wish we weren't required to undertake the tutorial.
  • Posted messages: 1,731
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This is one of my favorite events. There's one thing I'd like to change though. Although I know it's meant to make it more challenging, the grid becoming as large as it does at one point is very frustrating and time consuming for those of us without a lot of passes to spend. If there were more options on those grids for help, that would be great default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 63
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I enjoyed the event It is a bit more interesting than most of them. The end prize however was pretty useless unless you want to breed gallopers. I wish they would bring back the divines in the end prize instead of things that are useless to most of us and putting divines in the crowns which take lots of passes, but then I suppose everyone would like that. default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 613
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Divine end prizes, if they were to be returned, would likely cost 2 to 3 months worth of objectives, which was what they used to cost. I doubt we we would get free promos if there were divines at the end of all of them. I do miss them, but I don't miss only getting about two thirds into all the promos and then having to pay to finish them.
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I didn't get through all of the boards as I just didn't spend enough time on them. But that's my fault & no one else's. The only way that I can do these memory boards is for me to make the boards on paper, where I can write down what is in each square & mark off the matches as I go along. I know it's a little time consuming, but I'm 67 & can't remember from one log int to the next where things were.

I did use some passes, but they were ones I earned from daily objectives. If I bought anything, it usually was the family ties as they were the most helpful for me.

Since I didn't finish, I had lives left over. I wish I could have traded those unused lives for some droppings or something.

I just wish you guys could give us a break & not start another event for a few weeks so those of us that only have passes because of completing daily objectives, would have a bit to get passes back again.
  • Posted messages: 272
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Boring, not really exciting, but easy enough.
Used a Google sheet to write the things down that showed up - easy going.

One thing that bugged me a lot though, was how fast the tiled turned back after you clicked the 2nd tile. Barely time to see what was on it!
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
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ArcticStorm wrote:

The event was fun enough but the prizes were meh.

Just curious but did it bother anyone else that we got +2 red bonnet and cloth but a +2 blue polo wraps?

The red ones have blue strips on the edges so you can get a colour bonus from them.
  • Posted messages: 8
  • Karma: 10 points
On the whole I did enjoy it, but was not going to spend passes,so did not reach the end,
but am pleased with what I got.
  • Posted messages: 1,824
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I totally messed up the day this ended so I did not finish the game when I could of. Oh well lol. It was fun and the prizes were ok.
Lynda Pellitteri
  • Posted messages: 200
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This is my favourite event on the game. I managed to finish all the levels 2 days early without spending any passes or equus. However, I didn’t really fancy the prizes. The only reason I participated was because I like these kind of events, I didn’t even care about the gifts. I would prefer if the games got more difficult and the final prize was a divine horse, like the old days.
  • Posted messages: 25
  • Karma: 10 points
I detest the memory events! They take way too long to play, keeping track of every move on each board day to day. And the prizes were definitely not worth going after. So I did not play this event. It was nice not having to bother with a side game and I could just take care of my horses and my EC and visit my friends.
  • Posted messages: 286
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Tobioli wrote:

I didnt even come close to finishing the event. I burned through the lives quickly and they dont refresh with time over the course of the day, so it severely limits you. Extra lives cost a fortune too, not worth that many passes. I wouldnt waste money on something like that anyways. I tend to find Howrse events frustrating and lackluster, and this one was no different. Something always seems to be missing and I cant quite put my finger on it.

I'm curious how you burned through lives so quickly. I was able to do a full board or 2 each day. Many people who were on daily even finished early. Did you write down what was pictured as you turned them over? You don't actually have to rely on your memory.
  • Posted messages: 161
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carlaz84 wrote:

Prizes weren't phenomenal for the amount of time you spent to complete each series to obtain the prize.

My main criticism is the grand prize.

Make the grand prize a divine or something worthy of our time participating in contests.

I mention this every time I complete a survey. Please give out daily UFO's that are related to the current event.

If you could win one life for example per day for this contest, it would be great!

I agree. This is one of those events that requires daily logins and a significant amount of time so I feel like a divine is definitely fair. You can argue that some boards should be more difficult along the way and that's fine, but this is just too much of a commitment compared to the lack luster prizes.

I don't think every event needs a divine at the end, but ones like this I think we for sure deserve some nicer things.
  • Posted messages: 161
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I was glad to have finished the event, since I had accidentally forgotten to play it for about 3 days (which I had made up for by using Passes I had saved up from doing Achievements.)
The free items are nice.

Probably won't use Passes again though, since 2 different times I used Passes to show the Tiles, I ended up flipping matching pairs.

Free items were nice.
Sneaky Shadow
  • Posted messages: 88
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It was fun but really don't care about the current mini game that is still going on
Matthew M Freeman
  • Posted messages: 49
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During this event I only logged on not to lose the streak. It didn't offer any prizes worth extra time, it wasn't really too challenging considering the option to write everything down. The main prize was more of a...second main prize, it didn't feel like a main prize. Good thing we got 3x the item, otherwise it would be a complete waste of time.
  • Posted messages: 50
  • Karma: 10 points
I like the memory game aspect, but I found that progressing in the later stages was difficult due to how few lives we could earn. If there was a way to earn lives by entering competitions or doing lessons or riding in the forest or something, that would've helped me progress through the puzzle levels and get further in the puzzle maps. Some times the game would give me free lives, but I would go through them quickly for the puzzles with many tiles.
  • Posted messages: 25
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I finish it but it just needs a statement that you do win big prizes once so players wont buy more lives than they need. It was easier than when they had loukoum and loukoumi. I like having the divines at the end but then it would get pass heavy to finish.
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Thank you for sharing your feedback about the memory event!
  • Posted messages: 887
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