Spice Up Your Howrse Experience with Cinnamon!


News from the Howrse's kitchens! We're thrilled to introduce Cinnamon, the secret ingredient in our new Spice Series, designed to enhance your Howrse experience!

What's Cooking?

A dash of adventure or wisdom
A divine horse named Cinnamon
A variety of spices
Passes to collect

With Cinnamon in your stable, your equestrian journey takes on a unique flavor.

Start with a sprinkle of spices and choose your path:

Game On!

Continue playing with the displayed success probability to increase your spices. But be warned: as you level up, the rewards get more tempting, but the challenge becomes tougher! In case of failure, don't worry – a consolation prize of spices awaits you. And if you win, you'll earn a larger quantity of spices.


Play it safe and collect the spices you've already gathered in your gauge. A reliable choice to secure your earnings.

Grand Prize:

Successfully complete the final level and bag a hefty amount of spices! Once your spice gauge is full, you win 50 passes.

This divine experience, packed with spicy adventures and surprises, is available exclusively in our Christmas packs.

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 870
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I got both my cinnamons on December 15th and just filled both their metres January 16th! I made one a classic specialty and one a western specialty, I click continue until I hit 15 spices or fail and get 5. Although I did take a chance and go further for one of them one of the days and accepted 30 spices lol who knows, maybe I’d fill the metre faster if I took more chances but for now I’m liking my “strategy”
  • Posted messages: 100
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3 weeks in with my test Cinnamon and it's been 5 spices every single day. She hates me.

A lot of love will need to be shown in the next week and a bit to make it up.default smiley xd

'Regular' Cinnamon is not much better, but hard to say with missing days and me changing my mind every other day on how far to push it (not that it matters, because FIVE is the magic number for these beasties).
  • Posted messages: 1,335
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I've got my second Spice trophy, so now working on the next one default smiley :d
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,945
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Nalu93 here are my results after 32 days!

2/9/24 --80 (max) [Get Gift]
2/8/24--5 (loss on 5)
2/7/24-- 5 (loss on 5)
2/6/24-- - 5 (loss on 3)
2/5/24-- 5 (loss on 2)
2/4/24-- - 5 (loss on 3)
2/3/24-- 5 (loss on 5)
2/2/24 - - 5 (loss on 1)
2/1/24 - - 5 (loss on 3)
1/31/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/30/24 - 5 (loss on 4)
1/29/24 - 5 (loss on 3)
1/28/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/27/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/26/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/25/24 - 5 (loss on 2)
1/24/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/23/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/22/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/21/24 - 5 (loss on 2)
1/20/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/19/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/18/24 - 5 (loss on 3)
1/17/24 - 5 (loss on 2)
1/16/24 - 5 (loss on 2)
1/15/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/14/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/13/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/12/24 - 80 (max)
1/11/24 - 5 (loss on 5)
1/10/24 - 5 (loss on 3)
1/9/24 - 5 (loss on 2)
1/8/24 - 5 (loss on 3)
1/7/24 - 5 (loss on 3)
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
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Day 35 and Test Cinnamon is at 250/300.
Only one day has been the 80 spices, the rest 5.
Perhaps tomorrow is the day, but I've been saying that for the past week default smiley xd
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Holy moly, guys, Thank you!

My Cinnamon delivered one week early, just to scramble my previous results, so thank you so much for your assistance! default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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This time I'm going to try seeing how long it takes if I take on level 5. I'll report back default smiley (m)
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
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Clocking in (out?) at 38 days, and Test Cinnamon has finally decided to show me a little love because it's Valentine's day. 50 passes at last!

Click to display

I missed one day because 'flu, but 38 days of clicking
07/1/24 - 5
08/1/24 - 5
09/1/24 - 5
10/1/24 - 5
12/1/24 - 5
13/1/24 - 5
14/1/24 - 5
15/1/24 - 5
16/1/24 - 5
17/1/24 - 5
18/1/24 - 5
19/1/24 - 5
20/1/24 - 5
21/1/24 - 5
22/1/24 - 5
23/1/24 - 5
24/1/24 - 5
25/1/24 - 5
26/1/24 - 5
27/1/24 - 5
28/1/24 - 5
29/1/24 - 5
30/1/24 - 5
31/1/24 - 5
01/2/24 - 5
02/2/24 - 5
03/2/24 - 80
04/2/24 - 5
05/2/24 - 5
06/2/24 - 5
07/2/24 - 5
08/2/24 - 5
09/2/24 - 5
10/2/24 - 5
11/2/24 - 5
12/2/24 - 5
13/2/24 - 5
14/2/24 - 5 Wooo!

I shall do the same for another round or two, because more data is goooood
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I've been having a lot more luck with filling the bar now that I focus on just reaching 15 every day, as about 80% of the time it works.
  • Posted messages: 10,134
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Oops, I made a typo on my records in the spoiler - the last day is indeed 80 spices not 5.

Oathkeeper wrote:

I've been having a lot more luck with filling the bar now that I focus on just reaching 15 every day, as about 80% of the time it works.

I've been doing this for my second round with not-Test-Cinnamon and it is certainly less exasperating, even if it turns out to be the same timings for a drop on average. We shall see.
  • Posted messages: 1,335
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I had my second drop of Cinnamon today and wanted to share my results. Unfortunately, I didn't record exact days or numbers. During the first round, I typically claimed 10 to 15 spices and never aimed for more. It took 35 days to fill the metre. During the second round, I clicked 'continue' every time; got 80 spices twice, and Cinnamon delivered after exactly......... 35 days default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 11
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leelooo wrote:

I had my second drop of Cinnamon today and wanted to share my results. Unfortunately, I didn't record exact days or numbers. During the first round, I typically claimed 10 to 15 spices and never aimed for more. It took 35 days to fill the metre. During the second round, I clicked 'continue' every time; got 80 spices twice, and Cinnamon delivered after exactly......... 35 days default smiley (lol)

Excellent, thank you so much!

The more we get the more we can get an average default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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Just got my first 3rd drop from a Cinnamon - my test one! That's the one I try and go all the way with.

Here are her stats so far!

Born: Jan 2nd
First 50 passes - 20 days: Collected Jan 21 (2x successful 80 spice drops, last drop filled the meter but I forgot to note how much)
Second 50 passes - 13 days: Collected Feb 4 (3x successful 80 spice drops I think)
Third 50 passes - 25 days: Collected Feb 29 (2x successful 80 spice drops, last one was 30 spices to fill).

She's definitely been my most productive Cinnamon.

My other Cinnamons are all around the halfway mark (give or take 20 or so spices) for their third drop and were born between Dec 15-19. I usually go for 15 spices with the rest, occasionally trying for 30 if I'm feeling lucky or one is falling behind (with varying degrees of success). So far, they've mostly dropped around the 28-30 day mark. This third round it's felt like more than usual are failing before 15 (even right away), but that could just be my imagination (or impatience lol).

Three cheers for our spicy scientific experiments!
  • Posted messages: 155
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Cinnamon delivered today for me again, at 4 weeks from the last drop. Mine seems to be constantly within 22 and 28 days, but I'm only on the 4th cycle.
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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I have two cinnamons so I’ve been comparing them, I made one classic and one western so I can tell them apart easier. For the first round I collected 10 or 15 spices for both, got them both December 15th and collected their first payout January 16th.
Then I moved to just clicking continue for classic and collecting 10-15 for western. Classic’s second drop was February 4th and western’s was February 11th! It was a quicker drop just clicking continue. I’ve decided to keep going and I’ve had a third drop from classic on March 2nd but western is still a bit far from a third drop.
So far it’s safe to say for me that just clicking continue is a more generous option
  • Posted messages: 100
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Insert meme here:

I am once again asking the good people to help us with the drop rate.

If you have Cumin, please help us default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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Nalu93 wrote:

My guess would be, that if you "go with the flow", you should be able to get the 50 passes in 28 days, if we want to bring Cinnamon in line with the other Pass Droppers.

Well, I accidentally used 500 as the full meter instead of 300. Very dumb of me. I ran the simulation again and for lvl 6 it's actually 27.89 days, which is basically 28 days. If you take the prize at earlier levels it still takes longer.

I also ran the simulation for Cumin, with 150 full meter. lvl 6 is 14.53 days, lvl 5 is 14.22 days, lvl 4 is 15.73 days. So actually for Cumin you should be taking the prize at lvl 5. Although in practice lvl 6 and lvl 5 aren't that different.
  • Posted messages: 418
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Tearsong wrote:

Well, I accidentally used 500 as the full meter instead of 300. Very dumb of me. I ran the simulation again and for lvl 6 it's actually 27.89 days, which is basically 28 days. If you take the prize at earlier levels it still takes longer.

Well that IS excellent news! Thank you! default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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What's the average number of days for 20p dropper? Please tell me it's 15 :P
  • Posted messages: 418
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Tearsong wrote:

What's the average number of days for 20p dropper? Please tell me it's 15 :P

If we're going with Scandium's rate it's 8-10 days. HOWEVER, Mythological horses skew the curve as they drop 10 passes in 10 days (Rakhsh / Celeris) and Hippalectryon is 10 passes every 6 days, so 12 days would seem accurate to me.

Time will tell default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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Nalu93 wrote:

so 12 days would seem accurate to me

dammit, now I'm going to be paranoid there's another bug in my code default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 418
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Tearsong wrote:

dammit, now I'm going to be paranoid there's another bug in my code

We'll have to test it out, there's no other way default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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Everyone else at the words "We have to test it": Oh nooo.

The people in this thread, snapping plastic gloves on their hands: Bring it on. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 16,724
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More Test-Cinnamon data (trying to go all the way every day).
She took a far more bearable 23 days for her second drop.

Click to display
15/2/24 - 80
16/2/24 - 5
17/2/24 - 5
18/2/24 - 5
19/2/24 - 5
20/2/24 - 5
21/2/24 - 5
22/2/24 - 5
23/2/24 - 5
24/2/24 - 5
25/2/24 - 5
26/2/24 - 5
27/2/24 - 5
28/2/24 - 5
29/2/24 - 5
01/3/24 - 5
02/3/24 - 5
04/3/24 - 5
05/3/24 - 5
06/3/24 - 80
07/3/24 - 5
08/3/24 - 5
09/3/24 - 80

other cinnamon has yet to fill their second meter, using the aim-for-15 method.
  • Posted messages: 1,335
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I got cumin (is it okay to post this here? If not it can be deleted) yesterday
I stoped at 15 just cuz I wasn’t sure how it worked and wanted to start small
Tried to go bigger today and lost at getting 25+ ish so ended up with 5
So in total I have 20 at the moment
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