Spice Up Your Howrse Experience with Cinnamon!


News from the Howrse's kitchens! We're thrilled to introduce Cinnamon, the secret ingredient in our new Spice Series, designed to enhance your Howrse experience!

What's Cooking?

A dash of adventure or wisdom
A divine horse named Cinnamon
A variety of spices
Passes to collect

With Cinnamon in your stable, your equestrian journey takes on a unique flavor.

Start with a sprinkle of spices and choose your path:

Game On!

Continue playing with the displayed success probability to increase your spices. But be warned: as you level up, the rewards get more tempting, but the challenge becomes tougher! In case of failure, don't worry – a consolation prize of spices awaits you. And if you win, you'll earn a larger quantity of spices.


Play it safe and collect the spices you've already gathered in your gauge. A reliable choice to secure your earnings.

Grand Prize:

Successfully complete the final level and bag a hefty amount of spices! Once your spice gauge is full, you win 50 passes.

This divine experience, packed with spicy adventures and surprises, is available exclusively in our Christmas packs.

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 870
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I'll be clicking continue all the time. I can record numbers if you like, but you'll have to tell me what you want written down.

I did the maths, and if the mini game works as it says, clicking continue all the time should actually net you the highest number of passes - although it's a close call between stopping at lvl 6 and 5.

Assuming the meter doesn't allow overcapping, and you stop if you can fill the meter, the average number of days to fill the meter targeting lvl 6 is 45.9, and lvl 5 is 46.46. Calculated by simulating 50000 fillings of the meter.

I am "pleased" to announce that I've never gotten to lvl 6 in 13 days.
  • Posted messages: 418
  • Karma: 10 points
That's impressive!

My guess would be, that if you "go with the flow", you should be able to get the 50 passes in 28 days, if we want to bring Cinnamon in line with the other Pass Droppers.

Is it a fantasy? Possibly!!
But if my theory is correct, the game should "Self correct" as it happens with dragon horses.

Meanwhile I really appreciate your work, thank you default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,720
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Nalu93 wrote:

That's impressive!

My guess would be, that if you "go with the flow", you should be able to get the 50 passes in 28 days, if we want to bring Cinnamon in line with the other Pass Droppers.

Is it a fantasy? Possibly!!
But if my theory is correct, the game should "Self correct" as it happens with dragon horses.

Meanwhile I really appreciate your work, thank you default smiley :)

Thanks, I've written up my method and calculations in my EC forum, if anyone wanted to check the maths or to learn more about what I did: https://www.howrse.com/centre/forum/sujet?id=1210312&sujet=1825549409
  • Posted messages: 418
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another time wasting series. Can't you give us divines with enough skills to be useful in competitions, especially Equestrian center? I realize this is really just a collectors game with a side order of actual game play, but the skills on them are incredibly ordinary and it isn't affordable to spend 10,000 passes building them up and maintaining them for one entire "open" comp a day.
  • Posted messages: 6,207
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Do extra spices transfer over to the next "spice cycle"?

For example, one of my spices is at 275 points; if I get to level 5 and earn 30 points, will the extra five be applied to the next meter? Or does it reset at 0, like Hrimfaxi?
  • Posted messages: 308
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Voracious wrote:

Do extra spices transfer over to the next "spice cycle"?

For example, one of my spices is at 275 points; if I get to level 5 and earn 30 points, will the extra five be applied to the next meter? Or does it reset at 0, like Hrimfaxi?

They reset, there is never a transfer over for Divine horses default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,720
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That's what I figured. Thank you, Nalu!
  • Posted messages: 308
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Nalu93 wrote:

I wonder if anybody would be willing to test these Spice horses thoroughly to see if they work like Dragon horses.

I know it's a big ask (it's 50 passes) but I'd like to see if it's possible to test it out. default smiley :)

I am testing my Cinna, clicking continue every time, recording the results and only clicking get if I fill the meter.
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
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Thank you so much!

After 28 days since I had Cinna, I am now at 290, which would make it consistent with the 28-32 days drop rate I speculated about weeks ago.

Does anybody else have different results to share? default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,720
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Well, I'm only 6 day in with my test Cinnamon, but it hates me as much as my other one and is at 30.
  • Posted messages: 1,335
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sleepingrose wrote:

Well, I'm only 6 day in with my test Cinnamon, but it hates me as much as my other one and is at 30.

I also had a streak of 5 followed then by a streak of successes, and that seems to compensate the calendar.
Next month will surely be more helpful as I DID mess up my test the first 2-3 days by clicking on 15 spices, but the rest seems consistent for now. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,720
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This is the 4th day in a row now that my Cinnamin meter has reset to zero...is it supposed to do this??
Coffee Bee
  • Posted messages: 2,752
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You mean completely reset??
  • Posted messages: 16,720
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Nalu93 wrote:

You mean completely reset??

Yes default smiley :'(default smiley :'(
Coffee Bee
  • Posted messages: 2,752
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Mine often looks like it has been reset to zero, but then when I click one of the options, it seems to update and show the amount again
  • Posted messages: 14,297
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Coffee Bee wrote:


Go to Contact Us if it has completely reset and isn't fixed
  • Posted messages: 16,720
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Results so far:

1st drop day: Jan 13 (born Dec 15)
2nd drop day: Jan 14 (born Dec 15 and 18)
3rd drop day: Jan 15 (born Dec 18)
Bdays yet to drop: Dec 16 (10 left), Dec 18 (40 left), Dec 19 (10 left), Jan 2 (80 left)

The last one (Jan 2) I'm using as an experimental one always trying for the last level. In 13 days or so he's made it all the way twice so far. My usual strategy is to go to 15 spices if I can, although I did do a gamble for a couple when I was feeling lucky and either succeeded taking 30 or failed taking 5 which may or may not have impacted the drop rates.

(I know that that's a lot Cinnies... was home quite sick and perhaps not making the best $$ choices because I was trying to distract myself oops)
  • Posted messages: 155
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Still haven’t gotten a single drop from mine… purchased the week the Christmas packs came out.
  • Posted messages: 23,839
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I am going to try only pressing the continue 2x. Because the percentage of success is way above 50. To see how it goes.
  • Posted messages: 1,772
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I'm really pushing for that 80 drop from the one I got on day one and still hasn't maxed the meter, fingers crossed it happens soon as it's been over a month since I got her.
  • Posted messages: 10,129
  • Karma: 10 points
going for lvl 6 every time unless I can fill the meter
27 days, meter at 285.

had 2 days where I got 80 spices, rest 5, adds up exactly to 285.
  • Posted messages: 418
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I just completed the meter for the first time! default smiley <:o)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,945
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I'm seriously starting to think that some are just better than others. The one that is way ahead is at 210 on the second round, while the other is at 260 and has yet to get a max and finish its bar, whereas the one that is about to complete their second round has got the max twice.
  • Posted messages: 10,129
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Dr Zig wrote:

I just completed the meter for the first time! default smiley <:o)

Same here default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 37,248
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My Cinna was born 1-7-24. I've gone for level 6 every day and have only gotten it 1 time, all other days I've lost and gotten 5 spices. So I'm at 145 right now.
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
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