[FT] What was in your Luck items or Custom Pack?

Because it's nice to share and because we are all a bit curious!
So please tell us what you got in yours default smiley :d
Also please remember that this topic is just for the results of your horns of plenty default smiley :)
It's not a chat room, so avoid randomness. default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

09/09/2021 - Title updated to include all Luck Items and Custom Packs
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By Retired breeder, 24th June 2016 20:31:44
Argh why do people get so lucky? Maybe it's just me...default smiley xd
2,000 Equus
Black and pink 2** ear bonnet
150 x Fodder
3 x Carrot
3 aging points
You've found Agate, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!
default smiley :o
Ash Duke01
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By Retired breeder, 24th June 2016 21:39:11
Medusa's Blood
2,000 Equus
150 x Fodder
10 apples
You've found Agate, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

Wow! I got Agate on the first try, and he's my first divine! So happy right now, good luck to everyone else trying to get him!
Morpheus' Arms
1,000 Equus
50 x Oats
20 apples
3 aging points

Well, I didn't get the pretty horse but I did score an MA! default smiley :-))
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I've opened four HOP's and I'm so sad that I still haven't gotten one.

Of any horse on this website, Agate is the one I want the most. Before my grandpa passed away, we used to collect agates together and I just thought it'd be such a nice way to honor him. Hopefully I can spend more equus and aging points on horses for passes, to win this divine.
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By Retired breeder, 24th June 2016 22:03:17
Decided to attempt to use HoP for the divine, I love the gemstones divine and only have one. Had 9 passes and two Hop saved, first HoP and I got her/him! Super excited, wasn't expecting it at all.default smiley :)
Well over 1,000,000 equus later, I got Agate! default smiley (l)
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21 hops (5 of which were diamonds 3 inventory hops) later and I finally got the divine.default smiley :-x Was way more than I planned on using but I realllllly want to complete the gemstone collection. Not sure I will be able to now unless I find some way to make passes quickly.
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By Retired breeder, 24th June 2016 23:26:09
grrrr. keep winning pandoras boxes... (I hate them and NEVER use them) spent 14 passes trying for agare (or what ever the name is) and nothing default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 00:23:46
only too 2 hops! still have 2 left that I didn't even have to use!

is is just me or do divines just keep getting easier to get?default smiley <:o)

Titan's Challenge
1,000 Equus
50 x Oats
150 apples
3 aging points
agate You've found Agate, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!
didnt get the divine, but i did get a bonus for the grand prix c: i have a couple older horses i should be able to get a pass from tomorrow so i will probably end up trying again. even if i dont get the divine, i like the bm items and bonuses i am getting from these!default smiley :d
moon gem
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Black Orchid
3,000 Equus
100 x Fodder
20 apples
2 aging points

really default smiley :@
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 10:59:37
Three hops later and agate is minedefault smiley :).... I'm never this lucky?!
Opened 23 HOPs, no luck.. default smiley :(
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I just opened my first HOP ever (just one it from the plants) and I found Agate! My first divine and I'm so happy default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 27
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 14:23:05
You've won!
Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

2,000 Equus
100 x Fodder
10 apples
3 aging points
Just tried 3 HOPs, nothing. Not gonna try anymore, as I'd rather save for Onyx and Sapphire. After going through dozens of Golden Fleeces without getting Opal I sort of gave up on trying to get divines through luck items. Howrse is just screwing us over.
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By Retired breeder, 25th June 2016 18:26:18
I used 10 Hops and somehow did not get Agate. default smiley :( However, I did win some really awesome BM Items, like a Morpheus's Arms, A Harmony Pack and a Hera's Pack. default smiley :d
Yesterday I spent 39 HOP and failed to get the divine. Today I won a HOP from one of my plants. I Decided to try one last time for Agate. I won him on my 40th HOP! No passes spent! So excited!
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You've won!

Find out what you have won with the Horn of Plenty...

philotes' stroke
Philotes' Stroke
1,000 Equus
250 x Fodder
2 x Carrot
aging point
3 aging points
agate You've found Agate, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!
2nd HOP
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2016 00:44:37
Why is it so many people get Agate so easily and I have spent near 40 passes and still not got Agate. Ticking me off default smiley (li)
2 HOPs total spent to get Agate. Thank goodness... Much better than the unspeakable pass-blowing a couple of weeks ago on Opal, who I had been wanting for far longer.
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2016 02:51:46
What did I get my HOP? I got no Agate, that's what! *screams, "Why Howrse, whyyyyyyyyy!"*
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2016 03:45:58
1,000 Equus
1* Classical Saddle Cloth
150 x Fodder
3 x Carrot
2 aging points
You've found Agate, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

Howrse's welcome back present? Lol, I haven't played in a while and decided to use a hop for really the sake of using one. Wasn't even planning to get a divine. Mentioning that, I still appreciate the gift! Thanks so much howrse! default smiley :-))
2,000 Equus
1* Western Bridle
100 x Oats
5 x Carrot
11 aging points
You've found Agate, who will be added to your account within a few minutes!

*Internal screaming* My first ever Divine after opening 4 HOPs that I've been saving up default smiley *-) TToTT
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