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Now I see that Morrigan in Howrse canon already exists. default smiley (8) Yeah, that's definitely not a Morgan le Fey. Morgan is regal and radiant. Not darkly witchy
Gone With The Sin
  • Posted messages: 603
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To be honest, this whole shift towards using the crown has meant I am a lot less likely to buy passes now, plus add on the, quite frankly, low valued divines.

From what I've heard, this new divine offers Pandora's Boxes, yet keeps the usual price tag. With the others it is like a Pandora's Box once a week, but for a series that went months without adding to it, I expected something better.

While Alice offers a nicest prize, that series has so far been shown to take roughly 3-4 months for a full cycle, so not really worth it. This is after a Helios Ray dropper, with a Pandora's dropper following after Alice.

In short, I'm not happy with the direction the game has been going lately, to the point I am now semi retired. Hopefully something gets added soon that will make me excited again, but for now I am on a semi hiatus.
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Nalu93 wrote:

Doubtful. Players with the power to spend already HAVE those Divines. Why would they bother getting another copy, especially if they must, at all cost, shell passes?

Meanwhile, the new Divine is new, shiny, and most of all NOBODY has it, because it just came out. Completionists, people who just collect Divines or those looking for the cheap shiny ("cheap" by Howrse standards of course, but 2600 passes is still better than 6000 at re-release) WILL shell out

My train of thought goes like this:
Collectors try to collect full sets of divines. Sure, not every collector goes for every set, but the chances are that a lot of them have gone for the pass dropping sets. These players have the power to shell out passes because of the income that they get from their divines, so if they do need to buy passes at any point, they probably don't need to buy a lot. They probably budget in about 3k passes to their monthly spending to avoid needing to buy more. Howrse won't make much of a profit off them. Especially of they have multiple copies of pass droppers.

Then there's also the issue with a lot of older players who put everything into this game once upon a time, leaving. These are the pass buyers that howrse has "betrayed" with their greed. And a lot of other older players that are losing interest in the game are going to start refusing to cash into howrse's greed, so they probably won't have much interest in getting new divines knowing that howrse is nerfing items and prizes out of greed for money with no intention of doing anything about customer satisfaction. Howrse won't make a lot of money from them.

Then there's the new players. These players have few to no divines and probably no pass income besides objectives/the tutorial. The only way that they will get new divines quickly is by cashing in. Especially for pass divines that come during weekend offers, unless they can figure out how to effectively earn passes with the little resources that they have. The only way to secure a pass income here is to get divines that can drop it without a limit.

Sure, some players will be spending passes to collect the new event divines. But the chances are that these players already have an established pass income from their divines. Some might even have multiple copies of pass divines. Howrse won't make money from releasing cheap event divines to collectors with an income. But they might make money from making the re-release of older divines, especially the pass droppers to players that don't have them.

In fact, how many players do you think will cash in for another Jade or Balios? Some collectors will pay fortunes for multiple of those rather than a few thousand for a new divine with a not so good perk.

I don't think forcing us to pay passes for event divines will give them a lot of income. All it will do is the opposite - push more players away because it makes promos an outright cash grab, especially when the item that the divine is in is poo. This stunt isn't going to get them far if they're really just trying to leech cash off us.
  • Posted messages: 790
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ShadowKokufu wrote:

Then there's the new players. These players have few to no divines and probably no pass income besides objectives/the tutorial. The only way that they will get new divines quickly is by cashing in. Especially for pass divines that come during weekend offers, unless they can figure out how to effectively earn passes with the little resources that they have. The only way to secure a pass income here is to get divines that can drop it without a limit.

But if you want those New Players, you cannot possibly exhaust them EVERY WEEKEND with the Crown. They won't be able to keep up, feel hurt and just leave.
Meanwhile, enticing them with items they can get some copies of from the Exchanges and or Scales who drop from contests would actually make them think they have a shot. default smiley :)

ShadowKokufu wrote:

In fact, how many players do you think will cash in for another Jade or Balios?

I mean, I want 20 Jades or more... like... I'd be happy with 50? default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 16,729
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Prize pool, for those interested, in case nobody posted it already. default smiley :)

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  • Posted messages: 16,729
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Fair enough. how do I manage to miss the most obvious of things? I'll never understand *sigh, facepalm* but wouldn't that make their attemp to suck money out of us fail? Shoving the crown in every promo won't be enough to make players buy it.

Honestly, how can someone be this bad at coming up with strategies to make money when you've got millions of players.. like dude, just give the players something good. They'll bite. if you give them poo, they won't bite.. didn't they learn this from the lottery mess up?? If the crown could guarantee a 100p BMI or multiple copies of a BMI, I'd consider buying it. In fact, I'm gonna write that on the test server. Not that it hasn't been suggested before..

And I'll dream with you about Jade. But I'd be happier with more, there's no such thing as too many Jades default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 790
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ShadowKokufu wrote:

Shoving the crown in every promo won't be enough to make players buy it.

But it will, in the end.
The players will skip these Divines because they're weak, but watch Owlient pull a Kigurumi really really soon and the people will SCRAMBLE to get it.

And when this has become the norm (3 contests one after the other means that all those new players who registered in 2022 think this is NORMAL of course, they don't know better), people will have either given up or left already, and those who stay will either not become competitive or suck it up and pay. default smiley ;)

I have to add that they're also offering us some tiny little carrot here and there, what with the possibility to accumulate crowns and just use them in the future, so players will just think to play the event and use them for a better divine, thus increasing Traffic on the site.

It's a smart plan to exit the glut in items we're having right now (there's a lot. On another version, a player has 21 Taranis... that is a LOT of TCs!). It also explains the barrage of, admittedly, good Divines ONE after the OTHER lately. Lug and then Charming red... I'm half expecting Carnival or Bragi this weekend (because of the valuable prize)!

ShadowKokufu wrote:

nd I'll dream with you about Jade. But I'd be happier with more, there's no such thing as too many Jades default smiley xd

A player on Equideow has more than 30, I am so jealous default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 16,729
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I just posted a 6 paragraph message and instead of copying, I deleted it. default smiley (d) I am suffering.

So, rewriting my main emphasis. Howrse can't remove the old luck items, and we have to do everything possible to make sure they don't. And most importantly, the Horn of plenty which looks like it might be the first to go. As a newer player than most people here, I can say with full certainty that the HoP was super helpful. if you look at my divines, besides reindeer. Sequoia, Eurus, and Hyracotherium were all my next divines (All HoP's). The Horn of Plenty helped me so much as a new player and it was the only way that I could get divines at the moment. If howrse removes it and replaces it with a 300p luck item (and I doubt a 50% discount will transcend out of events) If howrse replaces the Gf and Tc, Kigurumi will cost an ungodly price and it's not worth it. W
The four tests I use to test items is this.
A) Does it have a reasonable price?
B) Is it exchangeable?
C) Does it pay back?
D) Is it save-upable?
The Tyche's Crown fails all four. Even the Titan's Challenge passes all 4. The Tyche's Crown isn't nearly as good as a Titan's Challenge and costs 1.5 times as more.

This is unreasonable in every aspect, and truly frustrating of howrse. I personally don't have an urge to pay anymore besides nostalgia, and if I see this keep getting worse, I will most likely leave.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,925
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The conception of the Tyche's Crown had many positives. It's execution is flawed, mainly that it isn't exchangeable and it's prizes are pitiful. When it was mentioned a while back that tears privilege would be an option to win I got excited. When that was retracted I was highly disappointed and so far have spent limited passes as the Divines offered aren't worth the cost.

When compared to Titan's Challenge the Tyche's Crown fails miserably. It's prizes are blah. Other than the Themis Scale and Hermes Winged Staff I feel all other BMIs should be exchangeable. What's the point in winning a prize if you can't trade it for something that you will use? I have a tonne of Hestia's Gifts, water elements, Ow's Helios Ray, Vintage Apple and Iris' Coats that are collecting dust because they aren't exchangeable and I never use them. These are valuable items that players use specifically on a particular horse so when it's suggested in game play to put it on a horse and sell the horse, no one's going to buy it.

We need options. We shouldn't be forced to keep something we've won but will never use.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 2,716
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Crystal Coven wrote:

The conception of the Tyche's Crown had many positives. It's execution is flawed, mainly that it isn't exchangeable and it's prizes are pitiful. When it was mentioned a while back that tears privilege would be an option to win I got excited. When that was retracted I was highly disappointed and so far have spent limited passes as the Divines offered aren't worth the cost.

When compared to Titan's Challenge the Tyche's Crown fails miserably. It's prizes are blah. Other than the Themis Scale and Hermes Winged Staff I feel all other BMIs should be exchangeable. What's the point in winning a prize if you can't trade it for something that you will use? I have a tonne of Hestia's Gifts, water elements, Ow's Helios Ray, Vintage Apple and Iris' Coats that are collecting dust because they aren't exchangeable and I never use them. These are valuable items that players use specifically on a particular horse so when it's suggested in game play to put it on a horse and sell the horse, no one's going to buy it.

We need options. We shouldn't be forced to keep something we've won but will never use.

Eactly, I think all BMI's should be exchangeable, maybe with the exception of the staff. There shouldn't be limits.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,925
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Crystal Coven wrote:

The conception of the Tyche's Crown had many positives. It's execution is flawed, mainly that it isn't exchangeable and it's prizes are pitiful. When it was mentioned a while back that tears privilege would be an option to win I got excited. When that was retracted I was highly disappointed and so far have spent limited passes as the Divines offered aren't worth the cost.

When compared to Titan's Challenge the Tyche's Crown fails miserably. It's prizes are blah. Other than the Themis Scale and Hermes Winged Staff I feel all other BMIs should be exchangeable. What's the point in winning a prize if you can't trade it for something that you will use? I have a tonne of Hestia's Gifts, water elements, Ow's Helios Ray, Vintage Apple and Iris' Coats that are collecting dust because they aren't exchangeable and I never use them. These are valuable items that players use specifically on a particular horse so when it's suggested in game play to put it on a horse and sell the horse, no one's going to buy it.

We need options. We shouldn't be forced to keep something we've won but will never use.

1000% agree! I would put this in my feedback on preprod every time but gave up when I got the feeling I was the only one willing to bring it up.

Apparently you can give feedback via contact us, but they wont guarantee they'll make changes default smiley :s Maybe if enough of us bring it up
  • Posted messages: 467
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Follow the Feed, guys!

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Hippogriff?! default smiley :o
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Nalu93 wrote:

Follow the Feed, guys!

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Hippogriff?! default smiley :o

Man, I was really hoping for Spring… :/
  • Posted messages: 5,262
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does anyone know when there will next be divines or special offers in the hop? I have a couple saved up burning a hole in my inventory default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 65
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Does anyone know the droprate for Hippogriff?default smiley ^)
And do we think he is in tc? in that case level 6 or 7?
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eevee2001 wrote:

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Does anyone know the droprate for Hippogriff?default smiley ^)
And do we think he is in tc? in that case level 6 or 7?

Every 35 days or so default smiley :)
Lately they've all been in Fleeces so who knows...
  • Posted messages: 16,729
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eevee2001 wrote:

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Does anyone know the droprate for Hippogriff?default smiley ^)
And do we think he is in tc? in that case level 6 or 7?

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My Hippogriff has dropped every 31-39 days. Mine apprently is on the stingy side. The average is 25-32 days.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,925
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I don't know whether it's my lucky day but got him on my third Golden Fleece! He seems to be giving good fragment amounts as well.
  • Posted messages: 46
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So, people found a thing apparently:

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New set for Divines, Metals.

The name "Ag" is the name for Silver on the Periodic Table.
  • Posted messages: 16,729
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Nalu93 wrote:

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New set for Divines, Metals.

The name "Ag" is the name for Silver on the Periodic Table.

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Ok I was just thinking “hey, wouldn’t it be cool if howrse did a divine series like elements or noble gasses” like 2 hours ago. Have I been cursed with prophecy what is this
silver B
  • Posted messages: 103
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Nalu93 wrote:

So, people found a thing apparently:

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New set for Divines, Metals.

The name "Ag" is the name for Silver on the Periodic Table.
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More and more new series are coming out recently.
Not that I'm complaining default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 210
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This is how I expect howrse's future to go.

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Howrse will make HOPs be lowest level of luck items. There purpose will be only for Prix Bonuses, Employee Diplomas, Companions, and small seasonal items (Kairos Dial, Brooch, Bewtiched, SOA, legendary tack, etc). We will only see them every 4-5 months (excluding heavy seasonal events).

Howrse will make Titan Challenges second-lowest level of luck items. The purpose of titan challenge will be for Aphrodite Tear Privilege, Treasure Chest, and Priciest and least pricy of divines. Priciest include Egyptian, balios, and majority of mythological. Lowest being fabellas, falahorns, chimeras, and potentially love divines. We will see every 2-3 months and mostly for weekend offers (slight chance of being main promo item)

Howrse will have golden fleeces as 'premium' tier golden fleece. This will cover what were originally medium level cost of divines. This could cover small portion of mythological, rainbows, japanese, love divines, nordic, etc, Used in a decent chunk of main promos to swap with Tyche Crown. I expect frequency every 1-2 months

Howrse will then leave tyche crown as the highest and most frequent to Tyche Crown. As people have stated, this is a glorified HOP, which explains why they are trying to limit the HOPs. Tyche Crown will be used probably every other month. This will be used frequently with any new divines that come out going forward till the item has become mature enough.
I expect frequency every other promo.
The Yardarm
  • Posted messages: 473
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The Treasure Chest item has been discontinued as an Item, as confirmed by Admins.
The only copies around are those purchased within the Christmas Packs with Epona for those players who still haven't opened them. default smiley :)

I agree about the Tyche's crown though, it's going to be the 'new norm'...
  • Posted messages: 16,729
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Nalu93 wrote:

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New set for Divines, Metals.

The name "Ag" is the name for Silver on the Periodic Table.

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Well hopefully this will give them some divine options. If it's an all pass series like Solars and gemstones that would be very nice. I'll be quitting my game probably by the fall so I guess I might as well splurge.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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