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is anybody knows when will be the next preprod? (which day)
  • Posted messages: 210
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

Is howrse ever gonna reward players with a free divine after an event again after the last pinata events Falabella? I am a newer player and i don't have enough passes to buy luck items consecutively. do any of you know of any upcoming events where divines will be rewarded to the players if they complete the event? tysm! just want to know when and where to save my passes.

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The Xmas event usually will give you a Divine for free if you're patient and use strategy default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 9th November 2020 11:02:52
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does anyone know about black friday promotions?

and Christmas promotion?

Retired breeder wrote:

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does anyone know about black friday promotions?

and Christmas promotion?

When we know, we post it here immediately (mostly because info should be shared and we try our best) default smiley :p
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As much as I know you lot don't know about current christmas/black friday promotions, could anyone tell me if there was a custom for vip membership discounts for black friday/christmas?
I'm thinking to pay for half a year and I really would love to make best deal I can.
So yeah, was there any discounts in the past? I vaguely remember that something like that happened but never used any so I don't really remember ;/
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paranoya wrote:

As much as I know you lot don't know about current christmas/black friday promotions, could anyone tell me if there was a custom for vip membership discounts for black friday/christmas?
I'm thinking to pay for half a year and I really would love to make best deal I can.
So yeah, was there any discounts in the past? I vaguely remember that something like that happened but never used any so I don't really remember ;/

Outside of there being discounts on VIP and Pegasus account purchases at certain times, I don't believe VIPs get discounts, at least in the 4-5 years that I have held VIP.
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paranoya wrote:

As much as I know you lot don't know about current christmas/black friday promotions, could anyone tell me if there was a custom for vip membership discounts for black friday/christmas?
I'm thinking to pay for half a year and I really would love to make best deal I can.
So yeah, was there any discounts in the past? I vaguely remember that something like that happened but never used any so I don't really remember ;/

The last time there was a discount on VIP, it was only for a 1 month purchase and only valid once. default smiley :(
Bo and Foxfire
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Are you sure? I thought that both VIP and pegasus were discounted. This is what I have written down:
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Black Friday special: VIP is 1000 passes for 1 month and 1500 passes for 6 months, Peggy is 200 passes for 1 month and 1000 passes for 6 months.

The thing is that I wrote that down so long ago that I don't remember where it came from. So I don't remember if I took this down on black Friday or if I got it from someone else shortly after black Friday. But I definitely remember 6 months of VIP being really cheap on back friday when compared to normal. Or rather, I remember players rushing to get VIP because it was cheap. But I can't seem to trust my memories either..
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If I recall, VIP has been half price for a month on special occasion, but was a one time purchase and only applied to the month option.
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Oathkeeper wrote:

If I recall, VIP has been half price for a month on special occasion, but was a one time purchase and only applied to the month option.

VIP is on sale in November for Black Friday and in March, for mid-year.
They are a one-purchase only, a 1-month subscription for 500 passes.
So yes, it should be on sale this year as well. default smiley :)
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When will the next Preprod be?
  • Posted messages: 210
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  • Seniority: 1,215 days
Ohh thank you for answers you all. I did sneakily hope for 6 months discount but ah well, too good to be true eh? x)

Nalu93 wrote:

VIP is on sale in November for Black Friday and in March, for mid-year.
They are a one-purchase only, a 1-month subscription for 500 passes.
So yes, it should be on sale this year as well. default smiley :)

Ok that sounds nice. Do you know it it applied to extending the VIP? Or only buying it if you don't have it? I'm contemplating buying half a year now and grabbing that discount later, would that work?
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paranoya wrote:

Ok that sounds nice. Do you know it it applied to extending the VIP? Or only buying it if you don't have it? I'm contemplating buying half a year now and grabbing that discount later, would that work?

Extensions count, as far as I know. I've always renewed it like this without it expiring default smiley :)
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Nalu93 wrote:

Extensions count, as far as I know. I've always renewed it like this without it expiring default smiley :)

Yay that's great news. Thank you default smiley :)
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Guess what I found? default smiley :d

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Xmas Event, the Northern Hike! default smiley (7)
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That horse is gorgeous. default smiley (l)
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Something I'm curious about -

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Might we not get a break between promos? With the Monster Workshop and the next promo, it will run into December, so might start early and end a couple of days early, then the Christmas promo starts the following Monday

I can't remember how previous November into December then into Christmas promos worked, but it has me a tad curious.
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Oathkeeper wrote:

Something I'm curious about -

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Might we not get a break between promos? With the Monster Workshop and the next promo, it will run into December, so might start early and end a couple of days early, then the Christmas promo starts the following Monday

I can't remember how previous November into December then into Christmas promos worked, but it has me a tad curious.

This is what usually happens and what I foresee for this year:
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The Calendar will start with the Shop still running, because some of us found Riders Hats and jerkins in the Calendar, which makes it a bit obvious.

The Xmas promo starts immediately after and ends on January 6th like every year, because
1) This allows the admins to rest for the Holidays and January 6th is a bank holiday in Central Europe (Epiphany)
2) It allows for a bigger and longer event, that lets the player get more prizes and more Divines than usual.
The first days are the "normal" event, where you get the Specified Divine. THEN, on the 24th, the additional part opens up and you can go crazy with the prizes. default smiley :)
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This is usually followed by a break until the Next Thursday of January, no matter when the contest ends, so that regular schedule can proceed. So that's nice? default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 10th November 2020 15:58:43
Nalu93 wrote:

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The Calendar will start with the Shop still running, because some of us found Riders Hats and jerkins in the Calendar, which makes it a bit obvious.

The Xmas promo starts immediately after and ends on January 6th like every year, because
1) This allows the admins to rest for the Holidays and January 6th is a bank holiday in Central Europe (Epiphany)
2) It allows for a bigger and longer event, that lets the player get more prizes and more Divines than usual.
The first days are the "normal" event, where you get the Specified Divine. THEN, on the 24th, the additional part opens up and you can go crazy with the prizes. default smiley :)

Since this will be my first Christmas promo...
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what do you mean by "on the 24th the additional part opens up and you can go crazy with the prizes?"
Retired breeder wrote:

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what do you mean by "on the 24th the additional part opens up and you can go crazy with the prizes?"

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The Christmas Event is special in various ways:
- It lasts almost the whole month, and showers you with good prizes.
- It has a pretty Divine to look at, usually free.
This is until December 24th.

On December 24th, the event has what we usually call "a secret door" that comes unlocked. If players go through the door (last year it was the labyrinth, two years ago a secret route through the Sleigh event and three years ago a secret tree copse where you could find magic trees) they will gain accesso to 4-5 Divines they can take home, most notably the Snowy Balios.

For a price or strategy, of course.

To give you an example, last year I went home with:
Yule log, 3 Reindeer that got me Lokoumi and Kochnam Cie, for a total of 6 divines for under 3000 passes. I could have gotten the others, but I didn't want to ruin myself.
At the end of the event, I also brought home Arvark with the fragments I found along the way default smiley ^)

Best time of the year? Yes, best time of the year default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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By Retired breeder, 10th November 2020 17:01:28
Nalu93 wrote:

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The Christmas Event is special in various ways:
- It lasts almost the whole month, and showers you with good prizes.
- It has a pretty Divine to look at, usually free.
This is until December 24th.

On December 24th, the event has what we usually call "a secret door" that comes unlocked. If players go through the door (last year it was the labyrinth, two years ago a secret route through the Sleigh event and three years ago a secret tree copse where you could find magic trees) they will gain accesso to 4-5 Divines they can take home, most notably the Snowy Balios.

For a price or strategy, of course.

To give you an example, last year I went home with:
Yule log, 3 Reindeer that got me Lokoumi and Kochnam Cie, for a total of 6 divines for under 3000 passes. I could have gotten the others, but I didn't want to ruin myself.
At the end of the event, I also brought home Arvark with the fragments I found along the way default smiley ^)

Best time of the year? Yes, best time of the year default smiley :p

Oh... wow! Thank you!
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Merry Christmas's glasses are hilarious. Were those necessary?
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Wait..is the Finlandais a new breed?? I mean probably yes but default smiley (lol)
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They were. I love them.

Now, what we have to collate is huge and my gimp is working overdrive.
I'll get the screenshots up as soon as I can default smiley xd
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