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Deserter wrote:

Think about it, a golden fleece is 200 passes. Even if you luck out and get the new guy right away it'll take 10 months to get your passes back. And 170 months if you don't luck out. Just... wow.

I really really really wanted to get a lot of them. But the price is just... oh dear.
  • Posted messages: 16,717
  • Karma: 10 points
I think this is actually my last straw. I'll keep playing because why not but I'll disable the ads from now on. If this game ends tomorrow I'll be happy, we don't deserve to be treated like this after all the work we put into our accounts.
  • Posted messages: 925
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Is the swedish one prob going to be in hops this weekend or did I miss a convo or announcement about it
  • Posted messages: 251
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Deserter wrote:

I think this is actually my last straw. I'll keep playing because why not but I'll disable the ads from now on. If this game ends tomorrow I'll be happy, we don't deserve to be treated like this after all the work we put into our accounts.

Getting the older love divines is a lot easier than getting the one in the GF.
It's only 1990 passes. I know that some players cannot get a lot of passes because of lack of sellable horses or real money, but if you think about it, you can earn double the amount of passes in 3 months by doing objectives alone.
1990 passes is nothing when you do objectives every day.
10 days is 300 passes
20 days is 600 passes
30 days is 900 passes.
So in a span of three, 30 day months, you can get over 2700 passses
  • Posted messages: 4,575
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apollonia wrote:

It's only 1990 passes

Indeed, but the problem is not "How many passes I can gather in 3 months", but it's "How many passes is this Divine going to give me to repay itself?".
The answer with Divines such as Jane and Mars is "A lot! This Divine is worth it!"
The answer with a Love Divine is 240 passes per Year. Per YEAR. This means you'd need 8 years for the Divine to give you those 2000 passes back.

Not worth it. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,717
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Nalu93 wrote:

Indeed, but the problem is not "How many passes I can gather in 3 months", but it's "How many passes is this Divine going to give me to repay itself?".
The answer with Divines such as Jane and Mars is "A lot! This Divine is worth it!"
The answer with a Love Divine is 240 passes per Year. Per YEAR. This means you'd need 8 years for the Divine to give you those 2000 passes back.

Yes, but it's not like the only way you'll get those passes back is to get them from the divine itself. You can buy passes, sell horses, do objectives, get codes, and watch Ads.
  • Posted messages: 4,575
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Nalu93 wrote:

Indeed, but the problem is not "How many passes I can gather in 3 months", but it's "How many passes is this Divine going to give me to repay itself?".
The answer with Divines such as Jane and Mars is "A lot! This Divine is worth it!"
The answer with a Love Divine is 240 passes per Year. Per YEAR. This means you'd need 8 years for the Divine to give you those 2000 passes back.

Yes, but it's not like the only way you'll get those passes back is to get them from the divine itself. You can buy passes, sell horses, do objectives, get codes, and watch Ads.
  • Posted messages: 4,575
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I don't know about your gameplay, but I only work towards getting a divine if they meet two requirements:
1) they're useful
2) have a reasonable quality/price ratio

Now, love divines are obviously useful because they give out passes and as a bonus they don't even need to be cared for daily.
Also, their quality/price ratio was reasonable until today as they could be found in HOPs. Even if you didn't have HOPs in stock, 100 passes per try weren't too awful for a useful divine.

But paying either 2 000 passes for the old ones and up to 3 400 passes for the new one is unacceptable, I'll never get those back and my gameplay will be affected. Why would I pay that for a love divine when I can pay them for a rainbow divine that gives out twice the passes instead? Or Jade that gives ten times that?

With a rate of 20 passes per month it'll take 8 years to get them back, this game might not even exist anymore by then. I can use my resources in smarter ways. I'd never have anything to spend if I took Howrse upon awful offers such as this one.

This week is 15 000 passes, next week it's another 5-10 000 passes. Who has either the money or resources to spend these insane numbers on? For the value of 1-2 000 passes I can get a videogame that will entertain me for up to 100-200 hours, what do I get back from a divine that I either won't touch because it doesn't need any special attention or that it keeps me busy the 5 seconds a day while I groom and put it to bed? Why would I invest real money into a game that doesn't do anything but frustrate me any chance it gets?

Again, I don't know how people like to spend their hard earned passes or money but I know I prefer to invest in something that will pay itself off rather than waste them. Putting these divines in the reserved sales/GFs instead of the HOPs just brought down their value from an investment to a waste of my hard earned passes.
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Well it's their opinion. Just because it's useless to you, doesn't mean other players won't find it useful. You also get trophies from divines. Trophies effect your general ranking more than equus does.
  • Posted messages: 4,575
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apollonia wrote:

Yes, but it's not like the only way you'll get those passes back is to get them from the divine itself. You can buy passes, sell horses, do objectives, get codes, and watch Ads.

It's the issue if the divine will pay for itself regardless of how many passes you can gain in a week/month/year from other sources. It won't pay itself off for 8 years as Nalu said. 20+ passes it a lot for divines like this with such a long drawn out reward, and the investment potential isn't there.

If divines were rare like they used to be, this would be cheap just for the chance of owning something unique. But they are a dime a dozen now, and so many are useless or close to it. I guess if you chase trophies, which don't serve a purpose anymore as Howrse seems to have gotten rid of the extra divine reward for collecting all divines from a set, then they may be worth it to some players.
  • Posted messages: 524
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If you care about them, fair enough. But is a single trophy worth 15 000 passes + whatever the second new divine will cost this weekend? I also like trophies but they're not worth that kind of money to me.

I like to vote with my money and Howrse right now doesn't deserve anything from me. If I did buy these, I'd show them I'm happy with how things are going and their prices are reasonable. They aren't and I'm not happy, they need to get a grip on themselves. This is not the first time they're trying to one up on us and it'll certainly not be the last.
  • Posted messages: 925
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Tom is right, why y'all mad? If you don't like it, good for you, that's your opinion. You don't have to make others feel bad about wanting to buy it just because it isn't "useful" to *YOU* .
Some people would gladly pay the amount of passes to get a divine.
  • Posted messages: 416
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Seluvis wrote:

why y'all mad?

Because we had something to look forward to and time to plan ahead to get something we wanted and then Howrse decided to change the rules and rip the one certainty we had (love divines in HOPs in February) away from us.

They're doing it with the love divines and they did it with the HOPs in piñatas, the pass horses and every other time we got used to something and then they decided to change it for the worse. Everything that's driving these changes is pure greed and I don't see enough players saying something about it.

Everyone else is just "eh, ok, whatever" and at this rate next year we'll pay 3 000 passes for these divines and the year after that 4 000. I see prices continuously increasing but I don't see objective passes increasing or anything else that rents US an income on this game.

And it's fine if you wanna spend double for something that last year was much more affordable than this, you have a right to spend your passes on whatever you want. This isn't about you, this is about not staying silent when we're all taken advantage of, about reacting to Howrse's action. Because I have to at least say something for all of us.

If you're ok with it that's your opinion and no one stops you from not reacting but don't get mad at those of us that are trying to at least give Howrse some feedback. They'll ignore it like every other time but at least I didn't shut up and let them do it. They won't be able to say "everyone seemed happy, we didn't see any upheavals and the horses got bought so we're clear to keep going this way."
At least I'll make them be like "some weren't happy but we'll do what we want anyway".
  • Posted messages: 925
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tottaly agggrreee
  • Posted messages: 321
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I don't think you've ever heard of inflation...
You don't have to buy anything, they aren't forcing you to. They have workers to pay. You CHOSE to buy something online for money. They can't choose to pay their workers or not, they HAVE TO.
If you think they're driven by greed, okay thats your opinion. But every year in any country or state, when people get paid more, prices go up, when people get paid less, prices go down.
There is demand for more money. Howrse NEEDS money to pay the workers. How would you feel living off $300 a week? Thats unsuitable and unsustainable. You wouldn't be able to pay rent, pay bills or loans, feed your family or yourself.
Leave this game if you want, it's fake, all of it. These horses aren't real, these items aren't real. You have the right to choose what you do, you are not forced into buying this divine. Are you?

I simply do not want to start a fight, I try to ignore those as much as possible. I've lost enough karma to realize what is worth fighting for. If you wish to speak up about their "greed", go ahead. But realize that not everyone will support you. I know how it feels to live in debt, to be homeless. That is not what anybody wishes for another person. And by not buying anything, howrse would have to cut workers or shut down forever.
Money is what is keeping this game alive. Howrse neees money to advertise, they need it to make this game playable.

I respect your opinion, I do, but if you think this is greed, you've never really looked at the world clearly have you?
  • Posted messages: 4,575
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And besides, it's just a game. You can leave if you like.
It's just a divine and nobody is forcing you to love it. But like Jotuns said, do not make people feel bad for wanting this divine. No matter if it's useful or useless. That is based on opinion. And as your opinion is that it is useless, and mine is that it isn't useless, well there isn't a real answer is there? Just a pixel pony. No need to go off about it.
Just live your life however you like, but don't force others to live like you too.
  • Posted messages: 4,575
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apollonia wrote:

I respect your opinion, I do, but if you think this is greed, you've never really looked at the world clearly have you?

I, respectfully, disagree.
I realize Howrse is a business, as do a lot of players here, or else they wouldn't buy passes to support the game instead of whining to have the item free. We've seen it happen, we know how it works.
Howrse is a business, absolutely. Howrse needs to feed its employees, fair. Then there are the servers, the new events, here and there and this and that. Understandable.

However, this is simply not the case.

The situation in the last few months is quickly exaggerating, and not in a good way.
First, it was the implementation of the Daily objectives (from 3000 to 900 passes monthly, but they came for your wallet as well, so...), then the promo started escalating.
Now we're having promos all week long? Commercial offers are raining on us like overused pretzels.

They just had the Christmas sale, and since it was the most awaited event of the year, people saved their money the whole year and got the Packs they so dearly wanted.

The St Valentine's Day promo has been the same for years, since the launch of Je T'aime, and it set a big precedent such as Pinatas did.

Whyever did they change this event like they did the Pinatas? Because the players have learned to accumulate the free Horns of Plenty they get from Xanthos to finish the event at a lower price / for free.

Why are they adding 5 promos per weekend and 2 per week? I feel like they're not so desperate for money so much as they're trying to squeeze as much as they can.

This is my opinion, of course, I don't know how much their boss might be asking of them daily or monthly. However, I am starting to see a pattern that instead of stabilizing is escalating. And escalating quickly.

For now, I'll just be hurt that my favourite moment of the year to use HoPs is gone forever (and yes, I'm talking about Great Challenge, Pinatas and so on so forth. Soon enough they'll vote to abolish the prizes from that particular Divine, which I will not mention so that I don't give them ideas...).

And said that, cheers. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,717
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I live off 350 a month, so let's get the "you don't know what financial struggle is" out of the way from the start.

Yes, Howrse needs money but there's way and way to get it. I'll never want to give money to someone that's making me hate their game and that's what I'm trying to make them understand. If you make me genuinely enjoy my time here I'd be much more likely to give in and buy a few passes every now and then. I stuck on this game since 2012, that's 8 years. I loved this game when I was a kid and I couldn't wait to grow up so that I could afford to buy passes. But as time went on, this game started to get worse and worse. Slowly I didn't feel like me buying passes would achieve anything. How will 10 passes help with my gameplay when if I get 5 TCs with them and fail like I always do I'll be left with nothing? What's the point?

They're going about it the wrong way and it's their fault they're getting desperate. You gotta make us love the game again if you wanna keep in business, no one will just hand you money for poor costumer service, poor quality and low satisfaction rates. If money aren't coming that means you have to fix something, not make matters worse.

So if Howrse fails, then so be it. But until then maybe they're still in time to actually start listening to us. We come here to have fun and relax, not deal with the same real life situations.
  • Posted messages: 925
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apollonia wrote:

But like Jotuns said, do not make people feel bad for wanting this divine.

Nobody wants you to feel bad about it.
If you like the Divine and it's a fair price to you, that's great! I'm happy for you.

We are not, because it used to be different and we wish it stayed the same. And we're sorry to see such a good event go.

Then again, maybe Howrse will surprise us and it's all a moot point. default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 16,717
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Lets stay on topic here please. This is not the place to discuss this, if you are not happy with what Howrse decided to do this year, you can send a ticket to contact us.
  • Posted messages: 13,094
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2020 20:11:37
What is this about though??
Retired breeder wrote:

What is this about though??

The love divines being in the reserved sales for 2 000 passes and the Golden Fleeces instead of the Horns of Plenty like every year since they appeared.
  • Posted messages: 925
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Announced divine horses:
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New Background form Ow's Helios' Ray:
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Next event welcome sign:
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New trophy:
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  • Posted messages: 150
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That divine looks really interesting! I wonder if the trophy correlates to whichever series it starts?
  • Posted messages: 133
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Annalise wrote:

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That divine looks really interesting! I wonder if the trophy correlates to whichever series it starts?

He will be a
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Mythological. I'm not sure about the trophy either.
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