[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Woah! I think something has changed on the home page. In a spoiler in case it's a glitch or something! It looks different to me.

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It's summer turnout day at Strawberry Fields and all the horses have a grand old time bucking and frolicking across the fields. default smiley (7)

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No that happens when we dont have a contest running. I think I worked out that it was the last few horses I looked after that appeared there.
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Thanks Ayjay.

I've only been back a month or so and there's always been something going on so I obviously haven't registered it before.

It's pretty and I like it default smiley ^)

Staying on topic.. <cough>

Prizes in the TAV promo.

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I've put some things on to craft, just caps and cameras as I really can't be faffed with the rest. I'm not one for giving children what they want just because they pull a face.

I'll play around with it more tomorrow but now it's time for me to work my real Howrses here rather than those fake ones on pre-prod. default smiley (m) <Wonders for a fleeting second what Confucius would have made of all this>.

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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2018 19:52:30
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm gonna stop talking about it now
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Ugh flash sales are default smiley (n) they are expensive and rig the game for those with passes.
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Not meant to be abusive but a opinion. Otherwise the game looks great. Just wish the more expensive items were easier to nab.
And Baldur the Beautiful had a u in his name. I'm a mythology nut. Please change the spelling.
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Just googled it. Its an alternative spelling. Also you forgot your spoiler tags
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Do you remeber the rumors about the two new icons for actions?
Now we have them on our czech version and these are..
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icons of History (of aging your Yggdrasil) and Ranking (of course of your Yggdrasil). Nothing special that could change something there on international version..
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Asper wrote:

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If they implement this game-wide it will be the thing to kill Howrse, I swear by it. They really can't seem to grasp that the way to make more money is to make buying passes more attractive, not trying to cripple the economy so people have to pour money into buying passes to survive. People are going to simply decide to walk away if they can't support playing casually without going broke. I am sorry your server is going through this, I hope Owlient takes note of how much it's not working and decides to scrap the idea.
ghost stories
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Hey yall. I've been gone for a while and been only stopping in to keep up w my equestrian center, so I watched the wanderers event go by, and have been trying to figure out what the next event is that's coming this Thursday I assume. Is it
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the insular mines or the vacation? Also, what's all this abt pass horses changing? I'm lost and the spoiler banners unfortunately aren't exactly helping
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Strawbz wrote:

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Thank u!! Owlient has rlly made a mess huh
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Does anyone have any info about the I____ M___ Promo that starts tomorrow? Pass estimates, best strategies? All info seems buried under other things...
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Here is a quote of the first posted message I can find regarding your question.

It is on Page 2220 of Spoiler Zone so I guess discussions re. strategies etc will be in the following pages.

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EmilyClaire wrote:

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  • Posted messages: 7,157
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By Retired breeder, 27th June 2018 18:32:55
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Pass horses are gone on this server?? Or am I not understanding the posts.
Retired breeder wrote:

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Pass horses are gone on this server?? Or am I not understanding the posts.


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No, they've gone on some other servers. Though people there have apparently been told recently that they are intending to implement it on all servers eventually. First they got rid of pass horses and replaced them with a more frequent loyalty pass (and a divine tree horse that grows when you send horses to heaven), just a few days ago they replaced the loyalty pass with diamonds won through doing challenges. The challenges are proving totally unreasonable (like giving a BMI to get a diamond!).
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By Retired breeder, 28th June 2018 00:53:06
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Any news of the co management change on pre prod???
By Retired breeder, 28th June 2018 04:18:21
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RowanGreen wrote:

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No, they've gone on some other servers. Though people there have apparently been told recently that they are intending to implement it on all servers eventually. First they got rid of pass horses and replaced them with a more frequent loyalty pass (and a divine tree horse that grows when you send horses to heaven), just a few days ago they replaced the loyalty pass with diamonds won through doing challenges. The challenges are proving totally unreasonable (like giving a BMI to get a diamond!).

Giving a BMI to get a diamond isn't too bad, after all, haven't we always been begging Howrse to let us trade BMI for passes? But I'd hate to lose pass horses!!!default smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 28th June 2018 04:22:59
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Another reminder that you must use spoilers in this forum.
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Come on guys and gals!!

Please listen to the mods. I'd hate for yet another topic to be closed because some fail (or refuse) to follow the rules.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 28th June 2018 07:40:39
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 28th June 2018 07:43:57
Because Ralna's post isn't in a spoiler and will most likely be deleted, heres this (:

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By Ralna, 28th June 2018 00:40:39 Developers aim to close the Bulgarian, as well as several other versions of the game. If you are offered a vote on changes to your loyalty player's pass, DO NOT ACCEPT IN ANY CASE. We were given pass for a loyal player. In total, when collecting 30 points, you get 1 pass. You can collect 10 points a day, but every day the criteria for winning points was different and unknown. It is impossible to collect 30 points in three days. You can take 1 pass for at least 5 days. Which sent 6 passes per month, not 10 passes, like now when we kill horses over 30 years. Now, with evasive questions, they have removed the pass for a loyal player. In Bulgarian version, free passes are no longer taken. We have daily tasks. 2 tasks, one carrying 1 diamond, and requires some action, the second requires using a black market object to win 2 diamonds. Very often he wants to use horn, titanium or fleece. On the 7th day, if you have passed all your goals you win a horn of abundance, but this horn must be used instantly, you can not keep it in your inventory. And for example, if for three consecutive days you have passed the missions , but for the fourth one you have failed, for one reason or another, the scale is restarted and you are back on the first day. Developers have completely eliminated the receipt of free passes, be careful when there is a questionnaire and how the questions are asked, because they were misinterpreted and proved not to be what we were thinking.
By Retired breeder, 28th June 2018 07:51:12
Retired breeder wrote:

Because Ralna's post isn't in a spoiler and will most likely be deleted, heres this (:

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By Ralna, 28th June 2018 00:40:39 Developers aim to close the Bulgarian, as well as several other versions of the game. If you are offered a vote on changes to your loyalty player's pass, DO NOT ACCEPT IN ANY CASE. We were given pass for a loyal player. In total, when collecting 30 points, you get 1 pass. You can collect 10 points a day, but every day the criteria for winning points was different and unknown. It is impossible to collect 30 points in three days. You can take 1 pass for at least 5 days. Which sent 6 passes per month, not 10 passes, like now when we kill horses over 30 years. Now, with evasive questions, they have removed the pass for a loyal player. In Bulgarian version, free passes are no longer taken. We have daily tasks. 2 tasks, one carrying 1 diamond, and requires some action, the second requires using a black market object to win 2 diamonds. Very often he wants to use horn, titanium or fleece. On the 7th day, if you have passed all your goals you win a horn of abundance, but this horn must be used instantly, you can not keep it in your inventory. And for example, if for three consecutive days you have passed the missions , but for the fourth one you have failed, for one reason or another, the scale is restarted and you are back on the first day. Developers have completely eliminated the receipt of free passes, be careful when there is a questionnaire and how the questions are asked, because they were misinterpreted and proved not to be what we were thinking.

Sorry I forgot the spoilerdefault smiley :s
Can I just voice the opinion that I think it's ridiculous that we have to use spoiler banners in a thread called the Spoiler Zone.
If you come in here I feel like you know what you're getting into.
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