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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 11:30:22
@PixelPrincess, default smiley ;) default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 12:15:03
I just feel like spamming forum with ugly pictures, such a shame,,

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Got another two appearances of the Yggdrasil,,

By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 12:57:24
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It's just the legs I personally have a dislike for
Retired breeder wrote:

I just feel like spamming forum with ugly pictures, such a shame,,

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Got another two appearances of the Yggdrasil,,

These I actually like, although I'm not sure why they are autumnal (not that I'm complaining - it looks nice imo). Does
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Yggdrasil's appearance change with the seasons? If so that would make him a bit more interesting.
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 14:17:15
bezo93 wrote:

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Yggdrasil's appearance change with the seasons? If so that would make him a bit more interesting.

In -game, no.
Reality - Can't confirm, it's still fall, gonna wait till 21.-22. to winter to start,,
Does anyone know if the hanging ornament packs currently in the black market, will increase in the amount of ornaments you get per pass, closer to the end of the contest? thanks
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Is it just me or do the images of (new divine) look blurry?

I know it takes a lot of work to create a large series of growth-images, with slight edits and redrawing, but they could still be much sharper and with more contrasting shading. It wouldn't take too long to go over some of the really blurry areas/outlines and erase or define them.

Sometimes even the softly-painted background looks sharper than the horse.
That's not supposed to happen default smiley (lol)
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HappyHorse12 wrote:

Does anyone know if the hanging ornament packs currently in the black market, will increase in the amount of ornaments you get per pass, closer to the end of the contest? thanks

We'll get a pack of decorations for a pass.
For the next , buy a decoration pack for just 1 pass for the My beautiful pine trees event! Each pack contains:
2 tinsels
3 baubles (random assortment)
5 hanging ornaments (3 from the top two rows, 1 from the third row, and 1 from the bottom row)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 16:12:11
Yddgrasil is an image if you take a close look everything is an image an image with stories we think we play but all we do is to click on images its like a world locked in patterns
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 17:19:50
Retired breeder wrote:

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Howrse is trying to encourage the buying of passes, as they are a business. That's what businesses do. Many of my good friends rely on pass horses to uphold their account. When Howrse takes these away, they will lose so many players. Remember the good old days when you didn't even need passes to get something good in a promo? And now we spend hundreds and don't even get the divine! All the VIP players that relied on pass horses for their VIP status are now declining rapidly. Think of all the teams that are going to be injured, even destroyed, by Howrse's carelessness. And Howrse is nowhere near as friendly as they pretend to be. They know that we are extremely opposed to the change, but they don't care! People, I have spent $90 on passes for ONE PROMO and guess what I got? Liten. That's it. Nope, didn't make to Seth, and by then I had had enough rubbish luck. Howrse thinks what they're doing is good for them but it's quite the opposite. I can't wait to see what they do when they lose some of their top players, and slowly everyone leaves. On the UK server, TwilightConnemaras (4th in general ranking) let go of her VIP account. And I'm sure she isn't the only one. Howrse isn't only hurting themselves, they're hurting the community. While Howrse tries to increase the amount of passes bought, they are simply decreasing the amount of players to buy them. And if you want to increase pass purchases, here are a few suggestions Howrse: 1. Make the promos seem possible to complete. Come on, eleven statuettes for a Balios? The only was that's ever going to happen is with...you guessed it...passes. And you know, spending ten bucks on passes to get the divine from a promo doesn't sound too bad. But having to use $100+?! That's insane! And it simply drives players away from buying the passes to complete the promo. 2. Possibly try to reasonably price BMIs. 2 passes for a Chronos' Timer, which cuts the time it takes to train your horse in half. Commonly used on skillers. That shouldn't make so much of a difference! Three years training vs six? I know age plays into competition wins, but that's 5% of the calculation. Seriously? If you're actually skilling your horse, you'll use Morpheus' Arms anyway! And what's the deal with some of this pricing? For instance, as bezo93 said, a Medusa's Blood, which gives a grand total of eleven skills and wings, vs a Golden Apple, which gives a total of 30 skills and a gorgeous picture for your horse. Maybe you could price some things at five diamonds? Oh, and diamonds! Just another way to drain you of your money. You can only use them to buy things from Ow, not other payers, so your diamonds just get put back into the system and disappear forever! Maybe a feature that lets you convert ten diamonds into passes? default smiley xd I'm sorry for the long rant guys.

I totally agree with this. If Howrse doesn't listen to the players about this change, then things are going to start going downhill, fast.
The critter has no neck, and a lot of the objective time players have quite or just hang around quitley now.
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Ok, so what is the news about the PH change?
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 18:11:54
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They are ruin this amazing game.
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 18:13:04
Sorry, I know this is kind if late but... Does anyone know which tree will bring back which prize? default smiley :d
Rikara wrote:

Ok, so what is the news about the PH change?

This is a copy and paste of what I wrote in response to another player who asked about it, so the start of it might sound odd in reply to yours.
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Yes, pass horses have already been removed on 3 servers to test this. However, we have been told by Adminthat this change won't occur before the end of the year, and that we will be warned in advance of it. So it's not necessarily going to happen at the next big update.

Instead of the possible 30 passes from pass horses a month + the 1 from loyal player pass, you can only get up to 10 passes a month with a new loyal player pass system. You get max 10 points per day and when you get 30 points you get a pass.

When you send 10 horses 25 yrs+ to heaven you get a divine called Yggdrasil that you can't care for or do anything with. All that happens is when you keep sending older horses to heaven he "gets older" and grows and you get a little photo album where you can scroll through his growing process

There will also be a "horses sent to Safe Haven this month" ranking as well as "all age horses sent to heaven" and "older horses (25yrs+) sent to heaven" rankings
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 18:24:00
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SO since I am really messed up mentally and I have the need to get passes I decided to make a pass board before the pass change cause the prices will go up anyway.I choosed 3 games that I prefer and are better than howrse.The calculating board is for how much each game costs

Wow, they are really screwing this game up. I won't be surprised if they go out of business in the next few years because of their idiotic changes that us players don't want.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I just feel like spamming forum with ugly pictures, such a shame,,

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I think the background should be changed. Yggdrasil blends into the background and there is no contrast to make him stand out. I think Yggdrasil should be in a forest next to a small waterfall and have some forest animals next to him like deer, birds, small animals. Also, since Yggdrasil is a tree horse, his body should have wood patterns. His body looks more like mud or dirt.
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Legacy Ann wrote:

This is a copy and paste of what I wrote in response to another player who asked about it, so the start of it might sound odd in reply to yours.

So will there be 2 or 3 new Rankings?
Arabians are best
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Arabians are best wrote:

So will there be 2 or 3 new Rankings?

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there will be 3 new rankings. They are under the "best breeders" rankings page
Legacy Ann
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There is no real point to Yggdrasil since he doesn't offer anything....just like the many useless Divines a lot of us already own. And he can't even be run in comps..... Who would ever look at him once he's finished morphing or would care to look at him. default smiley (n)
Arabians are best
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Thanks Legacy Ann for the answer. default smiley :)
Arabians are best
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Arabians are best wrote:

There is no real point to Yggdrasil since he doesn't offer anything....just like the many useless Divines a lot of us already own. And he can't even be run in comps..... Who would ever look at him once he's finished morphing or would care to look at him. default smiley (n)

I agree 100%.
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When I first heard about him, I started buying older horses because I was excited to be able to actually get a divine without an insane amount of passes (right now I only have greyfells and a Quartz, not much). But a horse with no perks or anything good? Not really a fan of the idea. Now I'm focusing on aging my older horses to get passes before the change comes into place.
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2016 19:39:01
Will the divine forest still open on the 24th?
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