Dotty's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 9th October 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
968 | -4 | shalimar | 12,777,695 | ||||
969 | = | madisonmcwilliams | 12,771,626 | ||||
970 | = | Huron | 12,756,300 | ||||
971 | = | 82411210 | 12,754,741 | ||||
972 | = | Theresa Sammons | 12,745,766 | ||||
973 | +1 | Christy's E Ticket | 12,720,915 | ||||
974 | +1 | Ҝalani | 12,718,968 | ||||
975 | +1 | Angel_Char | 12,715,840 | ||||
976 | +1 | Phaeochrous | 12,705,748 | ||||
977 | +1 | Dotty | 12,673,596 | ||||
978 | +1 | LittleJosephxd | 12,665,043 | ||||
979 | +1 | IceGa11op | 12,663,742 | ||||
980 | +1 | kuchiki18 | 12,661,256 | ||||
981 | +1 | Jade Heart | 12,637,697 | ||||
982 | +1 | shortygal | 12,627,916 | ||||
983 | +1 | Clematis | 12,608,829 | ||||
984 | +1 | Miseriex | 12,607,634 | ||||
985 | +1 | donkeyshot | 12,577,155 | ||||
986 | +1 | thehorselady07 | 12,574,030 | ||||
987 | +2 | Mouse75 | 12,564,554 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
5941 | -6 | the_gr8ful_girl | 111 | ||||
5942 | -6 | Poodle101 | 111 | ||||
5943 | -6 | _Emily_Rose_ | 111 | ||||
5944 | -6 | Octaviiaa | 111 | ||||
5945 | -5 | Fayhoe | 111 | ||||
5946 | -5 | Sol Invictus | 111 | ||||
5947 | -5 | MarkWright | 111 | ||||
5948 | -5 | marigoldequine | 111 | ||||
5949 | -5 | Cymhleth | 111 | ||||
5950 | -5 | Dotty | 111 | ||||
5951 | -5 | princess shea | 111 | ||||
5952 | -5 | Classysis | 111 | ||||
5953 | -4 | Jiloon | 111 | ||||
5954 | -4 | رعد3000 | 111 | ||||
5955 | -4 | sumig84 | 111 | ||||
5956 | -4 | stegner000 | 111 | ||||
5957 | -4 | MissTBaxter91 | 111 | ||||
5958 | -4 | Queen of the Damned | 111 | ||||
5959 | -4 | grad2016 | 111 | ||||
5960 | -4 | cateloren | 111 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
760 | = | cheeseycow | 39,654,346 | ||||
761 | -2 | RosalindH | 39,600,778 | ||||
762 | = | gatewaymanor | 39,583,778 | ||||
763 | -2 | witheredrose | 39,546,734 | ||||
764 | -1 | mimi085 | 39,519,281 | ||||
765 | -1 | Carol-ann | 39,504,437 | ||||
766 | -1 | Baskk | 39,491,130 | ||||
767 | -1 | foreverdreamin' | 39,484,494 | ||||
768 | -1 | DragonesPlumas | 39,447,892 | ||||
769 | -1 | Dotty | 39,447,671 | ||||
770 | -1 | Enorthbell | 39,354,058 | ||||
771 | -1 | soccerdude11 | 39,350,251 | ||||
772 | +1 | Cory Schneider | 39,320,790 | ||||
773 | -2 | daneyciam | 39,284,898 | ||||
774 | -2 | kateb | 39,244,198 | ||||
775 | -1 | Ferdinand | 39,035,212 | ||||
776 | -1 | sissy12 | 39,021,874 | ||||
777 | -1 | Leviathan | 38,959,372 | ||||
778 | -1 | Firelight | 38,889,093 | ||||
779 | -1 | Shift Worker | 38,862,334 |
Player | Days | ||||||
662 | = | saratank | 4,614 | ||||
663 | = | nvern | 4,614 | ||||
664 | = | luna212 | 4,613 | ||||
665 | = | maverickrules00 | 4,612 | ||||
666 | +1 | flybynight | 4,612 | ||||
667 | -1 | deagh | 4,611 | ||||
668 | = | ponypalkittykat | 4,611 | ||||
669 | = | Strawbz | 4,609 | ||||
670 | = | Hywynstorm | 4,608 | ||||
671 | = | Dotty | 4,606 | ||||
672 | = | Menorquinn | 4,606 | ||||
673 | +1 | giddermup | 4,605 | ||||
674 | +1 | PUPPYSNOW01 | 4,605 | ||||
675 | -2 | momsbella | 4,604 | ||||
676 | = | Amareadae | 4,604 | ||||
677 | = | black tulip | 4,602 | ||||
678 | = | gypsydragon | 4,598 | ||||
679 | = | rabies | 4,597 | ||||
680 | = | shadowrider | 4,594 | ||||
681 | = | jcyarke | 4,594 |
Player | Visits | ||||||
4569 | -558 | marmca | 1 | ||||
4570 | -558 | DinaStar | 1 | ||||
4571 | - | deviant_tart | 1 | ||||
4572 | -553 | roguede | 1 | ||||
4573 | -552 | Cherry-Cola | 1 | ||||
4574 | -2486 | 3HorseGal | 1 | ||||
4575 | - | rainmen | 1 | ||||
4576 | - | fillyhorselover | 1 | ||||
4577 | -2487 | Hevsie | 1 | ||||
4578 | -3061 | Dotty | 1 | ||||
4579 | - | Rocklady | 1 | ||||
4580 | -556 | 2007endslaughter | 1 | ||||
4581 | -556 | jumbliemoon | 1 | ||||
4582 | - | vicky12121212 | 1 | ||||
4583 | - | FireHorse | 1 | ||||
4584 | -556 | nataliastorm | 1 | ||||
4585 | - | Phaeochrous | 1 | ||||
4586 | -557 | Dana3456 | 1 | ||||
4587 | -2491 | Ash Duke01 | 1 | ||||
4588 | -556 | Zeny - Jay | 1 |