Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks

Daily Objectives

You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty ! You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the “Daily Objectives” page.

Within this thread players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply.

Please note that if you want to discuss the feature itself or give feedback on it, we ask that you do so with the dedicated topic thread for new features here: A new year brings new features!

Warm Regards,

The Howrse Team


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This topic is for asking questions on how to complete the objectives. You may post ads on your page or private EC forums only.

The beginner objectives can take some time to complete, so it's best to be patient and work your way throughdefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,901
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Not sure who is being addressed here, but I still would like to know how to go about getting a gift through item donation. Is that through gifting from friends? I thought it was through the black market gifting? If so, how does one approach that? Nobody visits my EC forum, so paying there is a thoroughly important suggestion.
  • Posted messages: 778
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*Correction* Posting there (my EC) is a useless suggestion.
  • Posted messages: 778
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Emerald01 wrote:

Not sure who is being addressed here, but I still would like to know how to go about getting a gift through item donation. Is that through gifting from friends? I thought it was through the black market gifting? If so, how does one approach that? Nobody visits my EC forum, so paying there is a thoroughly important suggestion.
you have to have a friend send you a gift. things like ap, tack, food can be gifted. hard part is how you get someone to do it when you technically can't ask for one. if you have a friend on regularly that might see a gift send them on e and they may send one back. i have a friend that i know personally and we help each other on these objective.s
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,573
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Hi can somebody please send me an item please default smiley :) I will send one back default smiley (l)
Oona Vikberg
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Emerald01 wrote:

Not sure who is being addressed here, but I still would like to know how to go about getting a gift through item donation. Is that through gifting from friends? I thought it was through the black market gifting? If so, how does one approach that? Nobody visits my EC forum, so paying there is a thoroughly important suggestion.

Hiram Farmer gave you an answer about friends gifting each other through "Friends" tab but I think you are talking about item donation through the "Trades" > "Item Exchanges" tab. For that you have to suggest an exchange (I don't know how it's called in english since I have not access to it yet on this version) on the "Item Exchange" tab and chose to make a gift. If you want to receive a gift here, someone has to do this procedure but it doesn't have to be a friend.
  • Posted messages: 40
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I need to get more droppings fast for my sell 500 droppings objective. im 49% thru. is theres any tips lmk
  • Posted messages: 34
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JayBoBowWizzle wrote:

I need to get more droppings fast for my sell 500 droppings objective. im 49% thru. is theres any tips lmk

The more horses you work each day, the more you'll produce. Feeding them the most for their needs, of both grain and oats, the more each horse will produce each day. So try and do as much training, rides and comps as you can with each while still being able to put them to bed by 22:00 with at least 20% energy.

Do not give them a photos parchment because then they do not produce any droppings.
  • Posted messages: 91,905
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Hello! Help me, please. Objective No. 101: Validate 4 special features. What it means?
Солов'їна Пісня
  • Posted messages: 2
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Солов'їна Пісня wrote:

Hello! Help me, please. Objective No. 101: Validate 4 special features. What it means?

It's the final objective isn't it ? The 4 special features are listed on the objectives tab :
- Equestrian center
- Direct sales
- Grand Prix
- Reserved sales

You need to achieve all the other objectives to unlock the reserved sales and then you'll have the 4 special features.
  • Posted messages: 40
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Солов'їна Пісня
  • Posted messages: 2
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How do you do the objective of reserve of at least $50,000 equals can anyone tell me please?
  • Posted messages: 1
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have at least 50,000 equus on your account.
  • Posted messages: 92,266
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Hey, what do I do with the "Enter Horse into Grand Prix" objective?
I've been putting horses into "Ow's Grand Prix" past couple days & I'm thinking I am doing it wrong.
  • Posted messages: 3
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  • Seniority: 119 days
I'm not sure how to delete my comment above but I figured it out, I didn't see the unlock.
  • Posted messages: 3
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  • Seniority: 119 days
HeckinSnek wrote:

I'm not sure how to delete my comment above but I figured it out, I didn't see the unlock.
we can't delete a comment on equideow unless it's on our forum.
  • Posted messages: 40
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
I just got a covering!
  • Posted messages: 10
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This forum is for asking for tips and help with how to do objectives, not for asking for specific things. Please remember that adverts aren't allowed in any of the public forums.
  • Posted messages: 37,253
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
I’ll give you a congrats. A good tip, though: try congratulating a bunch of players! Many people like congratulating back default smiley :) It’ll be much faster
  • Posted messages: 548
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
ways to ask for gifts without breaking the rules are to put a message on your page and congratulate your friends so that they visit your page and see your message, or to ask someone that you know off the game, or to send one or more friends that you know are online a gift and hope they get the message and send you one back. You could also make a pact with some friends.
  • Posted messages: 92,266
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What can I give a horse to take away the vintage apple?
  • Posted messages: 86
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