[UPDATE] Ask your questions to the Howrse team!


Despite our two first batches of answers, a lot of questions remain unanswered. Let's fix this with a new Q&A session!

From 25th March to 1st April, we invite you to ask your Howrse-related questions in the #game-dev-qa channel in Discord!
When joining the Discord server, you’ll need to click on the horse emoji to access all of the channels.

During this period of time, you will be able to ask and vote for your favorite question(s). The 20 most popular questions will be sent to our team, who will answer them!

▶️ In case of equality between several questions, the questions will be selected according to their chronological order of publication.
▶️ The Howrse team reserves the right not to answer a question, even if it is among the most voted by the community.

How can I ask my questions?

If your question hasn’t been asked or already answered by the game dev team, you can submit your question by writing it in the #game-dev-qa channel;
You can ask as many questions as you want, but only write one question per message.

Please know that the team will not be able to answer questions asked in the forums, unless they have been re-posted by someone in the Discord server. If you do not wish to join the Discord server, you may use this topic to present your questions and request Discord users to forward them onto the dedicated channel.

Before you post your question:

✅ Make sure your question has not been already asked.
✅ Make sure your message only includes one question. If you want to ask another one, write another message.
Your question(s) must be about the game: features, events, team, etc.
Your question(s) and phrasing must be respectful and comply with the Discord server rules.

What is not allowed?

No chit-chat will be allowed in the game-dev-qa channel. You can talk about the Q&A session in this topic or in the #game-dev-discussion Discord channel.
Off-topic questions will be moderated. This place is meant for you to ask your questions to our game dev team, messages about sanctions, or support tickets are not allowed.
Links and pictures are not permitted.

How can I vote for my favorite questions?

✅ If the :OwThumbup: emoji has not been added yet under your favorite question(s), add it to vote for it.
✅ Make sure to use the right emoji: other emojis will not be counted for the final vote.


When will we get the answers?
Our game dev team is very busy working on different features of the game. However, we will do our very best to provide you with the answers within the next two months.

How can I make sure that my question is not off-topic?
As long as your question is related to the game itself, and not about a sanction, it will not be off-topic. You can discuss your question with other players here or in the #game-dev-discussion discord channel. If your message is moderated, our team will do its best to provide you the reason why.

Who will answer our questions?
Depending on the question, you will get an answer from the members of our Game Design, Art, Producing, Programming, Customer Support, or Communication team.

My question was very popular, but not answered by the team. Why?
The team reserves the right not to answer certain questions, even if they are very popular. The Ubisoft policy, or even the secrets around the game unfortunately do not allow us to answer all your questions.

To sum up


March 25–April 1st, 10 AM (Paris time) → Ask your questions.
April 1st-April 3rd, 10 AM (Paris time) → Vote for your favorite questions using the :OwThumbup: emoji.


� Ask your question in the game-dev-qa channel in Discord! Don't forget: One message = one question. Ask as many questions as you want!
� Discuss the different questions asked or the format of this new Q&A session in the game-dev-discussion discord channel or right here in this topic.

We look forward to hearing all of your game questions!

The Howrse Team
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One question and one question only:

Where is Fuji default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 16,839
  • Karma: 10 points
I am not on Discord, so perhaps someone could please ask and relay the answer to me.

What happened to the first 2 packs from this months Ascent of Olympus?
  • Posted messages: 4,887
  • Karma: 10 points
Can someone please pass this on? I dont have discord :’)

When are the decorating events going to come back? We haven’t had one in like 1-2 years now
  • Posted messages: 12,285
  • Karma: 10 points


The Q&A session is now open on Discord!

Head to the #game-dev-qa channel to ask your questions to the Howrse Team!
Don’t forget to click on the horse emoji in server-rules to access all of the channels.

We’ll see you there!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 907
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm not on discord, if someone would be so kind as to pass this one on. Can we have diamond apples back as rewards in events?
  • Posted messages: 69
  • Karma: 10 points
Why are all of these events on Discord? This is inaccessible to people who don't have it.
  • Posted messages: 77
  • Karma: 10 points
Are the answers going to be posted on the site anywhere? It seems a bit pointless to leave a topic up for non-Discord users to post questions if the answers aren't going to also be provided on-site.
  • Posted messages: 29,275
  • Karma: 10 points
Crookedstar915 wrote:

Are the answers going to be posted on the site anywhere? It seems a bit pointless to leave a topic up for non-Discord users to post questions if the answers aren't going to also be provided on-site.

Last time this happened the results were given here. Also some pf the players on discord gave plenty of information about what was happening.

bowiesjulie wrote:

Why are all of these events on Discord? This is inaccessible to people who don't have it.

The reason this sort of thing happens on discord is that it allows for all the questions to be asked on one platform so helping to avoid duplication and confusion. If it was done on each Howrse version there would be the chance of the same questions being asked multiple times in multiple languages. The logistics of sorting that out would be massive, time consuming and expensive of resources. I do see why this is frustrating as I am not a discord user myself but I really cant see how it would work any other way

Be aware that it is not a live question and answer session so there will be quite a delay between questions being asked and results being published.
  • Posted messages: 25,522
  • Karma: 10 points
jsniper wrote:

Can someone please pass this on? I dont have discord :’)

When are the decorating events going to come back? We haven’t had one in like 1-2 years now

This year, and I will die on this hill. I will be standing and dying on this hill up until Jan. 1st, 2025.default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 5,272
  • Karma: 10 points
Question 1: Will any creation golden apple coats ever retire someday? Like the really old ones or ones where the creator is no longer on Howrse? I'm just wondering because there are so many coats to pick though, and perhaps Howrse won't have enough room for them all on their server someday. It would also encourage people to buy the older creation coats if there is a chance they may retire.

No need to rehash how the retired coat system works, I'm aware of how only pre creation coats can be retired by their owners.

Question 2: Would you please create a search system for finding your friends on your friends list? I have many pages of friends and it can be hard to locate one to see if they are on.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,656
  • Karma: 10 points
Can you please make Devine tack available for purchase that helps players board multiple horses
I am a vip member but am considering giving it up as I cannot use some of the perks that are very helpful
Sagebrush Equines
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
Question… why can we not board multiple horses in an ec whee boxes are reserved for us?
Sagebrush Equines
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
Question..when can we get tack to make Devine horses that help players with bedding horses
When groomed..ie auto bedding.
Sagebrush Equines
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
Question..why is Howrse encouraging off site communication with discord?
I do not use discord so am at a very large disadvantage as are all players who do not use discord.
Sagebrush Equines
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
Sagebrush Equines wrote:

Question..when can we get tack to make Devine horses that help players with bedding horses
When groomed..ie auto bedding.

There is a divine that does that, rain if I remember correctly, it’s a vip perk!
  • Posted messages: 1,083
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The Devs' Q&A Answers have arrived! You may use this topic to discuss the answers given by the Devs' in the latest Q&A session.
  • Posted messages: 907
  • Karma: 10 points
So the only thing of importance I read is that "as long as it's not epilepsy visual impairments are not important" and they're not making any sort of accommodation with animations.

That honestly hurts.

I know you probably didn't mean it THAT way, but that's exactly how it reads.
  • Posted messages: 16,839
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

So the only thing of importance I read is that "as long as it's not epilepsy visual impairments are not important" and they're not making any sort of accommodation with animations.

That honestly hurts.

I know you probably didn't mean it THAT way, but that's exactly how it reads.

Also, why are the team only considering the dragon animations? We've been asking for a way to skip the battle animations ever since they were added. While we can press to the side or refresh, we really shouldn't have to. This also doesn't consider the fact that you can't fully escape it, even if you are really quick to stop it. It's so bad that I've stopped working almost all my dragon divines, as they are that big of a risk to my health and they are just such a pain to take care of. I paid a lot for these divines, I should be able to use them.
  • Posted messages: 10,363
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

So the only thing of importance I read is that "as long as it's not epilepsy visual impairments are not important" and they're not making any sort of accommodation with animations.

That honestly hurts.

I know you probably didn't mean it THAT way, but that's exactly how it reads.

not gonna lie, I'm out of care to give them benefit of the doubt on this. this wasn't a live QA session, they weren't put on the spot, they wrote it like that so they meant it like that. it's just so obnoxiously petty, especially after making players pay so much for these divines.
  • Posted messages: 554
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To add, they had over a month to decide to answer this question and workshop the response to a request for accessibility, and deliberately decided to use this wording. "for gameplay reasons" mmhmm, yeah. *vital* gameplay reasons. so vital that they don't exist in the mobile site. can't possibly be turned off, nope.

also the absolute nothingburger of a response to how they're getting new players. couldn't even muster a single "we bought a banner ad space somewhere" or whatever, just reworded the question and nodded along. Yikes.
  • Posted messages: 554
  • Karma: 10 points
When are you going to add the option to turn your irritating, nuisance popups OFF?? Those things have ruined my game experience to the point where I no longer bother with most events. And I haven't bothered with daily objectives either since your major January downgrade when you snuck popups in for objectives (I find that one offensive, like you're telling me that I can't understand that the "confirm" button means that I get passes so you shove a popup in my face to reinforce it). Of course that means that it takes longer than a month just to get 200p on the other server, so that was a VERY unwelcomed change on my side.

I don't need a popup every time I get an insignificant number of divine fragments or when I'm sitting on the page of the luck item and I have the big bar with the fragment count right in front of me. It's not like I'll miss the fact that I won a divine if the meter fills when I get a notification about the divine joining my farm or I notice that all my horses are displaced from their usual positions in my farm. These popups are an unnecessary nuisance that I do NOT enjoy. They literally deter me from playing this game - when will you let us turn them OFF??

And why does turning off animations remove the 20 wins popup?? That was the only useful popup in the game and I liked having it around for horses with low skills, but it disappeared after your nauseating changes to the maze event when I turned off animations (and left them off). *That popup* is not worth turning my animations back on (I can count to 20) but it would be nice to have it back.

And why are you just considering the "fight all" button for the dragon animations when we've been complaining about working that series for so long? They're time consuming to work and they're a health hazard for people who do have it. Please add a way to dodge all those fights that deter me from the series/make me go, "no!! I didn't want this divine to join my farm, why is it here?"

On that, please add a way to refuse a divine that you gathered fragments for unwillingly or won through a prize draw - they are NOT always wanted. I know that I find some of your divines offensive and I never want to see them in my farm, so I'll be very unhappy if I end up with it anyway - contact us won't hear the end of it from me. I've already got yet another unwanted daily "choose your divine horse" popup from your horrendous zonkey series from the day that I decided to play the challenge and made a point of NOT collecting your fragment prizes (which you forced on me anyway) a few years ago. I can't imagine actually having to look at that thing in my farm every day (I see your old, hypersaturated eye-sore designs even though you changed them). Thankfully, I don't have to. (Also, well done - that means that I no longer bother with your challenge events either.)

And when are you going to update the value of your UFO's? Accidentally clicking on 1 single, useless carrot or 500 fodder when I have thousands to millions in my inventory is just frustrating when I know that I can get something that's actually *useful* for the same price (APs). Even your equus UFO prizes are so low that you can't even use them to buy cheap divines in the sales - what's the point? Even when I needed equus to the point of putting CFs on some of my horses (I was a newer player), those UFOs were still useless.

And a way to remove CFs would be nice.. they're not needed after you've established an equus income. If anything, they're a late-game nuisance because horses with them don't leave droppings so they don't help with plant divines at all.
  • Posted messages: 792
  • Karma: 10 points
ShadowKokufu Wow what a long message full of hateful words. Everything you commented on is so not a big deal, you’re letting yourself get worked up over nothing. If you hate the game so much why do you play it at all?
  • Posted messages: 122
  • Karma: 10 points
So glad to hear they're considering a way to get rid of unwanted Divines on here. I guess we'll see if it actually happens, but on my end I have too many Divines that I don't want, don't use, and just sit cluttering my account. Since their skills don't count towards anything there's absolutely no reason to have them other than their perk, and for the un-sellable, perkless ones there's no need. I'd rather be able to sell or trade them for things I can actually use on my game. I understand not making them sellable to the general public, but surely they can implement some kind of Safe Haven-ish feature specifically for Specials? It could be separate from the main Sales tab to avoid accidental giveaways, since I think that was one of the issues with having them put in the Safe Haven before.
  • Posted messages: 29,275
  • Karma: 10 points
I don't mind having the useless divines so much as I just mothball them and they're occasionally useful to fulfill an objective like giving a horse a companion or colour bonus. I do wish we didn't get new divines of any type quite so often though. It used to be exciting to see a new one being offered and deciding if I wanted it and whether I could afford to get it. Now we get new ones so often they don't feel so special so I only go for the ones that give something I use a lot or when I really love the look, like the recent fire divines.
  • Posted messages: 37,291
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