[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery

By Retired breeder, 21st April 2009 08:58:18
This thread is here to show off your Retired Coats. This is not the place to post non retired coats. **The two exceptions would be coats that have been pulled (brief discussions) and the pre release coats.


******** absolutely no sales talk, no talk about spares or how many extras of a copy you got and selling them to fund your RC habit this is just a place to talk RCs

* although links and graphics are ok on this thread, they are not allowed normally on public forums

* any negative or unkind comments on artists or coats (or anyone!) will be removed, and depending on the case, it might mean an instant forum ban.

* DO NOT use this as a place to sell your horse/coats-if you feel the need to break this rule, it will mean an instant forum ban...

** Sales ads are NOT allowed in any public forums. Asking for spare coats will now be considered a sales ad. This includes stating that you plan to sell a coat, or point out coats for sale in sales.

* Do not use this place as a spot for rants or complaints-About coats/BG/or each other.

* This is not the place to ask players to price your coats, or to ask others the worth of a coat, you can check uses on your own by hovering your mouse over the gray apple and price it from there.

* This is not the place to bring up the subject of stolen images. Keep in mind that the rules of the BP used to be very different, and many old coats are from that time.
There is not any reason to bring that up, or report the coats.

*Please do not do a coat countdown for soon to retire coats.

* Please do not post coats that are currently in the GA and have either not retired, or will never retire.

* Please do not post coat/bg combos or ask opinions on them, except following coat release.

* Some coats may be removed in the future, whether that be for problems with the coats itself or just because they're clearing room on the server to allow other coats to be uploaded - if you're buying retired coats, please keep that in mind. If you want a permanent copy, I would recommend saving the graphic to your computer

* How to discover who many uses a New GC coat will retire-There is now a coat countdown in the GA, and it will show how many have been used and how many uses there are left.

** There is now a new creations directory which shows all coats. Go to Community>>>Directories>>>Creations>>>Click more criteria, and on the left hand side is a gold and silver apple. Click the silver apple and search to see all retired coats.

* To see who created/how many uses/name/or if you have it already of a RC coat, simply click on the silver apple, and it will tell you.

*** Posting links to other player's coats is NOT allowed and can mean a forum ban.

*#*#*#* If players feel the need break the main topic rules, such as sales ads/coat countdowns/spares-you can expect an instant forum ban without any warning prior to it *#*#*#*
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Looks like you missed this one, Nalu!

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Author: MIA
  • Posted messages: 5,261
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All nice coats but which is the cutest? What do you think?
  • Posted messages: 188
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Looks like only 2 for me this go around. While I do like some a lot of them currently I'm only hunting/collecting the ones with animals with them.
мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα
  • Posted messages: 50,798
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Ready, this is gonna be intense. default smiley (lol) Fingers crossed.
  • Posted messages: 10,153
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Oathkeeper wrote:

Ready, this is gonna be intense. default smiley (lol) Fingers crossed.

Right? The waiting is killing me!
  • Posted messages: 91,905
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Indeed. Good luck everyone!
  • Posted messages: 10,153
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Wasn't as intense as I expected. Got everything I wanted including the Viserys and Hennessy default smiley :-))
Crystal Clear
  • Posted messages: 693
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm glad that's over!
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,901
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Crystal Clear wrote:

the Viserys and Hennessy

The Viserys was my first choice and it was at 33 when my internet decided to cooperate. It was a sweaty couple of seconds there default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Omg! I had an awful time! What a mess!
  • Posted messages: 91,905
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well something went epically wrong for me there, i'm struggling to believe that many coats had gone within me refreshing to start, i think i must have really mucked up my species or something when applying packs default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 17,006
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I luckily got all the 100 copies I wanted. I am only missing 1 200 copy pegasus and the higher number horse coats, which I will get at normal when I have more blups prepared.
  • Posted messages: 10,153
  • Karma: 10 points
Missed 4. 3 horses and a uni. I partly blame the computed pop up. Thankfully got all the rest and my favorites. That hennessy uni was my fav this round along with the horse and dog combo. I'll be buring the midnight oil once again.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,571
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I got 7. Only two of which were 100 counts. That was a tough one!
  • Posted messages: 5,413
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Missed the Hennessy unicorn, was unavailable already few secs after the hour. Hope to get it at regular release!
  • Posted messages: 1,503
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I missed 6 total, but luckily I got a copy of the Viserys! It was my first choice and it was already at 40 uses when I got mine (bear in mind, it was the first coat I picked so it was used lightning FAST!!). My second choice was the Hennessy, but it was at 49 copies so I missed it. I'm using a different computer than I normally do as well, so I was kinda scared I'd miss a whole ton this release default smiley (ow)

My favorite coat was the 100c Winged Draft Unicorn, it's star antennae are so cute default smiley *-)
The Pinto Pony
  • Posted messages: 1,331
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Ugh missed both the Viserys and Hennessy default smiley :'( And I totally messed up my tabs. Had the same horse opened in 2 tabs. Got it covered with a 100 coat and then re-coated it with a 200 coat I didn't want by accident default smiley xddefault smiley :-x
  • Posted messages: 312
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Went pretty well for me. I did accidentally put one of the winged ponies on a (non-foundie) winged pony I had leftover from last release I hadn't used. But, it's okay, I'll just grab another copy at normal time and put the other one in my sales tab. I'd rather me mess up than have to deal with internet or the game glitching though.

I was nervous something was going to go wrong or be buggy though because when I first opened the GA page on one of my horse's while setting up, it was blank. I couldn't see any coats at all.default smiley xd A refresh fixed it, but I thought it was going to be a bad sign lol.
  • Posted messages: 5,261
  • Karma: 10 points
I remember the times when early was quite quiet, it wasn't a mad dash to pick up everything, but now it's literally a "pick this perk or risk missing out on most of the coats" kind of perk, not that I mind or anything, it's actually kinda exciting. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 10,153
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Some really stunning coats this round! Unfortunately I can't make release but my favorites are the Missgreendy pegasus and the RumorHasIt pony. I really loved previous coats by those two artists so it's great to see more of their work default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 1,137
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The only one in going default smiley (7)default smiley *-) at is the 400c riding horse
Easy round for me default smiley (b)
  • Posted messages: 641
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I put the coats I was missing on other horses, so I will likely pass on normal. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 10,153
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I have been trying to get this coat pretty much since my early days on this website. Even got in a bidding contest at one point which I ended up loosing
But luck is on my side today! I picked her up for a very good price I could not be anymore happier than I am right now default smiley (7)default smiley :-))default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 1,012
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Some more pick-ups for me. A Mirel Darstail, and a couple of PreCS
Native Spirit
Touch of Cocoa
I was glad to find Touch of Cocoa, because I already had the sister coat, Black Opal
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,901
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh I love that last one! It’s absolutely gorgeous default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 1,012
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