[FT] Howrse Spotters

Had a little look inside my ec forum and found a good idea.
why don't we play Howrse spotters!
It's very simple you just need to find an extraordinary Howrse and put the link to his page here.
We could look for the Oldest, the fattest, the skinniest, the biggest number of wins in one type of competition and so on, i'll let you imagine which ones we can search together.
Good searching ! default smiley ;)
The Howrse Team

*** There will be NO more using this thread to advertise... You are all clearly breaking game rules. If you decide to do it anyway, you will be getting an instant forum ban without a warning. If you continue to break the game rules, you will get another forum ban and karma loss.

*** This thread is NOT for asking for opinions of what Background goes with what GA coat. That will be considered to be an opinion poll, and those are not allowed in public forums. If this continues, players will be getting instant forum bans.

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So i got a coat and background combo that looked like it'd be perfect on the preview but had the horse completely miss the pedestal once actually applied. Since the preview doesn't show where the horse actually ends up, i think it might be helpful to make a second forum thread to make a note of combos that don't play nice with each other like that so people won't accidentally waste their hard-earned helios' rays. I don't know how to post images here, but if you want to see what i mean, it's my horse djoser in my dune sea section. It's just a shame that the preview is so far from where the horse actually lands
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm need help looking for Helios Ray backgrounds with mountains in them to go with the Mountain Hiking Journal coat. Any ideas?
  • Posted messages: 2
  • Karma: 10 points
Hey guys! I'm looking for active pirate themed riding horse/peg coats. I would appreciate any help!default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 14,441
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Hey guys! Does anyone know if there are any riding horse/peg coats that involve chocolate milk?default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 14,441
  • Karma: 10 points
Mewados wrote:

So i got a coat and background combo that looked like it'd be perfect on the preview but had the horse completely miss the pedestal once actually applied. Since the preview doesn't show where the horse actually ends up, i think it might be helpful to make a second forum thread to make a note of combos that don't play nice with each other like that so people won't accidentally waste their hard-earned helios' rays. I don't know how to post images here, but if you want to see what i mean, it's my horse djoser in my dune sea section. It's just a shame that the preview is so far from where the horse actually lands

I'm guessing the background has been changed since then but I too wish they would give a real preview like they used to. Back when you could preview a Ray and see the page as it would actually look once applied and it was inordinately helpful in picking out backgrounds that match. Now I've several Rays that don't line up right, or part of the background I wanted visible is hidden behind panels, etc.
  • Posted messages: 943
  • Karma: 10 points
FeathersOfHope wrote:

I'm need help looking for Helios Ray backgrounds with mountains in them to go with the Mountain Hiking Journal coat. Any ideas?

If you search for "Mountain" in the creations directory there are many beautiful mountainous backgrounds. "mountain" has a few as well. I always recommend searching keywords in the directory; you'll almost always turn up some options.

A couple other backgrounds that might fit:

Name: ◊ᑅ Nҽɨgҽ ᑀ◊
Creator: Invasi0n

Name: Winter Song
Creator: ebonita

Name: Drain the colors
Creator: osmak2001
  • Posted messages: 943
  • Karma: 10 points
Famousamos wrote:

Hey guys! I'm looking for active pirate themed riding horse/peg coats. I would appreciate any help!default smiley (l)

Name: Dun Pirate
Creator: BeyondRedemption

Name: A l'abordage !
Creator: Plooo

Name: rackham
Creator: silvr

Name: Храброе сердце
Creator: Skiba613

Name: Pin Point Sparrow
Creator: pony10girl

Most I got from 1kkurtz's forum; she has a list of themed coats and backgrounds.
  • Posted messages: 943
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh, thanks! I'll check these out, as well as the forum!default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 14,441
  • Karma: 10 points
Veren wrote:

Most I got from 1kkurtz's forum; she has a list of themed coats and backgrounds.

Wow, 1kkurtz's forum is absolutely great! Mentioned her on my page.
(Howrse, don't EVER delete that account please default smiley (lol))
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
Veren wrote:

If you search for "Mountain" in the creations directory there are many beautiful mountainous backgrounds. "mountain" has a few as well. I always recommend searching keywords in the directory; you'll almost always turn up some options.

Additional tip: the creations search engine is case sensitive, so if you search for fx 'mountain' you will not find the coats with 'Mountain' in the name.
You can either do 2 searches or leave out the first letter, and search for 'ountain'.
This works for any keyword of course.

Finding synonyms can also help. If you're looking for mountains, try Hill/hill or Alp/alp and you'll find some great ones too.
('ill' instead of 'Hill/hill' works too, but you'll get a lot of unusable extras because the combination 'ill' is short and is in many other words too.)
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
Mewados wrote:

So i got a coat and background combo that looked like it'd be perfect on the preview but had the horse completely miss the pedestal once actually applied. Since the preview doesn't show where the horse actually ends up, i think it might be helpful to make a second forum thread to make a note of combos that don't play nice with each other like that so people won't accidentally waste their hard-earned helios' rays. I don't know how to post images here, but if you want to see what i mean, it's my horse djoser in my dune sea section. It's just a shame that the preview is so far from where the horse actually lands

I've looked at Djoser because I was curious about the combination and he has a real nice background imo. Did you change it? I don't see the pedestal problem here.

Also, I don't know if everybody knows, but you can change the horse's place in the picture.
If you hover over the horse, you'll see 5 buttons above his head. The second one is called 'reduce landscape'. If you click that, the panels on the left (the Care buttons) and on the right (the Mission and Training buttons) will sink.
After that you can shrink and enlarge your horse and drag it to the place in the picture where you want it. (Within certain limits, but a lot is possible.)
I found that with a lot of difficult landscapes, these adjustments will solve the problem.

Sadly there will always be backgrounds where it will not exactly work as you'd want it to be. And there are - even sadder - also landscapes with real nice details that will always disappear behind some parts of the Howrse website, like the blue button bar.
There is for example a great blue background (I can't find it right now!) with a little red fox in the lower right corner, and that fox completely disappears when you use it in the game. The preview looks really great!
  • Posted messages: 2,762
  • Karma: 10 points
Meeki wrote:

Also, I don't know if everybody knows, but you can change the horse's place in the picture.
If you hover over the horse, you'll see 5 buttons above his head. The second one is called 'reduce landscape'. If you click that, the panels on the left (the Care buttons) and on the right (the Mission and Training buttons) will sink.
After that you can shrink and enlarge your horse and drag it to the place in the picture where you want it. (Within certain limits, but a lot is possible.)
I found that with a lot of difficult landscapes, these adjustments will solve the problem.

Sadly this only works if you have the landscape enlarged (and if you reduce the landscape again it will shift back), so it's less helpful for horses that you work regularly. But thanks for the tip! I do have a couple "display" horses.

Not related to that, but Llon23 also has a bunch of coat themes in her forum - and some Rays too - so people who are looking for themed coats should stop by and see if their theme is listed.
  • Posted messages: 943
  • Karma: 10 points
Veren wrote:

Most I got from 1kkurtz's forum; she has a list of themed coats and backgrounds.

Back when i first posted in here i was trying to do a walking the plank themed horse. I sure wish there was a good ray made for that, though it would probably be tricky to find a correctly positioned horse for it. However, i've been BLUPping since then, and my new BLUP is a black overo horse, so i thought this coat from 1kkurtz's forum would make a good coat for a similar theme of ships/ocean.default smiley ^) So thanks for telling me about their lists!default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 14,441
  • Karma: 10 points
Not sure how to quote/reply directly, but yes I did finally change djoser's background. I didn't know there were controls to tweak it. I'll try that out; I'm not sure how it'll work when controlling it on classic and returning to mobile, but it'd make background matching so much easier. Thanks for the tip default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 208
  • Karma: 10 points
Veren wrote:

Sadly this only works if you have the landscape enlarged (and if you reduce the landscape again it will shift back), so it's less helpful for horses that you work regularly. But thanks for the tip! I do have a couple "display" horses.

Not related to that, but Llon23 also has a bunch of coat themes in her forum - and some Rays too - so people who are looking for themed coats should stop by and see if their theme is listed.

Yes, that's what I said. I just looked on the page of a horse with enlarged landscape so the button says reduce, but indeed I should have written the *enlarge* button.
There's a bit more scrolling to do after that indeed. I must say I don't mind, but I have VIP and autocomp, that makes a lot of difference here. I thus display all my horses with a landscape default smiley ;)

Thanks for the addition, just added Llon23 too!
Goodness, so much work they have done searching all these coats. Kudos!! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 2,762
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Anyone found a nice background that suits Cinnamon?
  • Posted messages: 152
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Anyone know of any GA coats with ducks/duck themed?
  • Posted messages: 49
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funnylookinrooster wrote:

Anyone know of any GA coats with ducks/duck themed?

This is the most recent duck creation to my knowledge... I KNOW there are more though. I may be able to find the others, but this was the easiest to get a hold of again. default smiley (lol)

Name: Mallardy
Author: Nadia Aabo
  • Posted messages: 570
  • Karma: 10 points
This isn't exactly a duck, but I thought it'd be good to add it in since it's duck-looking

Name: Flowery Swan
Author: Mᴇᴛᴀʟʜᴇᴀᴅ«
  • Posted messages: 570
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I found a few more! Thank you Juicy for your help!


Name: Entchen
Author: schnugu


Name: Swanie
Author: Aiden

Name: ~Swan Princess~
Author: Arsan Dasu


Name: The Golden Rooster
Author: Psilone
  • Posted messages: 49
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Both of the swan ones are actually RA coats, but I still thought I'd share what I was able to find default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
Famousamos wrote:

Hey guys! I'm looking for active pirate themed riding horse/peg coats. I would appreciate any help!default smiley (l)

To add to the ones already listed

Mischief In Heels
  • Posted messages: 462
  • Karma: 10 points
She is my favourite horse on game. default smiley :)

Her name is Lakesite.

  • Posted messages: 219
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Mischief In Heels wrote:

To add to the ones already listed


That is a very cute one, thanks! Too bad it's a pony instead of a riding horse.default smiley 8-)
  • Posted messages: 14,441
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LovePony wrote:

She is my favourite horse on game. default smiley :)

Her name is Lakesite.


Here is a link to Lakesite's public page! She's a nice mare! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 41
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