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Honestly I'm a little surprised they haven't offered any chinese divines considering the chinese new year was a little over a week or two ago. I was hoping for a qilin LOL
  • Posted messages: 4,577
  • Karma: 10 points
RheaMone wrote:

Honestly I'm a little surprised they haven't offered any chinese divines considering the chinese new year was a little over a week or two ago. I was hoping for a qilin LOL

I am so sad they didn't. I was really, really hoping they'd release them all in HoPs as a pick your divine deal like in 2021. Though, seems like they are in rotation right now anyway, so I guess gradually (at a snails pace) they'll all be re-released... Qilin (and my Shenma) haven't been through yet though, so still some hope there!default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 5,279
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Aishiteru really does look strange. I know he's not the ONLY Love Divine to not have a heart tail, or not be dressed in according with the country he's representing, but...?

On the other hand, there aren't any Pegasuses in the Pastry series and ALL the Love Divines are. Just really odd; he'd look slightly off in either series. Not sure what was going through their minds when they designed him.
  • Posted messages: 29,476
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I'm still of the opinion that this could have been a mate for the final pastry and having both doubled the extra daily sugar you got from Macaron. It just saddens me a bit as there were so many breeds missing as drops from the series and I personally wouldn't have minded them continuing even after Macaron's release. I don't believe we ever got any of the pony breeds, which does sting a bit, especially when you consider the fact that ponies are already less popular than riding horses, so it feels like those breeds have gotten ignored again.
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Looks like a love divine to me default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 334
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Does anyone have the prize list of the next Event?
  • Posted messages: 585
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Juicy I posted it on the last page! default smiley (y) (Or the page before that.. On mobile currently so I can’t tell lol)
  • Posted messages: 12,358
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Thanks jsniper default smiley (lol) it's on page 2861 on desktop
  • Posted messages: 585
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Did Nalu find the Thing? She sure did!

Next Event
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The Memory!

Next Divine
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Rapunzel, the new Fairy Tale Divine

Can I just say that I love her? Splendid boy type. And the colouring. Chef Kiss.
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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am I the only one *super* bothered that it has 2 completely different hair/manes? they aren't even the same texture let alone length, it's like the artist forgot to put the long hair on until the end and just slapped it on wherever it would fit. it looks nice on its own, but if there's a full completely normal horse mane, then where on *earth* is the long stuff growing from?? if they needed the space filled to balance the image, why not just have the long hair loop under the neck, it just looks so wrong to me.
  • Posted messages: 565
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Oh no. Now I can't unsee.
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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I'm sorry y'all :')

don't get me wrong it's very well rendered! but I just. cannot unsee it.
  • Posted messages: 565
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answrs wrote:

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am I the only one *super* bothered that it has 2 completely different hair/manes? they aren't even the same texture let alone length, it's like the artist forgot to put the long hair on until the end and just slapped it on wherever it would fit. it looks nice on its own, but if there's a full completely normal horse mane, then where on *earth* is the long stuff growing from?? if they needed the space filled to balance the image, why not just have the long hair loop under the neck, it just looks so wrong to me.

omg yoou're right. it's giving me an uncanny valley feeling... default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 585
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I don’t think I can under that now. It has like 3-4 different hair textures...

It is cute.. until you notice the hair textures. default smiley :s

(Other than that is pretty cute, thank you Howrse!)
  • Posted messages: 360
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I hadn't noticed and now I cannot unseeeeeeeee default smiley xddefault smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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The first time I cut my hair myself and
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that's sort of what it looked likedefault smiley (lol). I accidentally created a "shelf" in my layers, so the front was quite short and did not blend into the longer part at all. Thankfully, I was able to fix it.

I think if the curly part coming down from the neck is removed it'd look better. And should be easy to erase, too. And maybe change the tail so it matches the long and sleek hair?
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

The first time I cut my hair myself and
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that's sort of what it looked likedefault smiley (lol). I accidentally created a "shelf" in my layers, so the front was quite short and did not blend into the longer part at all. Thankfully, I was able to fix it.

I think if the curly part coming down from the neck is removed it'd look better. And should be easy to erase, too. And maybe change the tail so it matches the long and sleek hair?

Agreed! Otherwise I quite like her!default smiley (7) do we have any idea of her perk yet?default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 14,533
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We do from the French server
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Rapunzel is a Fairy Tale horse. She will give you
Fancily decorated tail (new tail item like the braided tail, I translated approximately)
Button plait
Customised clippers
  • Posted messages: 16,925
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

We do from the French server
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Rapunzel is a Fairy Tale horse. She will give you
Fancily decorated tail (new tail item like the braided tail, I translated approximately)
Button plait
Customised clippers

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She doesn't give a new one what I have seen. She gives the old one.

New one is named Tresse de de queue enroulée (the second de probably typo) and old one is Tresse de queue torsadée.



  • Posted messages: 93
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Aha, thank you! :3
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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i'm very keen to spend my passes this weekend, zestfully hoping for zephyrus
  • Posted messages: 31,495
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Nalu93 wrote:

We do from the French server
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Rapunzel is a Fairy Tale horse. She will give you
Fancily decorated tail (new tail item like the braided tail, I translated approximately)
Button plait
Customised clippers

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Ah thanks...i do love the character, but don't care at all about those prizes. I have actually been known somewhat as Rapunzel in my real life...well back when i was younger. I had long, wavy, natural golden blonde hair growing up. As a teen, i had paper routes as my first job, and one lady actually came up to me as i walking carrying papers, and she enthusiastically opened her arms wide and said, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" as she walked up to me lol. True story ha ha. I also was walking down the street one day, and passed a house and the lady on the porch called out to me, "Don't ever cut your hair!" Everybody loved my hair so much back then. I still get comments that my hair is so pretty these days, but it usually surprises me as my hair has since gotten darker since around my mid 20s, and while still long, is not as long as it was back then. Its also back in a ponytail these days, unlike then. I think its because it still has golden highlights. So, that being said, my whole life i've been known as that girl with the hair, so its been a part of my identity. Hence, my identifying with the Rapunzel character. Now if only i liked those perks ha ha. Plus, i loved the Disney movie Tangled, which is about Rapunzel. I think her voice is played by Mandy Moore. Anyway, I do hope they will fix that extra mane issue, but either way, i plan to try to add her to my Fairy Tale collection!default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 14,533
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Those items do interest me as someone who does skillers to hold fountain and earn rosettes, but I just wish they won't coming from the fairy tale series, a series well known for its terrible drop rates.
  • Posted messages: 10,618
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Memory event details!

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Why on earth would they make the braided horse tail the "main" prize? I'm pretty sure the majority of players received it in the ongoing wanderers event, which makes the current value of it very low. Just take a look at the sales.

Some of the prizes on the list are really nice, though, which is a bit of redemption.
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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Is the Woven Horsetail Braid different from the Braided Horsetail item? If so, then I suppose it makes sense for the new item to be the jackpot

On the breed

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Is this breed perhaps a reining breed by any chance? Gallop, Dressage and Stamina? I am dying for a real one
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