[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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43492449 wrote:

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All tiles:

Bumping for relevance default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,925
  • Karma: 10 points
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Oh dear.
  • Posted messages: 10,618
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Yeah, looks like the new series is on its way. Found this on Instagram.

  • Posted messages: 80
  • Karma: 10 points
Well, actually no, I was mistaken.
The next Divine is:

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The Musicians of Bremen.

They give
- Dog
- Lyre
- Hen

So not really useful but here they are
  • Posted messages: 16,925
  • Karma: 10 points
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Cute, but man those prizes are lame. Kind of wanted the metal horse
  • Posted messages: 12,358
  • Karma: 10 points
jsniper wrote:

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Cute, but man those prizes are lame. Kind of wanted the metal horse

I am more mad
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At the Free Archimedes at the end. I KNEW they would do it since they updated him a couple of months ago but MAN does it hurt.
  • Posted messages: 16,925
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

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At the Free Archimedes at the end. I KNEW they would do it since they updated him a couple of months ago but MAN does it hurt.

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Honestly, as much as I would like Archimedes, I think you're right, they shouldn't have messed with him...But everyone has to be able to have one, for fairness default smiley (o) I just accept I wasn't on here when he came out so I didn't get him. Whatever..not too big of a deal
  • Posted messages: 12,358
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Ouch that's going to hurt...
  • Posted messages: 334
  • Karma: 10 points
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A free event for me. I've decided not to bother with the fairy tale series, they take too long for the prizes they offer.
  • Posted messages: 10,618
  • Karma: 10 points
New event:
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Jackpot Divine and Prize:
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New Features:
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  • Posted messages: 16,925
  • Karma: 10 points
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A bit sour we get a Ban'ei horse and not Clydesdales :/
  • Posted messages: 12,358
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Does this mean that only team horses can now use the coverings? I personally know players that use left over team coverings to cover other horses.
  • Posted messages: 10,618
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I hail from the land of Instagram, I bring spoilers to all

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I think the Grail horse has to be Galahad, because thats the Holy Grail, right?

  • Posted messages: 12,358
  • Karma: 10 points
jsniper wrote:

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I think the Grail horse has to be Galahad, because thats the Holy Grail, right?

It has to be.
We'll see next month I guess, this Spoiler is SO ahead! default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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I agree with everyone here. Having Archimedes for free in an event is nice, but Archimedes I still feel is special, personally, I think the Bremen Musicians should have been offered for free while Arch was in the luck item. Archimedes was always kind of special...
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,958
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jsniper wrote:

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I think the Grail horse has to be Galahad, because thats the Holy Grail, right?

I like the design of the divine but I don't like the event it's being offered in.
  • Posted messages: 229
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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Happy to see the memory event back, it's one of my favorites. Sad to see there are no useful prizes imo, and the divine isn't that great either. It's cool with a new breed, but I really do wish they'd draw up some new graphics, too many breeds look the exact same... And the whole Archimedes thing? Can't say I'm surprised. default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 182
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I'm not sure if they were working on the
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Safe haven changes
before I started contacting them about it, but im glad there's something being done! Even if it's small.
  • Posted messages: 7,889
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Nalu, just a week ago:
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Nalu93 wrote:

Archimedes is a legacy horse and he shouldn't ever be rereleased. Ever.

Howrse, in response:
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  • Posted messages: 210
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The moment they updated his skills a month ago I just KNEW it was going to happen.
I could sniff it. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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I tested on pre-prod and you can still offer and receive coverings with team horses bought from the sales. At the moment noone seems quite sure how its supposed to work or what it is supposed to be!
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I'm really happy about Archimedes! I participated in the quiz back then but never got him so its nice to have a bit of a throwback to add to my account default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 9,623
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Oathkeeper wrote:

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A free event for me. I've decided not to bother with the fairy tale series, they take too long for the prizes they offer.

I agree I've made the same decision its not worth it at all. Plus I've had to fill the meter for EVERY single divine in the Crown so far.
  • Posted messages: 279
  • Karma: 10 points
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