[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

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[spoiler*] the text you want to hide [/*spoiler]
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You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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By Retired breeder, 26th October 2021 22:04:26
Why don't they just promote the Howrse sub-reddit? or make one if they want it to be official rather than fan created. It's closer to being a forum like system with posts being easy for discussion and even easier to moderate.
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My overall opinion is that this server could have been a nice way to communicate with everyone that joined it, while the forums still existed for those that didn't want to use it or can't, but it sadly turned into something really toxic because of the negative feelings surrounding the removal of the forums on most of the servers.
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it is a flaming dumpster fire going downhill fast with not one fire extinguisher in sight. thank you for saying so. people are off-topic and minors should not be giving their ages when they introduce themselves. period.
and . . . i do agree with nalu. but won't the mods do something about that??
apparently not.
  • Posted messages: 1,565
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Honestly, I never say anything about new changes in here because I hardly ever play anymore. But this is so ridiculous I just had to say something.
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By all means, go ahead and add a discord server. That's great, then players have another platform to communicate on if they choose to. But DO NOT take away the forums here. There are probably a lot of players that do not own discord, are not allowed to have it, or choose not to have it. How would those players be able to communicate? That is a large part of the game for me and I do not want to get an account on discord just to continue playing a game that I have enjoyed for 4 years. If this change is made, I will no longer have any excuses to continue playing and I (as well as many others players) will quit. Taking away the forums is the number 1 best way to lose most of your players (and a lot of money).

For once, please listen to the large amount of players that do not like this change, otherwise you may end up completely out of business.
  • Posted messages: 2,558
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I have an idea, just StOp BuYiNg PaSsEs.
Im not sure if people even buy passes these days, but if they don't listen now they sure will then. Don't reward the company if they continue to make downright awful choices.
  • Posted messages: 272
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Oathkeeper wrote:

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My overall opinion is that this server could have been a nice way to communicate with everyone that joined it, while the forums still existed for those that didn't want to use it or can't, but it sadly turned into something really toxic because of the negative feelings surrounding the removal of the forums on most of the servers.

I mean that's the whole thing, isn't it?
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Were the forums to stay, people would just rejoice about this new, shiny thing. But this is a do ut des and the price (our old; Legacy forums) is just too much.
default smiley :)
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Khspoon wrote:

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I have an idea, just StOp BuYiNg PaSsEs.
Im not sure if people even buy passes these days, but if they don't listen now they sure will then. Don't reward the company if they continue to make downright awful choices.

agree wholeheartedly. we need to get howrse to listen to us. as vlekkie2004 said, a discord server is okay but why delete the forums?
i've had experience with this. it started with removal of roleplay forums and activity posting. then removal of, basically, free speech. and now a whole community is gone.
howrse, when you end up like that, i'll be saying, "i told you so."
  • Posted messages: 1,565
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By Retired breeder, 26th October 2021 22:35:08
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Does the spoiler ban even work I posted one with the banner and it doesn't even show
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I don’t think the big player will listen. And let’s face it, you do not get more than 2000 rubans in a month without pass. Many passes. And being quiet single minded. They are not going to quit.
  • Posted messages: 538
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does the spoiler ban even work I posted one with the banner and it doesn't even show

You need to remove the asterisks and put the message between the spoiler tags.

So for example:

[Spoiler*]TEXT[/Spoiler*] <- NO.

Click to display
<- Yes.

For quick Spoiler tag, above the text window to type in your message, the little eye icon will add a spoiler tag for you default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Yeah ! Spoiler banner worked !
  • Posted messages: 538
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By Retired breeder, 26th October 2021 22:42:53
Since Howrse won't hear my opinons and pleads then I'm no longer gonna say anything about how I feel about this update the hurt I felt when they didn't care how I feel and how much I love the kind community forums. I no longer care about the well being of this game if my opinon no longer matters go ahead let it collapes and block me again and make me sad again I guess making people sad is all you know let me just say that if you devs think your better then us lemme say your not everyone is equal you can deny me and block me or ban be all you want but that won't change anything. Oh by the way Howrse thanks for ruining my good mood with the message censor that really made me happy NOT
By Retired breeder, 26th October 2021 22:45:28
I has to agree with my cousin here on this and not just because we act like twins and think the same thing not to mention BeautyDreams is younger then me
Lets post some positive Spoilers

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Not sure if these have been posted yet.
Possible new Chimeras coming

  • Posted messages: 13,094
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Retired breeder wrote:

Since Howrse won't hear my opinons and pleads then I'm no longer gonna say anything about how I feel about this update the hurt I felt when they didn't care how I feel and how much I love the kind community forums. I no longer care about the well being of this game if my opinon no longer matters go ahead let it collapes and block me again and make me sad again I guess making people sad is all you know let me just say that if you devs think your better then us lemme say your not everyone is equal you can deny me and block me or ban be all you want but that won't change anything. Oh by the way Howrse thanks for ruining my good mood with the message censor that really made me happy NOT
If you want to give feedback to Howrse you are welcome to do it on the Contact Us form. If you post anything in this topic about things not on the game you must use a spoiler. It tells you that in the opening post and how to do it, There has also been an add spoiler icon put into each new message. Then before you post you can preview to make sure your spoiler has worked. If you really can't do that you have to expect your messages to be censored. Mods are not here to put your mistakes right if you do not even try to do as you are asked and if we leave yours then it follows we must leave everyones. Then there is no point in having a spoiler topic.
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I think only Kawaï will sooth me. Completing a collection, why not. default smiley :) Or a new collection, why not Western Folklore Horse ! Like Jesse James, Calamity Jane and Doc Holliday ! We do not have any collection related to America. This is not a spoiler it is call daydreaming.default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 538
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are they seriously going to take away forums? what in the heck.

They are currently a means of onsite communication between players and onsite is typically safer and easier to moderate than an off site option, like reddit or discord, is.

Even more so when remembering that there are kids on this site...
  • Posted messages: 3,433
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By Retired breeder, 27th October 2021 00:12:17
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th October 2021 00:15:52
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th October 2021 00:19:01
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Contact Us hasn't moved. It's always at the bottom of every page. It never changed. Never will change.
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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By Retired breeder, 27th October 2021 00:22:59
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Just opened the forum and looked a few pages back. I’m honestly disgusted.
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Retired breeder wrote:

This game is slowly going downhill and I'm just watching it happen I will just keep getting blocked if I try telling the Howrse team the bad things that will happen if they do this but what do I know of I'm just a fellow looser k?

Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

What I'm confused here is what experience do you have claiming the game is going downhill when you made your account in September of this year? Don't get me wrong, its not doing well but its been struggling for a very long time and this is just another thing to add to the pile. I'm not sure you should be the one commenting on Howrses past if you were not there to experience the issues.

I get and understand the frustration, even I was poking fun passive-aggressively but you have gotten to the point where all you do is complain with no criticism whatsoever. The Dev team is NOT going to read these forums and if you actually find this as big as a deal as most of us (including myself) you would contact support itself about your concerns. It is not the moderators job to clean up this mess and it is not their fault they have to censor your behavior. Plenty of people have mad a clear point here about this Discord idea and have not gotten censored.

  • Posted messages: 272
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By Retired breeder, 27th October 2021 00:37:06
A friend of mine told me before when I first started playing and said he quit for some reason I thought he may have extradrated a bit but I can see I was wrong
By Retired breeder, 27th October 2021 00:40:33
And technicaly I have played before a few years ago but have forgotten my passward
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