[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

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By Retired breeder, 12th December 2017 14:10:11
Oh your right about that, sorry, my head’s kinda messy default smiley (lol)
Hm Yeah, guess we’ll just have to wait and see then..
Okay what do we do with the Divine Ornaments we keep getting from the Advent when they don't show up for our trees?? default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 986
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Amareadae wrote:

Okay what do we do with the Divine Ornaments we keep getting from the Advent when they don't show up for our trees?? default smiley (o)

they're used for the final level on the trees that give you a divine
  • Posted messages: 524
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New Divine

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Next Special Horses Page:

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New Background in Ow's Helios' Ray

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  • Posted messages: 150
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  • Seniority: 816 days
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Chloe Elizabeth wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Use the spoiler tags.

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"What is Dagda and when can we get him?"

here you are info

shortly: Dagda is new Celtic Divine and will be to win in "Seasons Mazes".

  • Posted messages: 150
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  • Seniority: 816 days
something more from promotion:

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home page background:

event background:

"pannel marketing"

  • Posted messages: 150
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  • Seniority: 816 days
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Chloe Elizabeth wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

USE THE SPOILER TAGS. ⇒ [spoiler]informations[/*spoiler] (without *)

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"What is the Seasons Mazes?"

read here

"Seasons Mazes

The concept is loosely the same as last year (get trees, decorate them and get gifts) but most of the contest has changed since last year.

There is one Maze for each season (so 4 in total, that become bigger and bigger) with a big gift at the end of each one, and a tiny tutorial Maze.

The Jackpot is the Celtic divine Dagda, at the end of the 4th maze.

Adjustments/New features:

There’s a tutorial with a whole maze (tiny one)

You now get a more immersive view into the Maze (1st person view instead of a view from the top looking at your horse). This means that every time you take a turn, the directions turn as well.

To avoid getting lost, there are several little tools/tips to know about:

The background changes whether you’re facing North/South/East/West

When there’s something to get on the next square, it is displayed on the arrow to help for the orientation

Hovering over an arrow shows which spot you will go to on the map (a red box is shown)

There are now Shortcuts, but you need to overcome obstacles to get through.


The obstacles are quite diverse (rock, tree trunk, chasm, river, rainbow,…) and require specific horses/species to overcome them (donkey, draft horse, Pegasus, water element, unicorn…).

The required horse isn’t specifically mentioned, but there are hints that should help you guess.

The difficulty of the obstacles (i.e. required value) increases when the mazes get bigger.


There are now collections that contain the different shortcuts. You can win additional treats when you complete them.

Mobile Version

There is a mobile version, but it’s only with the map, not the immersive version."

  • Posted messages: 150
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Seniority: 816 days
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Chloe Elizabeth wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Spoiler tag = [spoiler] your text goes here [*/spoiler], you then have to remove the *. This has been mentioned several times by the player before and in the original post. Howrse even made it easier by adding little buttons on the top of the new comment part. You click the one that looks like an eye. Instant spoiler tag. Please learn to use it in this forum for the sake of your karma. Constant abuse of rules will result in the karma fairy paying a visit. You do not want the karma fairy to pay visits.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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Please remember to use a spoiler banner when talking about events not currently on the game. There are instructions in the main post that explain how to create it, and you can use the preview button before posting to check it was done correctlydefault smiley (y)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,861
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By Retired breeder, 13th December 2017 00:11:01
how can we get divine ornaments quickly, besides the advent calendar? Do they appear when you buy hanging ornaments with passes at random?
Retired breeder wrote:

how can we get divine ornaments quickly, besides the advent calendar? Do they appear when you buy hanging ornaments with passes at random?
as the christmas trees are now on the game, you should ask about it in the topic specially for it - it's no longer a spoiler and you'll get a faster answer there as well. I think the only way to get them is to buy them with passes but am not sure what the chances are of getting divine ornaments that way. Blitzen can win one as well.
  • Posted messages: 37,248
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Is there any news about new upcoming breeding horses? Think the last new one was the drafts... any ideas of new breeds that might be coming?
  • Posted messages: 34
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paul1 wrote:

Is there any news about new upcoming breeding horses? Think the last new one was the drafts... any ideas of new breeds that might be coming?

I'm afraid we never know. It's always a surprise from Howrse. That is unless a new breed is released in a promo. But it's been a long time since that happened.

Who knows maybe....
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we will get a new uni from the new Fallahorn, that can be bought buying one of the Christmas packs.... or maybe they will add skills or a higher chance to get uni offspring.
BUT that is 100% speculation from my side. They may just be another collectible and nothing else.
  • Posted messages: 9,702
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By Retired breeder, 13th December 2017 20:23:51
Ok, I'm a bit confused
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It says that the Seasons maze is similar to last time with collecting and decorating trees. Since when did the Mazes involve trees? Am I just missing something really obvious, or was that meant to refer to the current promo and just got mixed up?
Retired breeder wrote:

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It says that the Seasons maze is similar to last time with collecting and decorating trees. Since when did the Mazes involve trees? Am I just missing something really obvious, or was that meant to refer to the current promo and just got mixed up?
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The Maze has never included collecting and decorating trees.
I'm thinking the description just got mixed up.
Becky Barnes
  • Posted messages: 98,955
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I have a question regarding divine skill points.

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soo...if a divine does not use diamonds to upgrade its skill points(like the Egyptians) no diamond will show up? Or does it just require a diamond now?
WAr- kitten
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By Retired breeder, 14th December 2017 14:07:44
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New action is labyrinth.
If it is here, I am sorry and sorry for my bad English.
WAr- kitten wrote:

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soo...if a divine does not use diamonds to upgrade its skill points(like the Egyptians) no diamond will show up? Or does it just require a diamond now?
right now it seems to just default to displaying a
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diamond icon for all of them though it will not actually take a diamond for any but the Gemstones. It's a feature we are still giving feedback on so they might do away with the diamond icon so it won't be confusing.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,861
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Here's some more info for the next event
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Return of the Mazes. Special offer should be treats on all levels of the Titan's Challenges again.
"The player chooses a horse to enter the maze, moves from square to square by using Paces or Treats. The horse’s paces recharge every hour (between +3 et +5 according to the horse’s skills). You can find gifts, treats, binoculars to reveal more parts of the map and something new: shortcuts!

There is one Maze for each season (so 4 in total, that become bigger and bigger) with a big gift at the end of each one, and a tiny tutorial Maze.

The Jackpot is the Celtic divine Dagda, at the end of the 4th maze."

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Celtic Divine Dagda

Dagda is one of the Celtic horses.
Find all 5 Oghamic letters from their prediction by using their powers of divination every day.
Once you have completed the prediction, you will either get:
1 x Pandora's Box
1 x Artemis' Arrow
5,000 equus
This horse cannot be sold.

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,861
  • Karma: 10 points
Chloe Elizabeth
  • Posted messages: 589
  • Karma: 10 points
I can’t find the eyeball they were talking about to put a spoiler on
Chloe Elizabeth
  • Posted messages: 589
  • Karma: 10 points
Chloe Elizabeth wrote:

I can’t find the eyeball they were talking about to put a spoiler on

If you look in the box where you write a comment, just above that is a little toolbar with three options: a chain, a picture and an eye. Click the eye.

Or, use the spoiler code: [*spoiler]text here[*/spoiler] and just remove the asterisks.
  • Posted messages: 13,802
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