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invicta wrote:

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little "info" page on Yggdrasil say? Sorry if it's already been posted, can't find it in the thread (but I may be bad at searching)

I cleaned up the translation a bit based on my own experience
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with Broccoli since I've had him (since I've renamed him that, I've grown *slightly* fond of him.)

Yggdrasil is the ancestral horse (rather Tribal Horse)

Added to your account as soon as you send 10 horses older than 25 years or older to Heaven.

Yggdrasil is a special horse. The only action available is giving him rings . Every tree rings that you give him increase his age by one year.

Letokruhy you get every time you send a horse 25 years old or more to Heaven. (I think "Letokruhy" means tree rings, as you get more rings when you send horses 25 yrs+ to heaven).
Every day when visiting tribal horses for the first time on a given day, you can give Yggdrasil seed . With this seed you get 10 extra annual rings at the next sending horses old 25 or more to Heaven.

With age, its appearance will change! After the first change appears in a photo album, you will be able to view all his previous appearances.

This horse can not be sold.

This is the original text
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Yggdrasil je rodový kůň.

Přidá se na váš účet, jakmile do nebe pošlete 10 koní starších 25 let nebo více.

Yggdrasil je zvláštní kůň. Jediná akce dostupná u tohoto koně je dávat mu letokruhy. Každý letokruh, který mu dáte, zvýší jeho věk o jeden rok.

Letokruhy získáte pokaždé, když pošlete koně starého 25 let nebo více do nebe.
Každý den když navštívíte rodového koně poprvé v daný den, Yggdrasil vám může dát semínko. S tímto semínkem získáte 10 letokruhů navíc při příštím odeslání koně starého 25 nebo více do nebe.

S přibývajícím věkem se jeho vzhled bude měnit! Po první změně se objeví fotoalbum, ve kterém si budete moct prohlížet všechny jeho předchozí vzhledy.

Tohoto koně není možné prodat.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th February 2017 21:03:06
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I really hate the idea of owning Yggdrasil because you can't sell him. I think I'll just sell all of my really old horses, because Yggdrasil does not have any purpose in the breeding farm, and I do not collect horses that gather dust.
By Retired breeder, 12th February 2017 22:25:29
Legacy Ann,,

Such a good translate,, default smiley (y)
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Does anyone remember roughly how many passes they spent on the last Plant Promo?
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Is it bad that I'm disappointed that they did not even include the slightest of information on the reason why Yggdrasil grows? (I'm thinking because Yggdrasil is the world tree in Norse mythology, and Yggdrasil means "Odins horse", and "Odins horse" is a poetic way to say a saying about death by hanging, and basically the one who's been hanged is "riding the tree", it's a bit morbid for a kids game, you could probably soften it up a bit but still, they did entire books for the Legendary horses and can't include a little info as to why he grows when you kill horses) I like him even less now haha
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Retired breeder wrote:

Legacy Ann,, Such a good translate,, default smiley (y)
The info you have brought has helped fill in the gaps for anything I've missed so it's thanks to you if it's a pretty close translatedefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
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invicta wrote:

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Is it bad that I'm disappointed that they did not even include the slightest of information on the reason why Yggdrasil grows? (I'm thinking because Yggdrasil is the world tree in Norse mythology, and Yggdrasil means "Odins horse", and "Odins horse" is a poetic way to say a saying about death by hanging, and basically the one who's been hanged is "riding the tree", it's a bit morbid for a kids game, you could probably soften it up a bit but still, they did entire books for the Legendary horses and can't include a little info as to why he grows when you kill horses) I like him even less now haha

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Yeah.... I think that it's a bit TOO morbid for a kid's game. Does anyone know for sure if Yggdrasil is coming to the international server?
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treehugger123 wrote:

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Yeah.... I think that it's a bit TOO morbid for a kid's game. Does anyone know for sure if Yggdrasil is coming to the international server?

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We have had confirmation from MeOw that the changes are coming to the INT server; the post is on page 1941. It will be coming here but we don't know when.
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Does anyone know if the heart fight is meant to be continued from the last UFO promo or if that is a bug? It's just come out so it's not really a spoiler, but oh well.
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kingojoplops wrote:

Does anyone know if the heart fight is meant to be continued from the last UFO promo or if that is a bug? It's just come out so it's not really a spoiler, but oh well.

Admin know, and are looking at it, and I suspect will be poking it with a stick any moment now default smiley :)
Raf's Mum
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Okay, thank you! I think it has now been fixed, and I already threw my first heart default smiley :) I'm not aiming for I love you because that's unrealistic for me, I just want a decent bmi for my effort.
(Not to mention I already have him from 20passes worth of hops!)
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Trying to determine how many passes it would take to complete the next promo.

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So they just released the gardener's pack on PreProd so I did some math to see how many passes it might take to get the divine.

The Gardener's pack gives you: 2 seed and 25 water for 1 pass. Carnivorus' plant increases 1% for every plant harvested, which means you'd need to harvest 100 plants to unlock him. For simplicity's sake, let's assume you haven't used any flies on him. The lowest plant requires 20 water droplets to harvest, which means you would need 2000 droplets minimum in order the harvest the required plants. If the gardener's pack gives you 25 droplets for one pass, you would need purchase 80 of them in order to get the necessary amount of water. This also gets you 160 seeds, so if you're lucky 100 of those are the yellow plants.

Essentially, in order to complete the plants promo with absolutely no effort involved you would need at least 80 passes. Someone please correct me if I calculated wrong.
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@ bezo93

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Sigh... thanks anyway. I really don't want this game to change anymore, and I wish they would leave the pass deal alone! I don't buy passes, and the only way I really think I could get divines that I want now is by killing off 10 or more pass horses. I guess I better start aging some of my pass horses, then!
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@ treehugger123,
I just wouldn't jump the boat and waste them all yet since we don't have a date and
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*fingers crossed* Howrse could change its mind. I've been sending extra every month, but I've still been breeding pass horses as normal.

For anyone who was curious about the update to it that was posted last week...
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Remember we heard that Howrse is aware that the new points "system is not currently configured " (on servers where the new pass change is live) and that they are making adjustments to it as players have found it hard to earn points.

I recorded actions for two days since the announcement, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been adjusted yet.

On February 11 I started the day with 26 points and doing all this did get me the 4 points needed to max the meter at 30 points and I can usually manage at least 3-4 points.
*copied from my notebook*
Feb. 11 (I have 26 points)My actions: aged Friesan foal to 1 yr doing proper foal games along way+boarded him. Caught AP UFO. Bought 1000 iron. Put cows in meadow. Sold saddles and carrots. Bought 7 apples. Gave 10 apples to horses in sales. Bought a bridle. Placed bridle, saddle and cloth on pony. Foaled a mare. Sold foal. Gamed two draft foals. Created two affixes, added affixes to 4 horses. Moved 2 horses to Blup farm. Bought horse in auction, then boarded it. Renamed two horses. Did lessons with 7 horses. Entered at least 6 comps. Did rides, training and gave mashes to several horses. Gave 10 tree rings to Broccoli. Wrote in notebook. Congratulated a couple players. Edited my Dressage Competition. Stroked 5 Xanthos, defrosted Frost and Congratulated one Topaz. Used all daily votes in Creation Space. Gave Ow's Ray to horse. (I did get the 4 points to max the meter)

That one wasn't an accurate assessment since I just had to max the meter, but the points I woke up with today hurt a bit considering all the stuff I did yesterday.
*copied from my notebook*
Feb. 12(starting at 0): sent 2 covers, covered 2 mares. Selected a specialty and fully equipped a horse. Bought western and english bridle from store. Bought English pad from horse's page. Aged a foal twice to complete foal games. Used a pass to buy a Wanderer's Spirit. Changed horse's name and edited it with a Lyre(I did not apply that). Harvested a workshop, began production of trough. Laid meadow fallow. Sold saddles. Edited my cross country competition. Renamed two foals and gamed them. Rides, training, comps and lessons, water, stroke and mash with various horses. Finished training in one skill on a horse. Gained two trophies. Congratulated a player. Stroked 5 Xanthos, defrosted Frost and congratulated 5 Topaz. Used all daily votes in the creation space. Reported a creation.

^^I logged today on to find all that stuff only gained me 5 points
Legacy Ann
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So adults are scared of Yggdrasil now?default smiley (lol)

I promise you kids will love that divine. Yea yea the "riding the tree" is morbid if you know what it really means but for a kid "riding the tree" can translate into climbing the tree or something else. It looks like the adults on this game should chill out instead of making things more morbid than they are.

if you think this is morbid look at the cartoons kids were watching back in the 90`s and THEN you will hear disturbing content. I can't believe I never cached those references...

And if you dont believe me look at this legendary divines stories...

Amira story chapter 16:
"Stop running or I`ll blow your legs off!"

And my favorite of most disturbing images of all times trough Howrse-history goes tooo...

Shishi no Seirei
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not sure if this was shown yet:

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・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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**Updated masterpost** February 13
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M apologies for the inconsistency in image sizes or if some are ginormous. I usually use TInypic, but all my image uploads are failing, so I switched to Imgur which I'm still getting the hang of.

New updates
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Basically, you can only make boarding extensions once your horse has less than 30 days of board left. Once that happens you can still extend up to 100 days. But if you have more than 30 days of board left, you have to wait to extend

Item updates
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New Trophies:
Vintage Apple - collect a number of horses wearing a Vintage Apple coat, (12 trophies)
Helios Ray - collect a number of horses with a Helios Ray landscape. (12 trophies)
Ow's Helios Ray - collect a number of horses with an Ow's Helios ray landscape. (6 trophies)

New search filters for Ow's Ray when you go to apply one:
Not yet owned

Event (P__Promo)
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In this edition you can request friends to give you water (up to 4 a day).
To make the divine plant grow you give him flies instead of the fertilizer we gave it last time. Special offer is the Gardner Pack: buy one random pack of 2 seeds + 25 liters of water for just 1 pass.

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There is also a new addition to the event
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The aim is to collect each version of each type of prize plant in existence. There are a total of 12 plants you can collect:
4 versions of the yellow plant => 1x fly
4 versions of the green plant => 2 x red seeds
2 versions of the red plant => 15 x water
2 versions of the orange plant => 4 x flies

I could be incorrect, but by "version" I beleive it means the image of the plant, as the plants look different even if they are the same color (a happy yellow plant, a grouchy looking yellow plant).
When you collect (harvest) all of them you get a Horn Of Plenty
When you harvest the number shown of each version you get the prize listed. So harvest 4 yellow plants to get 1 fly, collect 4 green plants to get 2 red seeds etc.
Legacy Ann
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Does anyone know when the next wave of wondering horses will start?
Sissy Long Stockings
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2017 19:37:45
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So, I just have a question. So for the new pass promo, if I do my normal activities, Taking care of a lot of horses, entering comps, entering the Grand Prix twice, Checking the sales, posting in forums, etc, would how many points (Approximately) would I get? I feel like Howrse might be making it so that unless you do a lot (and I mean a LOT) playing the game each day, you won't get your ten points every day. I think that Howrse might be making it hard to get more than 1 or 2 points a day, and since you need 30 points to get a pass, they might make it so that you can really only get one pass a month? Another question: How hard is it to get 10 points a day? And, does anyone know what you need to do to get 10 points a day? Thanks!
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

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So adults are scared of Yggdrasil now?default smiley (lol)

I promise you kids will love that divine. Yea yea the "riding the tree" is morbid if you know what it really means but for a kid "riding the tree" can translate into climbing the tree or something else. It looks like the adults on this game should chill out instead of making things more morbid than they are.

if you think this is morbid look at the cartoons kids were watching back in the 90`s and THEN you will hear disturbing content. I can't believe I never cached those references...

And if you dont believe me look at this legendary divines stories...

Amira story chapter 16:
"Stop running or I`ll blow your legs off!"

And my favorite of most disturbing images of all times trough Howrse-history goes tooo...

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That's what I thought too! I learnt this stuff about Yggdrasil as a 10 year old through a comic, so I think kids are really receptive to learning some world/mythological history through the game. You don't have to mention the hanging part to make it more parent-acceptable, but I had no troubles as a 10-year old learning that because it's mythology, and I still remember that, 8 years later. Also, at 12, my interest in Greek and Roman mythology peaked and that is wayyyy more morbid than a tree that does not really have any relation to death, it's just a saying default smiley (lol)
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Can someone please summarize the upcoming divines and promos for me?
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Retired breeder wrote:

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So, I just have a question. So for the new pass promo, if I do my normal activities, Taking care of a lot of horses, entering comps, entering the Grand Prix twice, Checking the sales, posting in forums, etc, would how many points (Approximately) would I get? I feel like Howrse might be making it so that unless you do a lot (and I mean a LOT) playing the game each day, you won't get your ten points every day. I think that Howrse might be making it hard to get more than 1 or 2 points a day, and since you need 30 points to get a pass, they might make it so that you can really only get one pass a month? Another question: How hard is it to get 10 points a day? And, does anyone know what you need to do to get 10 points a day? Thanks!
Check out the post I made at 9:11 on this page, as that might give you an idea
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I've recorded points I've received for various days I've played on the Czech server and no matter how much I do it's really difficult to get points. Similar to the pass meter we currently have on this server Howrse won't tell us what actions earn points for the new pass meter. However, Admin posted on those servers last week that they are aware points are difficult to get and are looking it re configuring it or something.
kkeappy wrote:

Can someone please summarize the upcoming divines and promos for me?
Check my masterpost further up the pagedefault smiley (y)
Legacy Ann
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Somehow I didn't see that. Thanks!
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does any remember the last time we had a plants promo? i'm trying to remember if i was there for it
Princess Celestia
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I have question and since I'm not sure if I can show it I decide to use spoiler
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I just found out that Ow has fresh new Archimedes and Harlequin divines! Is there anyway to obtain them????
Horses of Angel
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