[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2016 21:38:23
Serpentine wrote:

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I am assuming that all items won from the lottery will have a time limit?

Not all,
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just the most valuable BMI, such as HoPs, M.Arms, Harmony Packs etc. The time limit is 90 days.
Ohh, okay. Well that's not too bad, it's normally something like 2 weeks.
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2016 21:50:17
Wait, what?!?!?
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The good BMIs that are in the lottery with have a time limit?? As in, you have to use them within the time limit or they go away? Seriously?
Why is Aquarius the only Zodiac that has an extra prize attached? And monthly? Isn't that a tad unfair for all the other signs?
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Apparently there is a new layout coming soon, according to the official Howrse Instagram.
default smiley (y)default smiley (n)
j7t85jf84 hfgb3
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2016 21:58:19
j7t85jf84 hfgb3 wrote:

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Apparently there is a new layout coming soon, according to the official Howrse Instagram.
default smiley (y)default smiley (n)
Why are they changing everything!default smiley :@ I like the normal layout. ugh
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2016 21:59:26
No one has really answered this yet. I need to decide which maze to go into nextdefault smiley xd just finished the first one.

how many passes does it take to complete the 2nd maze? and hoq far could you get in the 3rd and 4th mazes without passes?
j7t85jf84 hfgb3 wrote:

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Apparently there is a new layout coming soon, according to the official Howrse Instagram.
default smiley (y)default smiley (n)

I actually like this. It looks cleaner than the current one, more up to date.

Not everything can stay the same forever, y'know. At some point they're going to have to update stuff. You wouldn't want to cook in an 80s-style kitchen when it's 2016, would you? default smiley ;)
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Are we allowed to post where the prizes are in the maze event if we use the spoiler banner?
Wolf Spirit
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PaintaPicture wrote:

Why is Aquarius the only Zodiac that has an extra prize attached? And monthly? Isn't that a tad unfair for all the other signs?

It's because of feedback they've gotten. People didn't like the fact that the Zodiacs were all practically useless unless it was your sign, so they've added little extra bits. All of the ones from now on are probably going to have a little bit of extra.

j7t85jf84 hfgb3 wrote:

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Apparently there is a new layout coming soon, according to the official Howrse Instagram.
default smiley (y)default smiley (n)


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I kind of like the look of it? I mean it's not like they're really changing where things are again (as in the 5 major tabs), just making it cleaner. Though oh boy, is that the return of that Championship promo I see? I hope it stays away for a bit longer pff- (Though that looks to be the old one... I hope it's the old one...
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for maze/map questions/answers goto page 1607. there are maps there about half way down the page. the maps have most of the prizes and the full and transporter routes.

it's a bump up of shorah nagi's post.
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2016 01:03:25
does anyone know what A1 on the first maze gift is??
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2016 01:32:29
Starry-Eyed wrote:

Okay. I promised a masterpost, so here's a masterpost of information for the next event. It's the most up-to-date as I can get it. This is going to be a long, long post.

Basic Information:
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This is copied from the official topic on PreProd (and is interspersed with some of my own images):
The Maze contest returns with several changes.

With the help of one of your horses, you must reach the exit at the other end of the maze to release and win the jackpot.

You may come across prizes or bonuses to help you progress in the event when moving in the mazes.

Pick a horse
Choose a horse to enter the maze. The numbers of paces it will be able to do depends on its skills.
►You cannot look after the horse you choose when it is used for the event.
►You can change the horse whenever you want during the contest.

(*This is the changing horse screen, but the original choosing screen is basically the same.*)
(**Also note: If/When you change your horse, the energy doesn't renew. So if your horse has 20 energy left, the new horse you replace it with will also have 20 energy, not 100.**)

Moving around
When your horse is in the maze, you must find the way out to get out, you cannot go out by the entry.
►You can move your horses if you have enough paces (see below) to do it, by clicking on the directional arrows.

When you begin the event, your horse has 100 paces. This number decreases by 20 each time you move it in the maze. When you do not have enough paces anymore, you have to wait for the paces to recharge.
►Paces recharge every hour, on the hour, depending on the skills of the chosen horse.
You cannot have more than 100 paces.

When traveling through the maze, you may come across prizes and bonuses.
Unlike the first version of this event, you can acquire these prizes/bonuses directly without having to click on them.
►The prizes are given randomly, except for the first gift you win and for the jackpots.

Prize List:

There are 2 types of bonuses:

Treats allow you to move without using paces.
►Any treats are used before paces are expended.
►You can also buy treats with passes.

The Scarab is used to reveal a portion of the map that hasn't been explored yet. The area revealed is near the horse’s current location in order to help you find your way.

►You can also buy scarabs with passes.

During the contest, at certain times, you can also find treats at the level 3 of the Titan’s Challenge.
(**This might change as on PreProd people have brought up suggestions of treats on different levels and compensation treats even if we don't reach level 3, but we likely won't know if they implement the changes until the maze goes live.**)

Exiting a maze
When you go through a maze exit, you arrive on a page with the jackpot, a teleporter, and a Golden Horse Shoe for your trophies.

►The jackpot and the Golden Horseshoes can be won once for each maze. So if you finish the same maze several times, you will not receive them again.

►The teleporter allows you to return in the hall where all the entrances can be found. You can then choose which maze you want to enter.

(These are the three other maze entrances. When you first go to the promo page, they are behind bars, which rise only once you complete the first maze. You can click both inside the doorway and on the little blue ball.)

Horus and Thot/Thoth
We introduce a new series of divine horses: the Egyptian horses.
Osiris and Iris, which already exist, are added to this new series.

There will be 11 horses in that series. The last one Ra can be won when you have the first 10.

Horus and Thot/Thoth can be won with the maze.

The principle of those horses is that you can scratch a card on their page every day the horse wakes up. The scratch card can make you win skills for the horse and other prizes, which depends on the horse.
A new trophy is added on trophies page.

Horus can win randomly:
►1 Philosopher’s stone
►Skills you can give to him like you want

Thot/Thoth can win randomly:
►1 Hermes Winged Staff
►Aging points
►Skills you can give to him like you want

Calculations/Passes Needed:
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These are the most up-to-date calculations I could find, courtesy of SpeedySonic2 and MifakM_CZ. Also- There will be some information about teleporters at the end of this section.

Maze 1 (Obligatory)
Prizes: Vintage Apple and 1 Golden Horseshoe (These will be explained later.)
Follow the light blue line, not orange! The darker blue spots along the path are sweets that you can pick up along the way.

If completing straight away...
-> 97 steps needed / 8 = 12.125 TCs needed (approx 24-26 passes)

If waiting for free steps...
-> 97 steps = 1940 paces
-> 1940 / 120 = 16.16 days to complete without passes (Around 40 treats picked up on the path.)

Maze 2 (Optional)
Prizes: Nyx Pack, Golden Apple, and 1 Golden Horseshoe
Follow the blue line! The orange spots along the path are sweets that you can pick up.

Total Steps Needed : 31 (Enter through the teleporter! Entering through main entrance will take more steps/sweets and passes!)
Sweets on path : 5 => 15 steps
If completing straight away...
31-15 = 16 steps / 8 = 2 TC´s needed = aprox. 4-6 passes

If waiting for free steps...
-> 31 steps = 620 paces
-> 620 / 120 = 5.166 days to complete without passes

Maze 3 (Optional)
Prizes: Horus and 1 Golden Horseshoe

Steps needed = 83 (Enter through teleporter! Entering through main entrance will take more steps/sweets and passes!)

83 x 20 paces = 1660 paces to complete

If completing straight away…
-> No free paces at start of maze
-> 83 steps / 8 sweets = 10.375 TCs needed (approx 20-22 passes)

If waiting for free steps… (Would have to finish 1st maze before end of the promo to have time for this!)
-> No free paces at start of maze
-> 6 free steps per day = 120 free paces
-> 1660 paces needed / 120 free paces per day = 13.833 days to complete, no passes needed

Maze 4 (Optional)
Prizes: Thoth and 1 Golden Horseshoe

Steps needed = 172 (Enter through main entrance.)

172 x 20 paces = 3440 paces to complete

If completing straight away…
-> No free paces at start of maze
-> 172 steps / 8 sweets = 21.5 TCs needed (approx 42-44 passes)

If waiting for free steps… (Would have to finish 1st maze before end of the promo to have time for this!)
-> No free paces at start of maze
-> 6 free steps per day = 120 free paces
-> 3440 paces needed / 120 free paces per day = 28.666 days to complete, would need passes to complete.

We are getting the sweets/TC estimates by taking an average of 8 sweets per TC, as you get between 6 and 10.

ALSO, important information about the teleporters! People are reporting that you may or may not need to complete two mazes to use them. This is still unclear and I have asked about it on PreProd, pending an answer. Horus and Thoth's mazes have very similar amounts of steps needed, and the long way for those two mazes will be shorter than the maze for the Nyx Pack, so I suggest going through Thoth's maze the long way since there is a map for that. Hopefully the teleporter thing is just a bug and will be resolved. I'll keep you updated about that. default smiley ;)

Less related to promo stuff but also kind of related:
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New features!

Golden Horseshoes:
So in short, starting from this promo all events will have a certain number of Golden Horseshoes to collect throughout the promo. There is a trophy for them and they will be tallied up. It's basically a little show-off trophy for who can get the farthest in the most events. This is what the trophy looks like:

Here's a gigantic master post from page 1568, answering many questions. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2016 01:33:58
(And thank you Starry! Your master post has helped me immensly!)
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2016 01:37:17
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know what A1 on the first maze gift is??


this is the map I got it from. It is an Aphrodite's tears.
By Retired breeder, 5th February 2016 01:48:01
Anyone know if there's a map posted here of what the gifts in maze one are, and where they are?

Retired breeder wrote:

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The good BMIs that are in the lottery with have a time limit?? As in, you have to use them within the time limit or they go away? Seriously?

Wait, if this happens, will there be a way to differentiate the ones that expire from the ones that don't? I have a ton of unused items right now that I plan on saving far into the future and I would prefer to use the expirable ones first.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Why are they changing everything!default smiley :@ I like the normal layout. ugh

They aren't, it is the new promo.

Next promo after the one coming after the Maze. It is in French at the moment.

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All this is for this divine.image already posted

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And this one, images already posted.

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Not really liking this because.

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Sorry for the french but this looks very much like what we had in November with the Hunter/Eventing and Steeplechase comps.
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Anyone know what is on E18 and G19 of map 1?
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2016 04:14:58
Not that promo again.. so soon ; ~ ; Rats.
Not that it was horrible, but it was pretty boring. Oh well, gotta get my sign '-'
Retired breeder wrote:

Not that promo again.. so soon ; ~ ; Rats.

I know, I know..default smiley :-x
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Anyone care to translate ?

If anyone would like to translate this as I can't use the regular translator.

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  • Posted messages: 5,866
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Retired breeder wrote:

Not that promo again.. so soon ; ~ ; Rats. Not that it was horrible, but it was pretty boring. Oh well, gotta get my sign '-'
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I agree, at least it looks like they have added some new features to it, maybe that will help to make it less boring.
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Oh no

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that did not work well on mobile or tablets at all for the minnie games.
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katiedingo wrote:

Oh no

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that did not work well on mobile or tablets at all for the minnie games.

I hope they fixed that default smiley :@
Ash Duke01
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