owl lover's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 11th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2764 | -1 | SV Quarter Horses | 4,769,663 | ||||
2765 | +5 | ged1994 | 4,768,520 | ||||
2766 | -1 | Kaylah1998 | 4,767,552 | ||||
2767 | -1 | Swilly | 4,766,773 | ||||
2768 | -4 | NachoUnicorn | 4,765,870 | ||||
2769 | +22 | FreeTheKat | 4,765,723 | ||||
2770 | -2 | Aussieloz | 4,765,011 | ||||
2771 | -4 | Malling | 4,764,686 | ||||
2772 | -3 | Teetee12 | 4,762,932 | ||||
2773 | -2 | owl lover | 4,762,242 | ||||
2774 | -2 | Jane Green | 4,762,079 | ||||
2775 | -2 | muriq | 4,757,680 | ||||
2776 | -2 | Saraev | 4,756,104 | ||||
2777 | +12 | CaptainHook | 4,753,145 | ||||
2778 | -3 | Zebejag | 4,753,129 | ||||
2779 | -3 | LucidaBoketto | 4,753,075 | ||||
2780 | -3 | redgreen | 4,752,656 | ||||
2781 | -3 | per235 | 4,752,552 | ||||
2782 | -3 | Sad! | 4,751,652 | ||||
2783 | -3 | anstk | 4,751,483 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1797 | -5 | dani♡leigh | 200 | ||||
1798 | -5 | TheAlchemist | 200 | ||||
1799 | -5 | jrose77 | 200 | ||||
1800 | +19 | Windy's Mom | 200 | ||||
1801 | +23 | xAlexMT | 200 | ||||
1802 | -6 | NaNeche | 200 | ||||
1803 | -6 | ~Ghost Out~ | 200 | ||||
1804 | +22 | PandaWolf1004 | 200 | ||||
1805 | -7 | a_kile | 200 | ||||
1806 | -7 | owl lover | 200 | ||||
1807 | -6 | kami.holly | 200 | ||||
1808 | -6 | MatchaBlossom | 200 | ||||
1809 | -6 | Abbeymore | 200 | ||||
1810 | -6 | 75Labradors | 200 | ||||
1811 | -6 | 6leggedhorse | 200 | ||||
1812 | -6 | FUNNY CIDE | 200 | ||||
1813 | -6 | gabbigirl1 | 199 | ||||
1814 | -6 | Zeradora | 199 | ||||
1815 | -6 | IronforFey | 199 | ||||
1816 | +41 | Talluluh | 199 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
49835 | +31 | oshkoshthefab | 57,452 | ||||
49836 | +31 | Saphira_Morgan0530 | 57,450 | ||||
49837 | +31 | ansmiley | 57,443 | ||||
49838 | +31 | katherine1668 | 57,442 | ||||
49839 | +31 | Plexitys | 57,441 | ||||
49840 | +31 | sylphli1 | 57,440 | ||||
49841 | +31 | NightMyst | 57,437 | ||||
49842 | +32 | Pezz | 57,424 | ||||
49843 | +32 | Breanna Ketch | 57,420 | ||||
49844 | -174 | owl lover | 57,419 | ||||
49845 | +31 | LostKitsune | 57,417 | ||||
49846 | +31 | horsegurl30012 | 57,417 | ||||
49847 | -18933 | Kogafailed2 | 57,412 | ||||
49848 | +30 | djnikki | 57,410 | ||||
49849 | +911 | Chilton Stables | 57,401 | ||||
49850 | +31 | rainbowhollypop | 57,397 | ||||
49851 | +32 | chief97 | 57,385 | ||||
49852 | +32 | kannaf | 57,380 | ||||
49853 | +32 | Rouge.wither | 57,379 | ||||
49854 | +32 | Velarda | 57,371 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1343 | +2 | Velvette | 3,702 | ||||
1344 | -1 | cheyennelover100 | 3,701 | ||||
1345 | -1 | Skyler2 | 3,701 | ||||
1346 | = | littlehorse13 | 3,699 | ||||
1347 | = | happyseagull | 3,699 | ||||
1348 | = | vampireangel15 | 3,695 | ||||
1349 | = | walkinhorsechic | 3,690 | ||||
1350 | = | skellig25 | 3,690 | ||||
1351 | = | MyWorld | 3,688 | ||||
1352 | = | owl lover | 3,688 | ||||
1353 | +2 | princessajm16 | 3,686 | ||||
1354 | -1 | Aysel | 3,685 | ||||
1355 | -1 | MikalEllen | 3,685 | ||||
1356 | +2 | cathmastro | 3,682 | ||||
1357 | -1 | sunrise82 | 3,681 | ||||
1358 | -1 | atX | 3,681 | ||||
1359 | +1 | foxhaven | 3,681 | ||||
1360 | -1 | Majolica | 3,680 | ||||
1361 | = | Ice Lady LV | 3,678 | ||||
1362 | = | ROGUE-RICHARD | 3,677 |
Player | Visits | ||||||
248 | - | Tiana | 20 | ||||
249 | -178 | rileyrocks101 | 20 | ||||
250 | -65 | goatfarm | 20 | ||||
251 | +366 | Ambrosia Park | 20 | ||||
252 | +311 | CrimsonDax | 20 | ||||
253 | -12 | Merlin's Dream | 20 | ||||
254 | +311 | Mae333 | 20 | ||||
255 | +27 | kitkat1458 | 20 | ||||
256 | -78 | ASOS | 20 | ||||
257 | +3842 | owl lover | 20 | ||||
258 | +52 | celestia | 20 | ||||
259 | -16 | newview | 20 | ||||
260 | +1386 | Elsa15 | 20 | ||||
261 | -16 | Aᴡᴀʀᴇ Woʟꜰ | 20 | ||||
262 | +26 | Сузуки | 20 | ||||
263 | +124 | ଳJellyfish ଳ | 20 | ||||
264 | +55 | Sarvus | 19 | ||||
265 | +93 | bolerame | 19 | ||||
266 | -177 | lost boy | 19 | ||||
267 | -69 | FreeTheKat | 19 |