
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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I have over 40 models, some are horses,Some are unicorns, some are a Pegasus, and some are alicorns. Love playing with them! I still have a few on my wish list.
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Famousamos wrote:

Oh yeah, i have NO idea what it would cost to ship across the pond. I do not sell things online, and i have never mailed anything that far lol! I have on occasion ordered from across the pond, but i've seen things with free shipping (not included in items price even! I can explain that story if anyone is interested) and i've seen things with rather expensive shipping, so i don't know what it would be for *me* as an individual to ship something.

The uni's horns are made of pure gold default smiley xd Or silver, or whatever colour! I guess it's because they're 'special' and 'limited edition'. The black Friday uni was £20 when I saw her, and the silver mare was £12, expensive horses are expensive lol

Those are some cute additions! I love the caracal duo, and the aardvark look's like it's smiling!

I have no idea how much it would cost to ship over the pond. Maybe a giant catapult would work? default smiley (lol) I've never done any selling, I get too attached to my models. Fingers crossed the black swan appears your side soon!


I have over 40 models, some are horses,Some are unicorns, some are a Pegasus, and some are alicorns. Love playing with them! I still have a few on my wish list.

That's a good collection! I'm having a mind blank, which one's are alicorns/winged unicorns again? I know the rainbow one is, because it's sitting two feet from me. Are there any others?
horses rock623
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By Retired breeder, 31st January 2023 12:48:08
Moi j'en ais 13 de Scheich: J'ai un chevalier et sa monture, une vache noir et blenche, un pégase, 2 poulain et tout le reste sont des chevaux.

Et vous ????

Bon jeu !!!!!
so my french isn't good enough to reply in french but it's well enough to read that.
awesome that you've got a couple of horses and riders as well as a pegasus
wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2023 23:33:08
I have around 90 (:
I got the email today that the black swan is now available to me!default smiley <:o)
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I got in my Black Swan Exclusive today! Also got just a few others.

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The Black Swan.default smiley :)

I also got Abyssinian Cat.

And the new Cheetah cub. Sorry for the larger pic!

And lastlyl, i got the Valais Black-nosed Sheep. Really cute little guy!

That's all for now!default smiley ^)
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I treated myself recently to the Peruvian Paso stallion and one of the gem unicorns. I am liking the look of these collectable unicorns, something to keep me busy!

Question for you all to start some conversation: What's your favourite Schleich model you own and why?

Mine is the 2012 Camargue stallion. He's called Sunrise Over Nevada, Sunny for short. He reminds me of one of the horses at the stables where I volunteer, so that's one reason why I like him. The other reason is he's my go-to model when I want to test for rug sizes, so he's evolved from that into my 'play' model, making up scenarios with him in my head default smiley (lol) I also think he was one of my first models I bought...
horses rock623
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That's so cool that he reminds you of a real horse you know!default smiley (l)

My problem is, i could never pick a favorite! There are simply too many ha ha.default smiley *-)
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Bumping, so this won't get deleted!
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i have some super exiting additions to my collection to share.
i splurged a lot of money yesterday and was able to get the marbach hanovarian stallion with tag and the marbach mare and foal set both with their tags.
wild horse stables
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Oh my gosh, that's awesome!default smiley (7)default smiley *-)
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Back to the earlier question:
So hard to choose! But I just got the Pura Raza stallion and I think he's super fancy.
I also like the Welsh pony stallion because I bought him to get over not being able to ride my favorite horse (technically pony!) because he was "too old to be running around with me". He is a welsh pony gelding and even though he has different coloring (chocolate palomino) the Schleich model (Snowman) still reminds me of him. default smiley ^)
Mia Kabance
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Hi guys! After a dry spell, i finally have some new additions to my collections!default smiley :d

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I got the new 2023 Schleich otter!

I also got the new Schleich Great Dane! And i do have the old Great Dane and puppy set to add him to, which is the picture below.default smiley :)

Another one i got is the Exclusive 2023 Spring calf! Is it just me, or is Schleich coming out with more special pieces than usual these days?default smiley 8-)

The last new Schleich i got is the 2023 Noriker stallion!default smiley (7)

And my last new piece for this post is actually a Breyer, and one i've wanted since he came out, so i am very happy to add him to my collection. Its Adamek, the Akhal Teke stallion!

Ta ta for now!default smiley ^)
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Oh my, that is quite a haul! I love that Breyer, gorgeous pose. I agree, they are coming out with more specials. I guess we'll see what summer brings!

My haul isn't as grand as yours, but my friend took me to the garden centre she used to work at, and she knows I collect Schleich, so she took me to the toy section (after sitting in all the hanging egg chairs). I was good, I didn't buy any Schleich, but they did have CollectA models, which I was overly excited about, especially since one of them was one I had wanted for a while. And the best part? They were cheaper than the shop I usually order them from.

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Warmblood stallion, bay

Hanoverian stallion, bay

Pinto foal standing, palomino

Pinto foal walking, palomino
horses rock623
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Oh how lovely..thanks for posting the pics! And for cheaper than usual...heck yeah!default smiley <:o)
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horses rock623 wrote:

I agree, they are coming out with more specials.

So i'm not imagining it! I hope they don't get too carried away with it. I love Schleich, and CollectA, and Breyer...but i have to admit there is one thing i hate about Breyer. I love the model, but they are so overrun with specials and super rare models, i find it kind of ridiculous. Like, when i'm collecting Schleich, i have fun imagining collecting every model they make. Now, obviously, i'm not likely to ever complete that goal, even if they never made another model. But most of the models are pretty easy to obtain here in the US, despite Schleich being headquartered in Germany and sold around the world, particularly if you can shop online. I love growing my collection. But with Breyer, there are so many models that are very expensive, and very rare (there are a ton with only one copy, or very, very few, and only released on one special occasion at one place) and they are constantly releasing limited edition items, like for every holiday it seems. It actually feels like there are more super duper extra special limited editions, etc. you get the picture, than there are regular run models. When you join one of their clubs, one of the perks is 10% off your online orders. I've joined the Stablemates club the past couple years, and love the exclusive stablemate models i can order every other month. But the other perks aren't as dandy as i thought they might be. The 10% off is only for the regular run models, but so much of what i want or actually order falls under the "special" or "limited" models, which like i said, seems to make up a large percentage of what they offer, and are therefore excluded from the 10% off bonus. So i rarely get to use that perk...however, that being said, i CAN use it when i order CollectA models from their site.default smiley ;) They don't really have any specials with those that i've noticed. The other perk i don't feel is worth it is the access to special models that non members can't get. There are few specials during the year that i can get, though i can rarely get them, as they run close to $100, but some of those special offers are a lot harder to get. With those, what you get as a club member, is your name put in a raffle, and IF you get super lucky and your name is drawn, you don't just win the win the "privilege" of purchasing the horse, which is generally in the vicinity $150-$200, perhaps higher. I can't remember for sure. Which puts me out of the prize running. And don't even get me started on the cost of Breyerfest and those models! Way out of my reach. So those "perks" i have found disappointing, though i do enjoy being part of those lower clubs, and enjoy my little special stablemates.default smiley :) Anyway, i say all that to say, that adding Breyers to my collection is much fewer and further between than the more affordable Schleichs, and there are so many rare and exclusive Breyers, that i can't even enjoy the magical dream of "having them all" like i can with Schleich as i watch my collection grow. Just thinking about the sheer number of all those Breyers that i will never ever be able to obtain...its too overwhelming to dwell on it. Sucks a lot of the joy out of it. And if the numbers of models don't blow you out of the water, thinking of the price tags will!default smiley :o Both Schleich and Breyer have been around for many decades, with Schleich i believe having been around like a decade longer, actually! I find that the easier access to Schleich models actually makes collecting those more rewarding and more fun than Breyer. Even if they aren't "worth" as much in the market later on. I love my models, way beyond just the dollar signs. I would be heartbroken if i had to sell my models, even though i'd have a decent load of cash if its done right. I actually have told my family, i see them as an investment. They say, yeah but you would never sell, so it doesn't do you any good. I say right, but when i die, you can sell off my collection, and recoup the financial costs of my funeral and such lol! So i'm actually doing my family a favor!default smiley xd

Anyhoo, that little spiel turned into a longer spiel than i though, and contrary to what you may have gotten out of it, i do NOT hate Breyer lol. I love my Breyers! But for the aforementioned reasons, my heart is first and foremost with Schleich.default smiley *-)
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I've got soooo many older Schleich horses. I've grouped them into three herds: StarHerd (led by Padmé and Rex), SpiritHerd (led by Patch and Spirit), and LeopardHerd (led by Flaxseed and Leopardstar).
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Oh, that's cool. I need to start doing that with mine but I have such a hard time deciding who should go where!
I also like Schleich best mostly because of the pricing. Also because I would have to shop online for Breyer.
Mia Kabance
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Not sure if any of you guys noticed, but the Schleich website (at least the US one!) had a pretty nice sale recently! I had to take advantage of the awesome deals! Certain items were heavily discounted, some up to i think it was like items, all but one anyway, were more than 50% off! Plus, the free shipping threshold was dropped from $75 to $40, so i got free shipping! And if that wasn't enough, as a member of the rewards club, i got double points on everything, which will mean a nice discount on some future order! I think this was probably the best sale i've seen on the site yet!default smiley ^) Here are the spoils i got:

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The first item i got was the Rider's Cafe! This was a great opportunity for me, as these sets are always priced at higher than i can afford. But with it being less than half the usual cost, it has become my first actual set of this size that i have been able to get!default smiley (7) And i have a question...can anyone tell me if the horse that comes with this set is exclusive to it? It looks unique to me...?

Ok the next model i got is the gorgeous Sea Unicorn Stallion! I love this set, and have the foal already, but sadly the mare was out of stock. Hope to get her too eventually! Below is the whole family.

I also got four more of the Sweets unicorn collection, mostly because of the huge discount, as these weren't a huge priority of mine last year. But they're cute so why not?default smiley :-))

I got Blueberry Cupcake.


Ice Cream.

And Rainbow Cake.

And lost but not least is this really cute Gal, the Galloway Cow!default smiley (l)

Welp, that's all for now! See ya next time!default smiley ^)
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i have over 100 riders and horses and i am saving them so i can sell and get more money
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Oh wow, i have a few of the people, but very very few riders. If you sell them to get more money, is that to buy any certain other models, or is it strictly for money for other stuff? I am far too attached to my collections, so if i had all those riders and horses, i could never sell! I'm kinda hopeless like that!default smiley xd
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Got a couple newbies!

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Found this guy at Tractor Supply...its the new Blue Poison Dart Frog.

The other one i got is an older one that i've wanted for quite a while...its the Giganotosaurus! I always thought he was so awesome. Very, very happy to have him now.default smiley *-)

Until next time!default smiley (b)
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Best place to buy not extremely expensive customs or models that have a look to them like they are doing something(grazing,yawning,rolling,sleeping,etc.)?
twinkies favorite
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Hmmm, i don't know...maybe Ebay? I don't do the customs, but i'm thinking you can buy "bodies" or those that are marked on or whatever. They sell cheaper and i hear are great for custom paint jobs that can cover up the scuffs and marks. As far as customs already done by others, i do not know any specifically because i have not branched out into that yet.
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