
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Those Breyer's are so pretty! And the Schleich models are cute too!

My bank account is about to hate me... Ordered 4 Breyers and I'm now looking at that Pink Unicorn.. Though I have noticed Schleich have done an o-oh on the front page of their UK website.

LIMITED AND NEW: The Black Lion! (Shows an image of the Black TRex). Apparently the Black/Midnight Lion doesn't exist for UK customers on their website default smiley :(
horses rock623
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Aww that's a bummer about the Midnight Lion not being available! Hopefully he will be soon! I can't wait to find out what Breyers you are getting...and i got an email that the collector's club deal for next year's membership is open! I'm also getting really antsy wanting to know what Schleich models are being retired at the end of the year...want to make sure i have them!default smiley :o
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I'm hopefully getting these lovely four tomorrow: (Sorry if the images are large)

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The Silver Bay Mustang

Chestnut Sport Horse

Stablemates Paso Fino

Stablemates Arabian

Oh nice! Are you going for the membership next year? I can't remember if you said if you were...

When do they normally announce the Schleich to be retiring? Also got to keep an eye out for CollectA too...
horses rock623
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Those are some beauties! It can be so hard to wait, feeling the anticipation...and then if they are late its like arrrggghhhh! Lol! And yes, i did pay the fee for the 2023 Collector's Club just last night, so i am signed up! I am planning to join the Stablemates Club too. I think i read in the past that the Schleich retirees are posted somewhere like any time now, or maybe November? I wish i knew where they are first announced. All i know to do is do a google search lol. Have found nothing so far. I am much more thorough with my Schleich collection than with my CollectA so i wasn't really thinking much of them lately...but it would be good to know! I was of the understanding that CollectA doesn't do much retiring, at least not for a good long time. I will have to try to find that list too.
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Thankfully the arrived yesterday default smiley <:o) My mum loves the Silver Bay Mustang, with a very shiny mane and tail default smiley (lol)

That's cool! Fingers crossed for some lovely models for you next year!

I hope it's soon so I can make an order and get what I really want, lol. I'll be travelling for one month, so for me, time is limited! My predictions are... (based on a google search for next year models and further websites...)

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Cheetah cub - They're releasing a new model, so unless they're going to have two models going at the same time...
A cow and a sheep - Maybe? Same reason as above, but this is a new breed as opposed to a new model for the same creature.
Haflingers - I think these have already been retired? They're not on the UK Schleich anymore, but with new models coming, that's understandable.
Horse box with Lusitano Mare - New one coming out
Obstacles - Same as the Haflingers, pulled from the UK Schleich website, so may already be retired with these new ones taking their place.
Feeding set - This one could be a long shot, but with a care set coming, who knows!
Decorated Unicorns - One website I found said the foal is being retired, so perhaps the three of them are going, to be replaced by the new set?
Pegasus and foal - I thought these were being retired this year?
Mandala Unicorns - Another website indicates the stallion is being retired, so it could be a combination of this family and the Decorated family.
Sweet Treat Unicorns - I'm pretty sure these are limited releases anyway... Plus new Unicorn bags coming.

Apparently CollectA retired some models at the end of 2021, but they're still available on the only store which sells them in the UK, so maybe once their supply has run out of that model, they'll stop selling it.
horses rock623
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Hey yall, it sure has been a while, but I am so glad to be back on here! I am making a tack order for a friend and I need some fall colors to us efor the tack theme of fall. Im also having a lot of trouble finding motivation to make the tack and to get my schleich stuff out, so color suggestions would really helpdefault smiley :d
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does anyone else have the smurfs rocking horse?
I just found out I had it all this time it is from 1987 making it the oldest model that I have in my now 400+ collection. Unfortunately, younger me used a sharpie on the eyes and saddle and there are some rubs and scuffs so it's not really worth anything now but still a really cool item to have in my collection.default smiley :ddefault smiley (l)
(I'm having trouble with attaching images lately so sorry for not posting an image.)
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Splash16 wrote:

Hey yall, it sure has been a while, but I am so glad to be back on here! I am making a tack order for a friend and I need some fall colors to us efor the tack theme of fall. Im also having a lot of trouble finding motivation to make the tack and to get my schleich stuff out, so color suggestions would really helpdefault smiley :d

Well for fall, i would think of like tan and deep red colors, or depending on the person you are making them for, like a strong orange or yellow? Though i'm thinking the deep reds and browns sound better.default smiley :p

PewDiePie wrote:

does anyone else have the smurfs rocking horse?
I just found out I had it all this time it is from 1987 making it the oldest model that I have in my now 400+ collection. Unfortunately, younger me used a sharpie on the eyes and saddle and there are some rubs and scuffs so it's not really worth anything now but still a really cool item to have in my collection.default smiley :ddefault smiley (l)
(I'm having trouble with attaching images lately so sorry for not posting an image.)

Oh, cool...i have very few smurfs, and most of them were thank you gifts from a past Schleich online store order. I have never actually seen them for sale first hand in a store even. But a rocking horse one sounds like one i would love to find!default smiley (y)
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Thank you so much for the suggestionsdefault smiley ^)
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Splash16 wrote:

Hey yall, it sure has been a while, but I am so glad to be back on here! I am making a tack order for a friend and I need some fall colors to us efor the tack theme of fall. Im also having a lot of trouble finding motivation to make the tack and to get my schleich stuff out, so color suggestions would really helpdefault smiley :d

A little late but... When I think of fall/autumn, I think of warm colours, such as oranges, browns, deep reds and yellows. Maybe some red-y pinks.

PewDiePie wrote:

does anyone else have the smurfs rocking horse?
I just found out I had it all this time it is from 1987 making it the oldest model that I have in my now 400+ collection. Unfortunately, younger me used a sharpie on the eyes and saddle and there are some rubs and scuffs so it's not really worth anything now but still a really cool item to have in my collection.default smiley :ddefault smiley (l)
(I'm having trouble with attaching images lately so sorry for not posting an image.)

I don't have any Smurfs myself, but it sounds like you have got a good one there!
horses rock623
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how is yall?
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Bumping cause i'm scared it will get deleted!default smiley :o
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My mum is stealing my cardboard boxes to pack stuff in, and she found an old Schleich box with the invoice still attached. It was from January, does that count as a long time? default smiley (lol)

In the interim, I got two more Schleich's: the Sunrise pegaus foal and the Criollo foal. I thought that was going to be the last of the Schleich I get this year, then they decide to do a special Black Friday unicorn (has the pink one gone now?) and Black Friday deals. At least there aren't that many I need currently in the sale, so my bank account is safe (for now) default smiley xd
horses rock623
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I'm now interested in schleich. Should I?
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Welp, i've been meaning to post but i having trouble keeping up with things these days lol.

Foxi723 wrote:

I'm now interested in schleich. Should I?

If you love animals, and really like Schleich's figurines that you've seen, why not? There is a wide variety out there, of animals and otherwise, and new ones made every year, so there's sure to be something(s) that you will like. They are quality figurines!default smiley ^)

horses rock623 wrote:

In the interim, I got two more Schleich's: the Sunrise pegaus foal and the Criollo foal. I thought that was going to be the last of the Schleich I get this year, then they decide to do a special Black Friday unicorn (has the pink one gone now?) and Black Friday deals. At least there aren't that many I need currently in the sale, so my bank account is safe (for now)

I am wanting that pegasus foal, congrats! And i am so glad you said something about the Black Friday special unicorn, as i had no idea! I searched the US Schleich site high and low and couldn't find it, and i admit i was panicking a little bit...Black Friday is short lived! Anyway, i couldn't find it, so i emailed the company. Never heard back, but continued to look. Found it in another country or two (i think in the UK, can't afford the shipping for clear across the pond, and in Canada, where it unfortunately said they were not currently shipping internationally). It took a lot of looking and i finally found it when i did a specific site search a few times. That's the only way it would come up, like it was in hiding anywhere else. But the frustration continued when i was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, waiting for my mom to come out, and i spent the whole hour trying to get the dumb checkout thing to work right. It kept trying to add two or three BF unis to my cart, when i only wanted one. Very frustrating lol, and i was worried cause it says there are only 2,040 available worldwide, and it had already been a couple days. I got the order done just in time for my mom to come back out to the waiting room. Oh, and literally just after i ordered, i got the email from Schleich about the special uni ha ha. And just a little bit ago, i got the email that my order has shipped. Cue the thumb twiddles, waiting is no fun ha ha. Oh, and when i was on there, the pink uni was still unless it sold out, it should still be there.default smiley :)

I did manage to find these cuties that i have been wanting in a Tractor Supply store, so excited about that!

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Its the Schleich Chicken Friends! i love them because we have some Silkie and Polish chickens on the farm, and i find them so funny.

Also, i was very lucky...the store was out of town, and i couldn't have come back just for this. Thankfully just as we left i had opened the box to look at them...and one of them was missing. It was the tan Polish. So we turned right back around and i went and exchanged it, this time opening the box at the checkout to make sure they were all there. I would have been pretty bummed if i had made it all the way home just to find only two out of three in there! This happened to me once before, when i got a Breyer Foal Surprise (where it is the two stablemates with a compartment that has a mystery foal concealed inside that you can't see until you open it) from a Tractor Supply. I opened it up and there was no foal in there!default smiley :o Had to take it back later and exchange that one too.
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I don't have schliech horses but I have Breyer horses, and I am planning to make ny first realistic saddle soon! If you could wish me luck, that would be amazing.
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Best of luck! I admire you guys who are crafty!default smiley :)
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I can't believe the other day when i posted i forgot to share this fun little character that i have recently gotten!

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Its the CollectA Narwhal! Really neat creature but its extra length makes it difficult to fit it on my shelf...he has to go sideways ha ha.

And these are the new guys i just got!

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Ok, so you guys know i was getting this one! Its the Schleich Black Friday Special Edition Black Unicorn!

I also paid a visit to the Sale-Last Chance! page on the site, and wound up with these:

I got the Bayala Dolphin Mom and Babies.

I got the Wildlife Flashcards set...i'm wondering if the frog in it is exclusive to this pack? Anyone?

Next, i got the four pack of the Hippity Hop rabbits...i had ignored them before because i didn't think they were unique enough. I still wish Schleich had made them more so, but they are a "special" item, and when i saw they were steeply discounted and in the "last chance" sale section, i decided to go ahead and pick them up.

As a thank you gift i got the little mini dino Utahraptor keychain. So now i have a duplicate, but it was free, so i'm fine with that.default smiley ^)

The last thing i got is amazing! I got the large Skull Trap with Velociraptor! I was worried i would be disappointed with how small this skull would be, but i'm not at all! It is a really good size like i hoped, and i just think it is a really cool addition to my collection!default smiley ^) I don't really go after the dinosaurs too much, and many of them are usually out of my price range. i do find really good deals sometimes though, and though i've always thought they were pretty cool, i'm finding myself liking them more and more. I'm not out to collect them all, but some of them i find i really like and would be happy to get my paws on!

That's it until next time!default smiley :-))
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I am so jealous of those purchases! Especially the Black Friday Unicorn. I went to see what else they were doing, and guess what? It's sold out and removed from the site. Haha, oh well. Maybe next year they'll do something similar. Either way, time to wait to see what comes about in their other Black Friday sales.

Speaking of CollectA, has anyone seen the 2023 models? I am loving the look of some of them.
horses rock623
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Oh bummer, i'm so sorry you missed out! That's why i was so frustrated when it didn't want to work for me properly when i was trying to buy. I knew they were very limited in numbers. They said worldwide there was only 2,040 in existence.

I have not checked out the new CollectA models yet, but i will certainly have to! I've been trying to find a list of which Schleich models are retiring after this year, and for the life of me i can't find one! Does anyone know where i might find such a list? I want an opportunity to pick up any i might be missing before then.default smiley *-)
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2022 18:18:32
I honestly don't have any schleichs I used to go to my Barn store we can get tack and dog food and stuff like that and they would have she likes there I just they never peeked my interest but I always loved Breyers my best friend loves Breyers and my best friend actually got me into this game somehow you guys on or the guys on horse logged her out and she wasn't able to do it so now she's found a better game and I might not be on as much as I used to but I still love this game so much and this new add-on is amazing
I just got this pretty guy...warning, bigger picture.

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Its the Breyer uni known as Altair!

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I used to collect schleich and even made a whole barn with pastures, outdoor arena with actual sand, a round pen etc. But I started collecting breyers more seriously. I kinda miss my schleich tho, they don't look as realistic anymore I've noticed and im really torn. They came out with a lot of different sets id love to have.
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Wow has it been a while since I've been on heredefault smiley :o it has been so busy between school, volleyball, and soccer and basketball is starting soon. Oh boy, anyways I love your guys' finds. They're so cute! Next how has everyone been doing? Any new projects or finds? None for me, I'm still broke loldefault smiley xd hoping to get some stuff for Christmas tho like some collecta and schleich.default smiley (o) what's on your holiday lists? Ok I think I should get off of here its almost midnight where I livedefault smiley xd anyways have a good rest of day/night/whenever you see this. Until my next post default smiley :-))
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2022 22:12:21
Been a big fan of schleich for about 18yrs and still collecting whether it's their horses or wildlife, from figures to sets and it's great to know there are others as well default smiley (l)
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