
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 23rd October 2017 06:50:45

It's (/was) my favourite Schleich horse, so I bring it my instructional competition (it was in my school bag) and I won that competition.
From that day forward it's bring me luck the Schleich horse! ❤
Wow, congratulations on winning the competition!
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By Retired breeder, 24th October 2017 14:16:24
Famousamos wrote:

Wow, congratulations on winning the competition!

Thank you, Famousamos. ❤
Have you guys seen the ones to be released next year, especially horses? I looked it up on youtube. Some of the horses have big spots on them...they look different than normal to me, but hey different doesn't mean bad!default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2017 14:51:51
I have a YouTube channel default smiley :) it's going about plastic pownies (Schleich/Breyers/ and moreee) :P Barntours, Unboxings, and a lot more default smiley :))
Right know there isn't any video's yet, but there will be soon! <3
Could you guys please subscribe on my channel? That will be really cool ^^

Link to my channel:
So, i ordered more me! lol.

I ordered the Sloth Bear, the Andalusian stallion (i have the mare and foal...two of the mare actually), and the 2009 Black Forest Yearling that is retired. I had the parents but was missing the foal and found it cheap on Ebay. default smiley (7) Its coming from England all the way to me in the US!
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What is some of you guys' favorite Schleich model? I don't think I could ever pick a favorite!
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By Retired breeder, 30th October 2017 04:00:29
I collect Shliech horses actually! (sorry if I spelled that wrong) I believe I have 20 of them. One of them reminds me of my 2 horses in real life!
Retired breeder wrote:

I collect Shliech horses actually! (sorry if I spelled that wrong) I believe I have 20 of them. One of them reminds me of my 2 horses in real life!

Oh the ones that remind you of your real life pets are always the best!default smiley ^) I also love the horses, although i don't have any real life horses.default smiley *-)
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Eek! My Sloth Bear and Andalusian Stallion came in today!default smiley :d
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I need somebody to talk to in here lol.
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If I wanted to start collecting these models where is the best place for me to start?
Miniature Ruby
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Oh hi! Lol, I'm guessing you are most interested in the horses? Schleich actually has several types of models, from smurfs to dinosaurs and stuff in between! I collect the wildlife, pets, and farm life and horses. I have a few people too. Anyway, i find quite a bit on Ebay. thats a good place to look. I like it because you can find some with free shipping.
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Farm and home stores are also a good place to look, if in a smaller town like me. If you're really lucky, you may live near an all Schleich store. I have no idea where those are though.
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One more thing...kinda online stores. Good place to find newer stuff. Ebay is good for finding new, but also retired Schleich that is like really hard to find otherwise.
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Thanks and yeah I was interested in the horses.

But thanks heaps I've got some hunting to do online

default smiley (lol) default smiley :)
Miniature Ruby
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I hope you find some good bargains! I love the horses...i have about 130 of the horses, and a few more i've got my sights set on, even before next year's models come out! Its never ending lol.
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If you're worried at all about value, get those with the Schleich tag still on, and don't remove it if you can help it. I think they are worth more with that on it.default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 1st November 2017 20:23:37
Famousamos wrote:

Oh hi! Lol, I'm guessing you are most interested in the horses? Schleich actually has several types of models, from smurfs to dinosaurs and stuff in between! I collect the wildlife, pets, and farm life and horses. I have a few people too. Anyway, i find quite a bit on Ebay. thats a good place to look. I like it because you can find some with free shipping.

If you live near a Toys R Us, they are pretty cheap there. I have gotten most of mine there. Tractor Supply, is also a good starting place.
By Retired breeder, 1st November 2017 20:50:35
Retired breeder wrote:

If you live near a Toys R Us, they are pretty cheap there. I have gotten most of mine there. Tractor Supply, is also a good starting place.

Yeah, Tractor Supply and Runnings offer some good ones. Walmart occasionally sells them, too.
I don't live near a Toys R Us, but I have gotten a few from a Tractor Supply that is 45 minutes to an hour away. We have an Orschelns in my town that sells them but they have been doing major remodelling and haven't had them out, or ordered any more even though they are almost out. We have a local Wal-Mart that used to sell them, but they phased them out. So our Orschelns is the only local place to get them, so I hope they put them out again soon.

I've never even heard of Runnings.default smiley (8)
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I got another Schleich in today! It is a retired piece i got on Ebay for cheap, with free shipping even...its the female Saint Bernard dog, from 2008 i believe it was. Its big (the newer dogs are much smaller for some reason) and in a laying down position, and i love its long loose slobbery mouth lol. Well, it would be slobbery if it were real.default smiley xd This is a picture of one (we can put pictures here, right?)

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Got this 2008 retired rooster todaydefault smiley :)

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Sorry, didn't realize that would be that big!
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Well the Schleich i ordered just keep coming my gorgeous Black Forest Yearling came in, all the way from England! Blessed!

I'll put it in a spoiler this time in case its huge again lol.

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default smiley (l)default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
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