
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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@ sunnyside she is very beautiful! I can't see her all at once because of the size but i like it!

Retired breeder wrote:

Famousamos I am sorry but I can’t post pictures but the recreational rider was the horse that had a purple saddle and bridle and came with the girl who had a purple shirt and a black vest... Yes you are right about the mustang ... he had the reddish orangish tail.

Hmmm...i will have to try to look that one up...i don't have any of the riders, but i do have the mustangdefault smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2017 17:04:24
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2017 21:00:47
How do I post a picture on my post???
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2017 21:28:06
Retired breeder wrote:

How do I post a picture on my post???

It depends if you are getting your own or if you are using off of the internet. If it is off of the internet right click and select the option "Copy Image Address". Once you do that, you can click the little picture bottom at the top in the middle. It should do something like this setup: go in between the ] and [ and paste your image address. However if it's your own picture, you can use Google Drive. Here's a link to a video that helps get a link for those:

Click here for help

If you haven any questions, you can pm me! default smiley (y)
@ Albertan, Oh thanks for posting that picture! its one i hadn't seen beforedefault smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2017 04:21:28
No problemdefault smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2017 13:31:26
Yay! Just got these beauties yesterday!

By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2017 22:20:12
What is the second one? Ive never seem it before?
Retired breeder wrote:

Yay! Just got these beauties yesterday!

Congratulations! i especially love the Friesian! Is the second one a newer one?
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Anyone else get anything new lately? Or have an oldie but a goodie?default smiley :)
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I got a stallion with the washing place
and a this year retirred foal
The stallion is named Moonlight I only need a name for my Foal he is a stallion to
  • Posted messages: 439
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AAFKE wrote:

I got a stallion with the washing place
and a this year retirred foal
The stallion is named Moonlight I only need a name for my Foal he is a stallion to

Cooldefault smiley :) I have very few of the props. I wish I could get more of those. What foal breed did you get? Its always nice to be able to get a retired/almost retired model! And Moonlight sounds like a very pretty did you come up with it?

Maybe, if the stallion is his daddy, you could call it Moonbeam or Moondrop or something to match with it! Just a thought in case you were searching here for a name.default smiley ^)
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I also like Misty Moon but that is probably more of a filly name I guess.default smiley (8)
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2017 02:35:37

Thanks! I'm not sure about the second one... Can t remember default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:


Thanks! I'm not sure about the second one... Can t remember default smiley (lol)

I do wish they would put the breed on the tag or something lol, i have trouble remember what's what much of the time. They do put the year on it at least. I think i've noticed that they put the year it was made on the tummy, and then the next year it is released. So if it says '16 it was probably released this year. I don't know if they are all that way or what. I used to believe that if it said '16 then in was released in '16.
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2017 15:24:16
Do any of ya'll have this one? I like it a lot, found it online.

By Retired breeder, 9th December 2017 19:14:08
Retired breeder wrote:

Do any of ya'll have this one? I like it a lot, found it online.

I customized a model of that one but it was black originally. I believe it's on the last page but I love the color! What breed?
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2017 19:19:35

So after some research I found that he is a 2017 Tennessee Walker gelding....default smiley :d
Retired breeder wrote:

Do any of ya'll have this one? I like it a lot, found it online.

That's the Friesian mare. I got mine from Chapters!
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Retired breeder wrote:

Do any of ya'll have this one? I like it a lot, found it online.

Its beautiful! I like it a lot!

Retired breeder wrote:


So after some research I found that he is a 2017 Tennessee Walker gelding....default smiley :d

Oh thanks...i believe it is one i still need to find! Sure is prettydefault smiley :)
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That horse is a repainted one I got the original horse its a Friesian mare out 2005
And my adventcalendar gave me lettuce
And the foal is a hannover stallion
I got the mare and stallion from that breed
Mare named Linda
Stallion named Titan
  • Posted messages: 439
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2017 01:52:05
Do any of ya'll know of 2018 models already coming out? Looking for Christmas list ideasdefault smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2017 01:59:31

Thank you so much! Do you know if it is still sold?
Retired breeder wrote:

Do any of ya'll know of 2018 models already coming out? Looking for Christmas list ideasdefault smiley ;)

They don't come out until next year, at least that i know of (which it is very possible somebody might have them cause my knowledge is limited lol). But i think you can see pictures of the new ones that will come out if you do a search on Youtubedefault smiley :) Also, i think there are a few different release dates through the year for the different new Schleich figurines, and i don't know for sure which is when they release the horses. Somebody help me out, am i right about this? I think there is one in January, then July, then sometime later in the year. Keep in mind this is my understanding, so correct me if i'm off base please!
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AAFKE wrote:

That horse is a repainted one I got the original horse its a Friesian mare out 2005
And my adventcalendar gave me lettuce
And the foal is a hannover stallion
I got the mare and stallion from that breed
Mare named Linda
Stallion named Titan

I really like the Stallion's name!
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