[Known Issue] Performance Issues

HellOw everyone,

You may have noticed there are some performance issues occurring when you're trying to care for your horses.

I'd like to assure you that this is a top priority for the team. They are hard at work to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

So the team can fully investigate and resolve the issue, we would like to ask you to send a ticket to Contact Us providing any and all information you can.

Here are some good examples of things to provide:
- When does the issue start, date/time?
- How long did the issue last?
- What were you doing when the issue started? (Caring for horses, blupping, etc.)
- What kind of connection does the issue occur on? (Home internet, mobile data)
- What version are you playing on, Classic or Mobile?

Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience while the team investigates this issue.

Happy Howrsing!
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 875
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Back on today and is working fine, no idea what the problem was yesterday, I even
lost the graphics yesterday, anyway, really happy today and fingers crossed it keeps this
  • Posted messages: 1,824
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Dear Howrse Team,

Are you aware of current graphic problems for app users? More then half pictures are unavailable since today (around 10 hours after update), including special horses, special coats, everything EC related including competitions, workshops, meadows even equus and passes.

Im sorry if the issue is known and in work already, maybe I missed the memo default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 175
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  • Seniority: 478 days
Dear Howrse team,

Since your maintenance of the site, things are moving incredibly slow. This is true for friends that are trying to play this morning in different parts of the US.

Looks like your maintenance may need some maintenance of its own.

default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 2,863
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I*m playing in Germany and it's also very slow.
  • Posted messages: 2
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Is there any update on fixing your site. I can't see most of my horses, can't get anything to work, your little thing just sits and spins like its trying to load.
  • Posted messages: 17
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I am in the USA and most of the site won't load as others have said. I can't see any of my horses so I cannot play at all today. I can't enter comps, I can't train so it's setting my entire game back with no progress at all for anything. I have tried exiting out of the game and restarting but nothi g helps. I can't play the new event either. Very disappointing and I hope we are compensated for this!!
  • Posted messages: 22
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I am not able to complete the objectives either so I am losing my daily passes on top of everything else!
  • Posted messages: 22
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Still very very slow!!! Could not even get on this morning. Tried multiple times and am nnow ondefault smiley :'( Please fix lagging!
  • Posted messages: 666
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I thought it was just mine! Any idea when it will be fixed please? I'm UK if that makes any difference
  • Posted messages: 2
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I’m in the US and the graphics issue seems to have moved from just mobile version for me yesterday to both the mobile & web versions today.
  • Posted messages: 714
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ConcernedFlora wrote:

I’m in the US and the graphics issue seems to have moved from just mobile version for me yesterday to both the mobile & web versions today.

I am finding the same thing. Sometimes the horse appears half there and I have to refresh all the timedefault smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 666
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Is anyone else unable to log into mobile? I keep getting the 'wrong password' message when I try to log in, but there's no issue on my laptop. Not sure if it's due to the event or my own problem.
  • Posted messages: 1,762
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Issue resolved
  • Posted messages: 1,762
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I'm having graphic issues also. I can't play the Riders event as the riders images don't show up.default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 73
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Here is the official response from Admin (as posted in the Game Play forum by deimo)s as it stands so far:

We apologize for the performance issues you have experienced. Our team is aware of the problem and is working hard to resolve it as quickly as possible. We understand how frustrating this must be for you.

Rest assured, we are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to work on fixing these issues throughout the weekend. If you notice that the situation hasn't improved, we would appreciate it if you could contact us again, to provide us with your feedback.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused, and we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you do feel there is anything the team need to know please continue to update your Contact Us tickets.
  • Posted messages: 37,253
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I've had this problem of and on for a week or 2,
Instead of having 3 horses across while looking at horses from their breeding farm I'm only seeing 2.
Sorry this probably makes no sense default smiley xd
It's not a huge problem for me although it is getting slightly annoying
This is on mobile version default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 641
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I have a problem with the game on my tablet, this week I can't do much at all, no images,
cannot access the promo at all as it does not show up, very slow.
I do not use the mobile game on the tablet, as I don't like it and it is not good at all, so use
the Classic version, last week everything was fine, this week a nightmare, and also
had problems with the game just crashing, no problem with other websites just this one,
also on Thursday of this week on PC when the game just went down, message appeared and said maintenance had finished and could continue playing, wrong it did not work, and
I was in the middle of caring for the horses, so how can maintenance be going on while
playing?, also the game has just crashed and could not reconnect, it did after a while, but
this is so annoying.
  • Posted messages: 1,824
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At this point, I can't play at all. Any update when the game might be fixed?
  • Posted messages: 73
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Still no graphics. Can't see the horses, and the boxes have reach for showers and water trouphs. Pastures in French also. Can't see a lot of things. Not fun.default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 145
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Oh phone absolutely no picture loads so it’s impossible to see what horse I’m working with or what button I’ve hit.
  • Posted messages: 89,240
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I can't get on the classic site for more than two seconds. Most of the graphics won't load and I have to accept cookies every 2 seconds or every time I click a link which ever comes first
  • Posted messages: 1,031
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miketg wrote:

I can't get on the classic site for more than two seconds. Most of the graphics won't load and I have to accept cookies every 2 seconds or every time I click a link which ever comes first

Was having same issue until a couple of mins ago.

Tip from Legacy Anne, press the 3 little buttons on right of your screen in top of browser and from that menu select desktop site. The images are back and it let me click the cookies banner and it's stayed away so far...
  • Posted messages: 17,006
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I still can't edit competitions in my EC. The elements in cross and show jumping are invisible, can't change anythingdefault smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 6
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I really can not do anything, no images, I can not change anything at all, only can work invisible horses in my other horse farm.
This is day 3 for me not being able to play.
The app is so slow I can only work a few horses in 2 hours, not fun.
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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Yes, I just tried the tip from Legacy Anne, hit the three dots at top of phone, then scroll down to desk top version.
It works.
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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