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Please use the Maze dedicated topic now that the maze is live. The Spoiler Zone is just for things not yet on the game and, once a new promotion starts, comments and questions should be posted in the dedicated topic and not here.
  • Posted messages: 37,253
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Looks like these are the prizes we get for the
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Not much, but at least it's something. We're told in the test forum that the Pastry jackpot changes at each draw. I don't see that it says anywhere that the other prizes change with each draw as well, but we'll see for sure at the next draw.

And these are the prizes for the
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Clover Shop

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,895
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The lottery is mediocre at best, the prizes are not very good. Wish more than 1 person could win the divine too.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,924
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Legacy Ann wrote:

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Not much, but at least it's something. We're told in the test forum that the Pastry jackpot changes at each draw. I don't see that it says anywhere that the other prizes change with each draw as well, but we'll see for sure at the next draw.

I am very happy for the
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darumas, as I need a lot of them for my trophy. So that's a +
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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I'm a bit disappointed. I really miss the old editions of the lottery, when there was no clover shop. I know many people complained about the prizes being random so the only solution is the clover shop. But to me, receiving random prizes is what a lottery is all about. It was very exciting to discover what you got at the last draw.

We have the ”jackpott prizes” now but they are not that exciting. And I wish there were more BMI for the clover shop.
  • Posted messages: 568
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i like the jackpots but they are no good if you barely win them
the clover shop is a joke... there should really be a TC in there
i like that there are 2 options of fragments and not just one you have to pay double for but they are still too expensive
  • Posted messages: 526
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By Retired breeder, 10th January 2022 17:20:59
Is there a website that I can see past divines that came out of HOP's?
default smiley (lol)This is interesting
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One of the features of this lottery is to exchange your winnings from a draw in exchange for tickets. Or you can keep your prizes.
Not sure I'd bother with the exchange, personally. I always refrain from buying a million tickets because I rarely see a return in comparison to what I've spent. This seems like a similar risk, unless you really want the divine or other top jackpot prize.

This is what it looks like after a draw

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,895
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Retired breeder wrote:

Is there a website that I can see past divines that came out of HOP's?
Most of the older divines have been released in the HoPs at one point or another. Not so much the new ones of the last few years unless they were less valuable. Your best option is to go through Howrse's Twitter feed, as they post the luck offers each weekend. You'll have to do lots of scrolling though, as it doesn't have a list for each item.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,895
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It would be better
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if you could pick which prizes you want to trade for tickets instead of having to trade all or none
  • Posted messages: 38
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To be honest, I am very happy with that prize pool, it beats last times "lottery" by far. Fingers crossed they won't just be thrown in every once in a while and it is an equal split. I'd love a metal element.
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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So only 1 person wins the divine, 3 people win the HWS, and 5 people win the metal element? So in other words, nobody is going to be winning anything from the draws except very lame stuff and clovers, and the items from the clover shop suck. How exciting default smiley (d) Count me out.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,924
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

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So only 1 person wins the divine, 3 people win the HWS, and 5 people win the metal element? So in other words, nobody is going to be winning anything from the draws except very lame stuff and clovers, and the items from the clover shop suck. How exciting default smiley (d) Count me out.

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the prize amount of the big prizes is calculated by the size of the server so because the test server is small only one person wins the divine
i am sure there will be more divines to win when the event goes live
not hundreds but definatly more than one
  • Posted messages: 526
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Its like Howrse takes one step forward, two steps back every lottery. I'm personally loving the prizes in the shop and from the draws, (I need 12k more droppings to get the last trophy so this helps immensely) but the distribution of the prizes is very, very, very, lame.
  • Posted messages: 12,183
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KAI wrote:

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the prize amount of the big prizes is calculated by the size of the server so because the test server is small only one person wins the divine
i am sure there will be more divines to win when the event goes live
not hundreds but definatly more than one

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, it's always only 1 winner for the Jackpot, that's how it's always been.
The rest is calculated, though default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Nalu93 wrote:

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, it's always only 1 winner for the Jackpot, that's how it's always been.
The rest is calculated, though default smiley :)

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I expected the divine to be 1 person like always, but quite a few people will be winning the HWS and Metal element though? If so then that's better.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,924
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

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I expected the divine to be 1 person like always, but quite a few people will be winning the HWS and Metal element though? If so then that's better.

If I recall correctly, those numbers won't change much.
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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I am not mad at the prize selection at all. Lot's of things there I need to collect still in the draw portion, and lot's of things I use in my game regularly from the Clover Shop (I literally use everything that's in the Clover Shop). Even if my luck is trash in the actual draw, I can get things from the shop. Fingers crossed my luck will be decent though lol, my luck was actually pretty good during the last lottery that everyone hated, funny enough.

So, I am officially looking forward to both the Great Challenge AND the Lottery! First time ever since Howrse first introduced these events.default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,261
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Speaking of the element, are the Maoris not in rotation?? I vaguely remember a conversation with a friend where I said "I'm waiting for Jade, Isis and Ruaumoko," and then a later conversation I said "I'm flat broke after jade" and "I hope the others don't come soon." I do not remember seeing Ruaumoko though, so did I miss him or are they still in rotation?? I'm waiting for him irrespective of his rumoured horrible drop rate. Want to complete my fifth element trophies.

Or is Ruaumoko pulling a Rongo on me..?

Unless he was in reserved sales at some point. Then I probably wouldn't have gotten him. But I still think the Maoris haven't finished their rotation.. someone please help me clear up my fog here. Thanks!!
  • Posted messages: 790
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ShadowKokufu wrote:

Unless he was in reserved sales at some point. Then I probably wouldn't have gotten him. But I still think the Maoris haven't finished their rotation.. someone please help me clear up my fog here. Thanks!!
I looked in the directories and the most recent (not including the Pack ones) were born in September 2019.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,895
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ShadowKokufu wrote:

Speaking of the element, are the Maoris not in rotation?? I vaguely remember a conversation with a friend where I said "I'm waiting for Jade, Isis and Ruaumoko," and then a later conversation I said "I'm flat broke after jade" and "I hope the others don't come soon." I do not remember seeing Ruaumoko though, so did I miss him or are they still in rotation?? I'm waiting for him irrespective of his rumoured horrible drop rate. Want to complete my fifth element trophies.

Or is Ruaumoko pulling a Rongo on me..?

Unless he was in reserved sales at some point. Then I probably wouldn't have gotten him. But I still think the Maoris haven't finished their rotation.. someone please help me clear up my fog here. Thanks!!

We have had Tawhirimatea, Rongo, Punga and I feel like one other. That should be a rotation.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,924
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I'm really having a mental block right now (I blame Mondayitis...) so can someone correct me if i'm wrong in understanding this...

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Ok, so after this current event, we will have the Great Challenge and Lottery. During the Lottery, we will have the option through TCs to win fragments for any Pastry horse we choose, so that we can complete the collection? I have high hopes for this, as, other than the last two brand new ones, i only need two males to complete the collection. Oh i so hope the fragment rate is good, because i'm pretty sure i cannot afford to fill the meter four times to get the two new ones and the two i'm missing. Hopefully, we can win the two new ones in the promo without having to open as many TCs for the fragments? Thanks for any clarification!
  • Posted messages: 14,393
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Famousamos wrote:

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Ok, so after this current event, we will have the Great Challenge and Lottery. During the Lottery, we will have the option through TCs to win fragments for any Pastry horse we choose, so that we can complete the collection? I have high hopes for this, as, other than the last two brand new ones, i only need two males to complete the collection. Oh i so hope the fragment rate is good, because i'm pretty sure i cannot afford to fill the meter four times to get the two new ones and the two i'm missing. Hopefully, we can win the two new ones in the promo without having to open as many TCs for the fragments? Thanks for any clarification!

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Yes, White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate are both offered in the great challenge, dark chocolate for free (prime prize) and white chocolate for 600p (premium key main prize. You should get about 500-600 frags for the pastry of your choice with an average of 100 frags per challenge if you finish the great challenge. It should be pretty cheap to get 2 males. (2000-3000p) I thinkt he regular 2600p pass mark in this event is supposed to get you a male and a female.
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
  • Posted messages: 5,924
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Famousamos wrote:

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Ok, so after this current event, we will have the Great Challenge and Lottery. During the Lottery, we will have the option through TCs to win fragments for any Pastry horse we choose, so that we can complete the collection? I have high hopes for this, as, other than the last two brand new ones, i only need two males to complete the collection. Oh i so hope the fragment rate is good, because i'm pretty sure i cannot afford to fill the meter four times to get the two new ones and the two i'm missing. Hopefully, we can win the two new ones in the promo without having to open as many TCs for the fragments? Thanks for any clarification!


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Fragments ratio is, with the x4 (premium key needed for 600 passes) between 90 and 180 default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Thank you Legacy Ann!! Now I know I didn't miss Ruaumoko. I'll use the directories next time. I forgot they exist..

Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

We have had Tawhirimatea, Rongo, Punga and I feel like one other. That should be a rotation.
So a full rotation isn't going through all the divines in the set?? I would never have thought of taking 4 or 5 divines from a set and calling it a rotation because they didn't get through all of them. I'm still waiting for Ruaumoko.. and Rehua.. are they really done with the "rotation"..?? default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 790
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