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ʀoo wrote:

These just look like horses in cloaks.

Lately, the only signifier has been the heart-shaped tail and that's it default smiley :)
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^Did I just write "tales" instead of "tails"...?!?! default smiley :o default smiley (d)
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Those love divines are very good, don't get me wrong here. But I feel like some of the divines we have been getting recently are very poorly made if you compare them to the older ones (gemstones/solar system series) that were more detailed. The wings on the love divines almost look copy pasted.

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The wings are just, so rough. There's barely any texture, they're just brown blobs? Were they going for a melted look on Jeg Elsker Deg? The bottom half of the wing is doughy, and not to mention he is also a one-winged horse...

The first generations of divines just had that spark that made you want to collect them. Earth, Sun, Io, Snow, the original Xanthos and Sleipnirs, Cowbra, they all felt like such cool horses to own and chase after. Nowadays I might see one or two divines I like, but it's just not the same. And then of course they took away Gypse, my absolute favorite divine. That broke my heart.
Glory Days
  • Posted messages: 2,207
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I really hope they either edit the attire on the Finnish love divine, or make it a Samì love divine. They really messed up with this one, I know a few players have sent in tickets about it as well. Hopefully they listen.
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Just a reminder for the next promo -

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Make sure you do your daily objectives, there is still enough time to get 600 passes for the key; you can go back and claim prizes, so you don't need to worry if you go and collect them late. If it stays on schedule, the promo will start on the 27th and the challenge portion will run for roughly 2 weeks, leaving just enough time to do 20 days worth of objectives to get 600 passes worth.

These 600 passes will get you a usable pair of divines, one for free and one for the passes, plus tons more good items. It's very much worth it to invest in this and if you start now you can get both without needed to get passes through different means.
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Glory Days wrote:

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The wings are just, so rough. There's barely any texture, they're just brown blobs? Were they going for a melted look on Jeg Elsker Deg? The bottom half of the wing is doughy, and not to mention he is also a one-winged horse...

The first generations of divines just had that spark that made you want to collect them. Earth, Sun, Io, Snow, the original Xanthos and Sleipnirs, Cowbra, they all felt like such cool horses to own and chase after. Nowadays I might see one or two divines I like, but it's just not the same. And then of course they took away Gypse, my absolute favorite divine. That broke my heart.

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They didn't take Gypse away, they just renamed him Gypsum. Same word, just in English instead of French.
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Does a new prepod session start today?
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In theory, but maybe not default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Just my opinion but I am really not a fan of the chimeras that Howrse keeps churning out... A lot of them have strange designs and in the grand scheme of things, don't seem that worth it considering the limited time you have to collect passes (roughly 700?) from them; not to mention the effort one has to spend on taming and training it. I'd much rather they focus on the new divine series or other past series that need to be completed. The chimera series is one of the biggest sets in the game (aside from the Mythologicals) so it would be nice to see something different. Other than that, well done Howrse for taking into consideration the suggestions from the players to continually improve everyone's in-game experience. default smiley (y)
Arctic Storm
  • Posted messages: 34
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In addition:

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Divines are meant to be VALUABLE and notably DIFFERENT, hence why they are 'special horses' and challenging to get a hold of. The designs should always be of the highest quality and with plenty of thought put in to it to avoid offence, mistakes and other such issues.
I saw the new Love divines and have to agree with the other players; the quality just isn't good enough. If Howrse wants to improve on this issue, please listen to this advice; keep the quality of artwork high and remain thoughtful when designing and releasing a new divine. Make it worthwhile for the players, especially as divines they are rare and expensive to get sometimes.
Arctic Storm
  • Posted messages: 34
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What are the breeds for White Chocolate’s foals?
  • Posted messages: 358
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gand568 wrote:

What are the breeds for White Chocolate’s foals?

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They are Argentinian Criollo, Peruvian Paso, and Mangalarga Marchador
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the new divines are not that great, i don't know much about the cultures but from what i hear, this is nasty.
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[quote=1403716843][author]Arctic Storm[/author]
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Divines are meant to be VALUABLE and notably DIFFERENT, hence why they are 'special horses' and challenging to get a hold of. The designs should always be of the highest quality and with plenty of thought put in to it to avoid offence, mistakes and other such issues.
I saw the new Love divines and have to agree with the other players; the quality just isn't good enough. If Howrse wants to improve on this issue, please listen to this advice; keep the quality of artwork high and remain thoughtful when designing and releasing a new divine. Make it worthwhile for the players, especially as divines they are rare and expensive to get sometimes.

THIS!!! I feel like it's more about quantity than quality nowadays when it comes to the creation of divines. I think it's worth taking the players opinions in consideration, especially regarding the recent love divines. Not only the problem with culture and clothing but shouldn't it be more clear that it's a LOVE divine? They should try to make them more similar to how they made I Love You and Je T'aime, focusing more on the love-part rather than the clothing.
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Ayjay wrote:

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They didn't take Gypse away, they just renamed him Gypsum. Same word, just in English instead of French.

I'm talking about the old Gypse design, not the newer Gypsum that replaced him. His original beachy theme was gorgeous and by far my favorite divine design. I was super disappointed when they took that design away, they should've just added Gypsum as a different divine.
Glory Days
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Are the new love divines and chimera coming this weekend?

if not...

Do we know who's coming this weekend?
  • Posted messages: 487
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Could someone please tell me what page the maze maps were on? I had it open saved and then my laptop restarted default smiley :( I have done some digging for them but cant find them anymore default smiley :(
oakridge stud
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They're at the top of page 2734 oakridge (:
Glory Days
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So yeah as many have already pointed out, the new Finnish love divine is just... Not appropriate. First of all; it's clearly not Finnish, it's Sámi, a whole different people that live in the north, in an area that today is Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Secondly; 'Minä rakastan sinua' is Finnish, the Sámi have their own languages. Also not appropriate to use the traditional Sámi dress in this context - it carries specific meanings to the wearer and the community and should not be exploited by people who are not aware of its meaning. It is traditional indigenous dress, not a costume.default smiley (n) It's not ethically sustainable to treat it as such. I mean, we don't have an American divine that is a horse in Native American dress, and for a good reason... Howrse, there are so many different ways you could have represented Finland with this divine, and you managed to pick the offensive and ignorant one, that does not even represent Finland as a country but Sápmi. Reminds me of the tourism industry of Lapland and how it has a history of exploiting the Sámi by portraying the people as exotic and taking the dress out of its context, making it a costume to make money with. A bad call...
  • Posted messages: 7
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I found a thing? Of course I found a thing!

Guess what's back?
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If you said "The Horse Parade" you've won a golden macaron! :3
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Big yay for new information! default smiley <:o)
Not so yay for that particular event, in my opinion default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 110
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If you said "The Horse Parade" you've won a golden macaron! :3
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The Wandering Horses are way overdue if you ask me. Never been a fan of the Horse Parade, I liked decorating events when they were simpler like the masks or monsters
Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

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The Wandering Horses are way overdue if you ask me. Never been a fan of the Horse Parade, I liked decorating events when they were simpler like the masks or monsters

I mean, the Tiles have been seen 2 years ago and so have the Rider's store, the Wanderers aren't more overdue than others.

We've last seen the Stagecoach in 2019, how is that fair? default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Im still not so impatiently for the Derby to see if they fixed the physics.. I hate luck events but the Derby is so bad its laughable.

I'd prefer to never see their bad remake of the forgotten country again, but it'll probably come back anyway. Otherwise I'm impatiently waiting for the stagecoach.. was really hoping it'd be our Christmas event last year but that turned into cards default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 790
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