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Dr Zig wrote:

Yep! There have been days when I just backed away, and could not face the idea of blupping or skilling, purely because of the tedium of short rides default smiley xd

I just finished bolding my Connie/TB and the neverending short rides had me going slowly insane default smiley :odefault smiley (li) default smiley xd

And lol as for newbies not even realizing how to gain speed skills.... I took a break and when I came back it took ME entirely too long to clue in to the short ride thing default smiley :-x I think the new rides are daunting because no one's (obviously) used them, but they'll make things much more simple, after the initial shock factor wears off.
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By s806604, 2nd December 2014 08:13:06
Neferka wrote:

I think on the US server it has the tack on supply and demand

Is only the 3* tack going to be priced based on supply and demand as it currently is or will the other tack (1* and 2*) prices also be based on supply and demand? I really hope someone can clarify this today so we can stock up on the 1* and 2* tack before the update if the prices are going to be based on supply and demand default smiley :o
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I woke up so bummed over it not happening today. In other news there's an update to the mobile app.
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Aoife wrote:

I woke up so bummed over it not happening today. In other news there's an update to the mobile app.

Must be an Android thing, my iPhone doesn't say there are updates available. (but thank you for reminding me to check app store updates! default smiley (lol))
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Is it true that we aren't having another GC until after christmas..?
(I'm sorry if it's been posted recently default smiley (lol) I haven't checked this topic in a while :3)
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@Goldforever - It was on my iPhone when I reloaded the app this morning. It was up where the howrse icon should be. They might have revoked it for tomorrow morning then?
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Does prepod include the mobile app? Anyone by chance know if they're planning to fix the a lot of VIP perks not being available over mobile? (can't get pre-release coats/search for rosettes/ect)
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biopbo-- yes, there will not be another GC until January.

vesplain-- must be, I'm not seeing an update option in the app either!
  • Posted messages: 884
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Forest, Mountain, or Beach?

So what is Beach supposed to do again as far as skill rides? If memory serves from discussion a while ago, I thought it was supposed to have some relation to skill swapping like the beach rides do now.

Also, I am still a little confused about the relationship between your E.C. location and the availibility of the different kinds of rides. If I choose a certain location, does this mean I won't have access to the other types of rides, or will I have to board my horse in different equestrian centers (i guess that could be kind of cool) to develop all the skills?

(I apologise if this has already been asked and answered. I did scroll back a few pages and found confirmation on two types of EC but not the 3rd.)

Thank you.
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quothraven wrote:

Forest, Mountain, or Beach?

So what is Beach supposed to do again as far as skill rides? If memory serves from discussion a while ago, I thought it was supposed to have some relation to skill swapping like the beach rides do now.

Also, I am still a little confused about the relationship between your E.C. location and the availibility of the different kinds of rides. If I choose a certain location, does this mean I won't have access to the other types of rides, or will I have to board my horse in different equestrian centers (i guess that could be kind of cool) to develop all the skills?

(I apologise if this has already been asked and answered. I did scroll back a few pages and found confirmation on two types of EC but not the 3rd.)

Thank you.

Click to display

You'll still have access to all of the rides. Where the EC is based will determine which kind of ride gets an added bonus to training times. (kind of like a c.timer would.)

You technically could switch ECs to gain better training times but if you don't have the VIP perk of being able to cancel board it might not really be worth it.
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So where is everyone thinking they would like their EC to be located?
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 17:33:48
The location doesn't have a lot of impact right now. When they add resources that will hopefully be a different story. Since everyone has to do two rides now, so long as you don't pick beach, you'll do the same amount of time on rides whether you go forest or mountain
I am going to the mountain.default smiley :)

I have android and have seen nothing about up dates for the app. I really would like to find an up date to turn off this auto correct. My mobile us not as smart as it thinks it is.default smiley :)
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oh ok, just trying to figure this all out. looking forward to it but want to make the right choice
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I going to the beach. My EC's name sounds beachy, anyway.
H and J Ranch
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Click to display
how much is the Olympus pack?
Princess Celestia
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If I want great Show Jumpers what ec should I have?
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 17:50:06
I'm choosing forest and I don't even care what might be the wisest choice default smiley :p
katiedingo wrote:

I have android and have seen nothing about up dates for the app. I really would like to find an up date to turn off this auto correct. My mobile us not as smart as it thinks it is.default smiley :)

Go into your device (not app) settings, there should be an option in there to turn off autocorrecting.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 17:57:36
Okay I'm a bit lost here,
So what does beach offer
And forest
And mountain and which would I be looking at if I wanted to blup mustangs
As for location... I'm definitely going forest! Nothing beats a nice barn tucked in behind trees for privacy, a nice long tree-lined driveway, and a bunch of trails.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 18:16:54
//Princess Celestia

Click to display
Thanks gold, I have been looking for it on here for awhile, guess I just need to dig deeper. Never had these problems on my windows phone.
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I am debating on putting my ec on the beach....but, I like the country...I don't know which one to do! *Starts panicking*default smiley :o
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Did the changes happen yet? I'm on mobile version so I can't tell.
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