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Adalena wrote:

My apologies to everyone for my misinformation regarding the objectives.

How could you have known? They sent the notification 20 minutes ago.

Since we're at the top of the page, REPOSTING.

The event has been POSTPONED

Due to a public holiday, the next event will not begin until tomorrow. Any ideas of what it could be? See you tomorrow at 2:00 PM (Paris time) for the new event’s launch!
  • Posted messages: 16,717
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Weekend offers:

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Liana and the Ainos Pony
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Link to Howrse's Instagram post announcing that the Aphrodite's Tears & Fertility Wand Privileges will be available in the May packs! default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 17
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it'd also be nice if they notified us on the GAME. not on the social media sites. not everyone is on the social media sites. how are they not prepared for this? will they extend it a day or make up for the missed day. not sure what the next promo is but missing a day can often cause you not to finish the promo unless you spend passes. and we shouldn't have to spend passes because the game wasn't prepared.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,566
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anyone else think they may have discovered a major issue with the promo and are trying to fix it and using the bank holiday to hide it.
Reasons i think this:
1. this can't be the first time a promo started on a bank holiday.
2. they've known this was a bank holiday for a long time.
3. the last minute notification.
4. the office isn't empty. may not have full staff but there are people there.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,566
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Hiram Farmer wrote:

1. this can't be the first time a promo started on a bank holiday.
2. they've known this was a bank holiday for a long time.
3. the last minute notification.
4. the office isn't empty. may not have full staff but there are people there.

There are NO promos starting on Bank Holidays. That is just how it is. The French offices are CLOSED.

The last-minute notification was an admittedly poor choice, we all agree on this.

At the start of the event? That's not how you give warning. default smiley (n)
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There has never been a guarantee that all events start on Thursdays, that's just how they have been going. But it's not unheard of for them to start a day early or a day later, especially when there is some sort of holiday.
  • Posted messages: 13,094
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Hiram Farmer wrote:

1. this can't be the first time a promo started on a bank holiday.

From experience they start it the day before when it is the case, except that yesterday was also a bank holiday as luck would have it so I'm not really surprised.

quote=1404420506]4. the office isn't empty. may not have full staff but there are people there.[/quote]

During a bank holiday in France you can be guaranteed there is absolutely no one that is going to be in the office. The only exception might be if you work in a restaurant or the tourism industry, but even shops are going to be closed so you better have done your groceries in advance.

I do agree communications could have been sent out way earlier and also directly on the website.
  • Posted messages: 491
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Celeana wrote:

During a bank holiday in France you can be guaranteed there is absolutely no one that is going to be in the office.

Yeah no in most of Europe if the offices are closed they're closed. Nothing is happening in there, zilch.
It's a mandated holiday for a reason (yup, offices/stores/buildings/schools are mandatorily empty). default smiley :)

But boy what an unorganized way to communicate a delay. A community message via PM would have been better.
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I think the real tragedy is no Legendary this weekend lol.
  • Posted messages: 5,258
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wynter12 wrote:

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I think the real tragedy is no Legendary this weekend lol.

That is indeed a tragedy.

I think they cottoned on to the fact that *we* cottoned on to the pattern and don't want to risk it before the packs.
I fear we're getting a month of low offers before a bang of big ones once the passes are well and truly gone. default smiley (lol)
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I just like the use of the word "cotton" in this context. Don't see that a lot. I approve.

Have a nice day.
  • Posted messages: 1,026
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can someone just tell me what type of event (lottery, wandering horses, matching, store etc) it is going to be? i don't need specific just the type. thanks
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,566
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Hiram Farmer wrote:

can someone just tell me what type of event (lottery, wandering horses, matching, store etc) it is going to be? i don't need specific just the type. thanks

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Pinatas pretty sure
  • Posted messages: 12,175
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Hiram Farmer wrote:

can someone just tell me what type of event (lottery, wandering horses, matching, store etc) it is going to be? i don't need specific just the type. thanks

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I believe it's the pinata event. I arranged wok today to be on luncg 12.30 to 1.30 so I could get on to do my clicks. Big fail default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 7,158
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thanks for the info
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 12,566
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Sooo for everyone non European : French don’t work in May. At least for a good half of it. The 1, 8, the Ascemption, the 11th are vacation day and we do «bridge» between them and/or the next weekend to maximize the amount of vacation time and rest. Sorrydefault smiley (b)
  • Posted messages: 538
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Pinata events are pretty time-sensitive so I hope it's extended at the finish, otherwise many people are probably not going to make it to the end. default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 29,160
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Speaking as an American, these mandatory bank holidays are mind blowing. I don’t work for the government, so I don’t even get all 11 federal holidays off work. And on large holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, stores are still open, it’s not even a thought if maybe you wouldn’t be able to pop over to a grocery store to pick up some milk, it’s always open. Not trying to say one way is better than the other (not that I would turn down more holidays default smiley (lol) ) it’s just so different.
  • Posted messages: 49
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In Italy we had to pass a law *specifically* to allow some retail shops to be open during the holidays, and even those can be open for half a day only before being accused of "oh my gosh let the employees go already."

If it's a mandatory holiday though? Verboten (or at least, the eployers cannot force the employees to stick around). Stay home unless you work in hospitals or some restaurants.
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Oh nos....AT Privileges...my one and only weakness. Does anyone remember what the may packs were price wise last year? I can't remember if they were cheaper than christmas or not.
  • Posted messages: 334
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Nalu93 wrote:

In Italy we had to pass a law *specifically* to allow some retail shops to be open during the holidays, and even those can be open for half a day only before being accused of "oh my gosh let the employees go already."

If it's a mandatory holiday though? Verboten (or at least, the eployers cannot force the employees to stick around). Stay home unless you work in hospitals or some restaurants.

Honestly, as an American whose employer only starting closing on Thanksgiving a few years ago, BLESS mandatory holidays. I'm sick and tired of American work culture. I'm very happy for anyone who gets this time off.

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I greatly dislike Sleeping Beauty's dress. The colors just don't look good to me. Granted I'm not the biggest fan of green, but it still just looks like peas from a baby food jar. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 930
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To piggy back on Nalu93’s comment in France it’s the same. Some places also pushed to be allowed to be open in tourist areas so sometimes there’s that for shops/restaurant. So in Paris you could theoretically find something open. Otherwise yesterday I wanted to buy some stuff to bake but had to wait today… same with Sundays, shops are closed here. It’s really not comparable
  • Posted messages: 491
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Yeah here in France... you have to plan everything ahead. If you're not in a big city so you better buy your groceries the day before holidays hit! Only in the recent 2 years do most retail shop open till 730pm instead of 6pm, shopping on sundays are still impossible, and pharmacies still close during lunch time default smiley xd

That said, I really doubt the event would start today but here's hoping for it to happen!!
  • Posted messages: 666
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Yukari wrote:

That said, I really doubt the event would start today but here's hoping for it to happen!!

They gave official notice so it starts today default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,717
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