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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

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On another note, I am a bit scared to ask.
Do you guys think this new mode will remove the divine portals and black Friday? I wasn't sure but it seems a bit like this is an attempt to push these divine events out and replace them with a bit more time-consuming / expensive option. Not gonna lie, I like the new mode, really-- but I am just concerned that it is going to not be nearly as helpful as the other old two were. Thoughts?
Also, do we know how long each roations of Olympus lasts? I was curious to see how many frags I could get- Thanks in advance default smiley (l)

I wouldn't think they'd get rid of Black Friday, because I'm sure they see some extra pass sales that weekend. Even though you have to be fast to win them, you still have the opportunity to win a full divine, as opposed to fragments, so it's more appealing to buy passes (I'd assume so at least. If I bought passes that wold would be my reasoning).

Divine portals (if you're referring to the ones we see during the Christmas event?) might be another boost for them since getting extra divines during the event are an added incentive to buy Xmas packs at that time.

I can't really see why they'd remove two features that potentially boost sales, but there's just no way to know though.
Legacy Ann
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To be honest, I doubt they would remove them, at least without some kind of warning the previous year. Even though the divines during them are reduced, there are likely still players that buy passes to get them. I've personally bought passes for Black Friday and Christmas promos, there are likely players that do the same thing.

There's also the fact that we've had the portals for years now, it's pretty much a given and expected that the Christmas event will offer a selection of divines for players to get for free or cheaply.

If they removed the Christmas promo portal, they'd probably have a massive reduction in the sale of Christmas packs due to the fact that players buy those packs in order to get the divines through the passes those packs offer.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
I forgot how to do spoilers, sorry. Someone delete that please default smiley (lol)
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Crookedstar915 wrote:

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Honestly same default smiley (lol) I’ve gotten occasionally lucky but even then it’s a real pain! Still I’m intrigued so my passes might as well be gone
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Crookedstar915. Deleted for you. I'm sure you haven't really forgotten but just in case, and for anyone new who doesn't know , there is a spoiler icon at the end of the line on every new message. Much easier than all those coding commands. default smiley :-))
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Lol, I love how right above a mod just gave a reminder on how to spoil something, and then the next person to post a comment just leaves the spoiler un-spoilered.default smiley xd

(Not being rude, just genuinely made me laugh lol)
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I must say, I hope the rewards from the Spices divine series are good, because it Cinnamon looks gorgeous so far! If its not worth, then sadly I am going to have to pass, but I do agree that it seems that there is too many horses being released lately!
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Weekend Divines:

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Iapix and Caradoc!
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Mizuzuki, where did you see pics of a new divine series? default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 548
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I am *sobbing*

silver B
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Sargas wrote:

Looks like a new divine series
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Here and Here
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Thanks! Looks so good default smiley 8-)
  • Posted messages: 548
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So gorgeous !
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I imagine them offering perk for the day like Chinese. Spicing the game. But I’d be delighted to be proved wrong. We already have the Metal as pass givers. But they probably pay off when offered.
How many Metal are left ?
  • Posted messages: 538
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Falbas, judging by the divine page with the metals, it looks like there's

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2 "normal" metals missing (Ruthenium and Platinum) and 1 "big" metal missing (I assume you get it if you manage to get all of the other ones? This one's Mercury)
  • Posted messages: 548
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Juicy wrote:

Falbas, judging by the divine page with the metals, it looks like there's

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2 "normal" metals missing (Ruthenium and Platinum) and 1 "big" metal missing (I assume you get it if you manage to get all of the other ones? This one's Mercury)

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That's interesting as we already have a Mercury in the solars, it would be a bit weird having different divines that shared a name.
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Which is why his name is not Mercury but
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Quicksilver, the other name for Mercury.
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Anyone know what Caradocs drop rate is, like is he worth getting if I dont have him already?? Thanks in advance!
  • Posted messages: 90
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Mizuzuki wrote:

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Anyone know what Caradocs drop rate is, like is he worth getting if I dont have him already?? Thanks in advance!

I think it depends on how many Grails you have. I can get one weekly 5 - 6 or 7 days (depending on if I'm on and get the daily amount I can get) because I only have to fill it up to 450 due to missing 1 Grail Divine! I think it's harder if you have only a few of the Grails!!!

I personally think it's worth it even if you don't have many of the other Grail Divines as your still getting Horn of Plenties which there always seems to be a Promo for so if you save them up like I do (usually for employees/diplomas) then it's good!
Cory Schneider
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i would've *sworn* both wind and grails were in the TC, my memory is really failing me. guessing the grail is in fleeces then?
  • Posted messages: 540
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(nvm, found it!)
  • Posted messages: 540
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answrs wrote:

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i would've *sworn* both wind and grails were in the TC, my memory is really failing me. guessing the grail is in fleeces then?

answrs wrote:

(nvm, found it!)

Wait, wait!
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Did you find the grail in the TC or fleece?
And I kind of assume TC is Tyche's Crowns because they are worse and so we have to pay more and Howrse keeps pushing them and only them, but Titan's Challenges are also abbreviated TC so it could be the latter.

Also does anyone know
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what Cinnamon's perk is yet?
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Context will help you with deciphering "TC".

Tyche's Crown are used in events. Such as Puss in Boots for the evolution currently happening.

Titan's Challenge is a weekend item.

Might not be perfect, but 9 times out of 10 that rule will tell you which is being referred to.
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Chimera of choice in the GFs, for who didn't notice default smiley :)
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