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i mustve accidentally deleted the part which shows whom ive quoted. that was from ShadowKokufu's spoiler sorry default smiley (lol)
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Isis was in HoPs when they released her in luck items, it's how I got her default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,728
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Nalu93 wrote:

Isis was in HoPs when they released her in luck items, it's how I got her default smiley :)

Oh, thats fab default smiley (b)

Thank you.

In the best kind of luck item too. I feel a lot of people are waiting for the return of HoP divinesdefault smiley (zzz)
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Since this divine is re releasing........
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Can someone estimate what the price will be for Ruaumoko? Do you think it's going to be priced around 8k? Or over? I know it was in cards event in 2018.Just a rough estimate of it. thanksdefault smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 251
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roadrunner wrote:

Since this divine is re releasing........
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Can someone estimate what the price will be for Ruaumoko? Do you think it's going to be priced around 8k? Or over? I know it was in cards event in 2018.Just a rough estimate of it. thanksdefault smiley (l)

I think that 6000-8000 would be an accurate expectation. He's valuable, but only drops about every 6 months, and that really lowers its value.
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There aren't anymore HOP events? I remember that there were times when you could've won specific things with it or even divine/wild horses, I have some and I'm waiting for such an event but in vain. Am I stacking them for nothing then?
  • Posted messages: 39
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ArkLeon wrote:

There aren't anymore HOP events? I remember that there were times when you could've won specific things with it or even divine/wild horses, I have some and I'm waiting for such an event but in vain. Am I stacking them for nothing then?
Divines are mostly in TCs or Fleeces now. HoP promos do still happen, but very rarely. When they do come around, it's usually a specialty item or aEC diplomas that are in them.

That said, I do still stroke Xanthos everyday and save up HoPs, because you never know when a divine will be in them
Legacy Ann
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ArkLeon wrote:

There aren't anymore HOP events? I remember that there were times when you could've won specific things with it or even divine/wild horses, I have some and I'm waiting for such an event but in vain. Am I stacking them for nothing then?

There just hasn't been any available in HoP's for some time now, we're under the assumption that they will return again at some point but we don't know when. As far as I know there has been no announcement made that they've been scrapped... so I wouldn't worry,

its just been a while.
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2021 19:45:05
Just opened a Golden Fleece for Tāwhirimātea, got 39 fragments! That's the only one I'll open, that's too little fragments for a divine that only gives water elements, but that's just my opinion.
!! Signal boost.

By watching promotional videos, you can also gather Tawhirimatea fragments. default smiley :)
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yes I got 50 fragments out of 1/3 promotional videos I watched.
Still not intrested in getting him though default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2021 22:47:23
Nalu93 wrote:

!! Signal boost.

By watching promotional videos, you can also gather Tawhirimatea fragments. default smiley :)

I've been on the game for almost 9 years, and I never knew you could do that default smiley (h) A bit embarrassing, but thanks @Nalu93!
I think it's the first time they handed Fragments with promotional videos.
I'm quite pleased they've chosen to do this to somewhat offset the price default smiley :)
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Ooh, I got 2x 50 fragments
  • Posted messages: 36
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leena wrote:

Ooh, I got 2x 50 fragments

Me too! (on au) thanks Nalu93 !
  • Posted messages: 3,184
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So, I know that Howrse has re-released Zaldia and Bucephalus' tack pieces recently, but does anyone know if
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Altair's tack has been released?
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Altair has not been released default smiley :)
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Will the zodiac divines make their return this year? Two years ago I was not able to get my hands on all of them and I would love to see them coming back in the reserved sales!
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CrimsonDax wrote:

So, I know that Howrse has re-released Zaldia and Bucephalus' tack pieces recently

Ugh I hate I missed that, I have two of Bucephalus’ tack pieces that have been hanging in my inventory since the first time!
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Bucephalus has not been re-released in the market, only in HoPs so far.
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I managed to get 100 fragments for free from 3 videos, actually really impressed with that. I do not plan on trying for him but more fragments means a cheaper cost next time he comes around and I want him default smiley :)
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Does anyone know what the weekend offers will be for Merge? Like, with the Hike how the cut the switch cards down to just one token, or put more tokens in the token packs?
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By Retired breeder, 11th January 2021 00:48:15
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About the Star Rain, do we know when they will be appearing and how many times? Thanks! default smiley :-))
Retired breeder wrote:

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About the Star Rain, do we know when they will be appearing and how many times? Thanks! default smiley :-))

I just had one, and got a vintage apple!
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I cant believe I missed them, I was going through congratulating people (and I do so quite quickly) so I clicked someone's name just as they popped up on my screen! I hope they return again soon default smiley :(
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