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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2018 02:13:04
Joblitzen wrote:

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Oh dear, this is so sad it's practically hilarious. Most of what I want to say has already been said, but I'd like to analyze this replacement of passes with diamonds a bit more. Originally, this first change I heard about pass horses was a year or two back when Howrse planned to do away with getting passes from horses altogether and instead create a ranking for number of horses killed, and the ability to receive a divine (Yggdrasil) once you killed a certain number. You would get 10 passes from the player loyalty meter instead. I'm not sure if this exact change is implemented on other servers such as Italian (@Aldebaran, maybe clear that up for me, or any other players on servers that have an implemented change, thanks!). But anyway, replacing diamonds with passes is frankly, a destructive decision. A cheat. Because diamonds, it seems very clear to me, are much less valuable than a pass.

Case in point, one diamond equals 1 AP while a pass equals 20. 10 diamonds equal one pass when you want to buy a BMIs or APs. Also, you can't use them to buy anything in the sales that requires a pass or more. So essentially, you can buy only items, and not everyone has a divine to spend diamonds on, so I'm ruling that out as a really useful aspect (I am under the impression it is very exhaustive to use diamonds on a divine to get significant skill gain). And may I point out that since less players will have passes to spend, people selling horses for passes also will not get passes, and behold, down goes the economy for horses with a price of passes. I suppose the idea is to get more players to buy passes but it is evident that that is not working because Howrse is doing stuff like this. default smiley (o)

So Howrse is definitely shorting us out by replacing passes with diamonds, which have a much lower capacity for usefulness than a pass does, in my opinion. Not only that, but they're replacing 10 passes with 90 diamonds, and as 90 diamonds equal a pass, that's, if we pretend for a second that 10 diamonds is equivalent in use to a single pass, that's only 9 passes, so Howrse is still cheating players. What does that say to me, as player? It says, your opinion doesn't matter, we want/need more money so we're going to take something that affects everyone away and replace it with something of significantly less value in an attempt to get you to buy what we just took away. Cool, thanks! You know, an easy solution I see to this problem would be simply lowering the pass prices, or creating some special offers.

I don't know if the Ambassadors will be able to have much sway regarding these changes, for passes and co-man, but if you can do anything, //please do something!// Also, no offense to the Ambassadors, but it would be so easy so just take a poll that all players could answer instead of having Ambassadors communicate to them (as far as I can tell, Ambassadors aren't allowed to communicate developments and such to us players, but correct me if I'm wrong, it is true that we have yet to see what they can do as the Ambassador program was just implemented). But I digress. My last comment would be that I think it would be hilarious if we could do a cross-server movement where we all quit the game for 2-3 days (since we can log back in within 5 days to stop the process) and give them all a big scare. Might actually get their attention. default smiley (8) Watch me get punished for that suggestion, oh boy. But I sem-seriously think it could be effective.

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Oh I sincerely hope they do not require us to activate co every time we sign out in order to enable it. NONE of the times I've had to be away from the game came with warning. I'm not on any teams, nor filling, nor anything else - I just need my trusted friends to be able to sign in to keep my account active if I'm in the HOSPITAL long term due to my health, or cannot lift my hands enough to use my phone to sign in. I won't remember to do this every time I sign out. My short term memory is fried due to my illness. I'm going to end up getting deleted after 10 years of commitment, buying passes, etc. Please don't do this. People have situations they cannot predict or control. We won't remember to activate this setting every single time and it will only take forgetting once, at the wrong time, to end up deleting players with real life difficulties. I would be utterly devastated. I know I'm not the only player with unpredictable health like this. Many players have struggles very like mine for various reasons. It's hard enough being sick all the time, Howrse is our escape. Please don't make it harder on us.
Sport Horse Breeder
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So no icon you had them? default smiley :(
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I agree. I also have problems with short term memory loss and my hands shake if I get tired. All thanks to my seizures. Which are under control. To get good horses all by yourself is hard add illnesses the bar is raised to near impossible without help. Penalties for that is wrong! Howrse International is inclusive
not exclusive. I have met people from different countries and states of all types. And all have one common thread a love of horses. Please don't disappoint me and discriminate over illness.
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Extra clarification - there have been times that due to health, hospitalization, trauma, etc I've not been able to log in myself for many months at a time but I always come back and I save every penny I can (from money gifted to me for birthday/holidays) towards buying passes because this game is so important to me. So, terminating co after a month would have the same result as requiring activation with every sign out. People with cancer, heart difficulties, neurological illness, or a vast array of issues would be endangered by those two changes. We cannot predict when we will get sick, nor how long it may take us to battle our way back to enough functionality to sign in ourselves. Please consider us, sometimes this game is all we have left to look forward to at all.
Sport Horse Breeder
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I urge you all to go into contact us and open a feedback ticket to send your protest against this. They can't say they weren't told that players object if we do
Rattler Winter
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[quote=1403522038][author]Sport Horse Breeder[/author]
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Oh I sincerely hope they do not require us to activate co every time we sign out in order to enable it. NONE of the times I've had to be away from the game came with warning. I'm not on any teams, nor filling, nor anything else - I just need my trusted friends to be able to sign in to keep my account active if I'm in the HOSPITAL long term due to my health, or cannot lift my hands enough to use my phone to sign in. I won't remember to do this every time I sign out. My short term memory is fried due to my illness. I'm going to end up getting deleted after 10 years of commitment, buying passes, etc. Please don't do this. People have situations they cannot predict or control. We won't remember to activate this setting every single time and it will only take forgetting once, at the wrong time, to end up deleting players with real life difficulties. I would be utterly devastated. I know I'm not the only player with unpredictable health like this. Many players have struggles very like mine for various reasons. It's hard enough being sick all the time, Howrse is our escape. Please don't make it harder on us.

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Health in general isn't predictable, is it ? Even the healthiest person can suffer a sudden illness keeping them away from the game. This recently happenend to my partner. Several weeks of staying in hospital with some time of it totally unable to use any device at all. He had to put everything into fighting for his life. This happened from one second to the next. No time to activate whatever. During this time I could put his horses in Grand Prix, take care of his EC so he would find everything in decent conditions when he came home again. Couldn't have done that under the new proposed changes.
I personally find the idea of changing coman in the way we see absolutely terrible. It could also not be there, would be the same effect in case you really and suddenly need this help. For people who really love this game and invested a lot it is a sad state of affairs if a sudden change in life or health prevents them to log on and nobody can help them to keep their game going until better days will come. The worst things don't come with a warning usually.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Oh gosh Asper! Thank you for posting that. I am sorry your server is going through this.
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2018 14:16:48
PrimeHellix wrote:


I don't get what else you want to know besides what Ayjay has already told you. The page-where-you-take-care-of-him you can only access if you posses the divine. Otherwise you can only access its public page by visiting an instance of that divine, for example Ow's Hippogriff. As you have been told already, you can find and access hundreds of the Hippogriff divine instances on the directories, simply by using the search and type the divine's name.
Ayjay obviously didn't answer my question and you didn't either. You literally said the exact same thing Ayjay said and that I have to own the divine to see his care page. That still doesn't help me, because I know that already and that's not what I ever asked for. All I'm asking for is for someone to post a picture of Hippogriffs care page, because I don't own him and can't see his care page myself!
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2018 14:18:46
Retired breeder wrote:

^^ As the atmosphere here is always unhelpful, I doubt that anyone's gonna post a picture of it and given that divines' pages are always much more boring and basic than their description would lead you to believe, I'm thinking it's nothing special really default smiley :) If the Hippogriff leaves you feathers, they'll just show up in the log.
Yeah, you're actually right. I should just give up lol
I object to that. Its quite disheartening when players dismiss help you give (when they dont make it clear what they are asking). Then to have it inferred that you are unhelpful. Its not the game thats the problem for some people, its other players.

Ask clearly for someone who actually owns a Hippogriff if they will take the troubke to screenshot their Divine's page, upload it to a hosting site then link it here.
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I just checked the directories and there are 152 Hippogriffs on the game.

The chances that one of their owners comes to this thread and sees your message asking for a picture of his care page are slim to none.

All I can suggest is that you try messaging one or more of the owners with your request and hope that they respond to you.

Please and thank you will help.

All the Hippogriffs on Howrse at this moment in time
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Well said Ayjay. I found the last two messages from Matsjeee rude but I still made the effort to help.
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Drat, the link I made defaults to search all horses.

So go to Directories - Horses tab - Click the Divines box, type Hippogriff into the search box - click search.
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[quote=1403522113][author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]Ayjay obviously didn't answer my question and you didn't either. You literally said the exact same thing Ayjay said and that I have to own the divine to see his care page. That still doesn't help me, because I know that already and that's not what I ever asked for. All I'm asking for is for someone to post a picture of Hippogriffs care page, because I don't own him and can't see his care page myself![/quote:0]
Are you on the assumption that both Ayjay and me were not sharp enough to get your meaning, or did you at some point even begin to consider that the fault is in your initial unclear post? Please accept my apologies, I do not have a crystal ball.

Strawbz wrote:

Drat, the link I made defaults to search all horses.

So go to Directories - Horses tab - Click the Divines box, type Hippogriff into the search box - click search.

Don't worry, nobody will appreciate your effort anyway. For few weeks now I am into the meh mood and I just start to feel that I don't care anymore. Whatever, the problem is not mine, so... Meh.
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If anyone has a problem or a question about the game and divines that are already on it, the correct place to ask for help is in the game Play forum, not here. Being dismissive of those who are trying to help is also not appreciated.

Several mods have asked players several times to use the forum for its intended purpose, ie to discuss upcoming things not yet on this server. It would be nice if everyone could do that and also remember to use spoilers where needed.
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Got to say, it's pretty amazing that people are arguing about Hippogriff rather than
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The pass system changes on other servers
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2018 17:13:48
I guess I'm one of the problems here and I'm sorry if someone thought that I was talking about them specifically. But I do hope that the atmosphere here and especially in the game play section will change, because people are often belittled for asking questions and the responses tend to be really unhelpful unbelievably often (compared to other forums/pages).

Anyways default smiley :)

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Now that a Falabella is going to be one of the prizes again in the next promo, what do you think are all the colours finally going to come out as promo prizes (maybe greyfells will be offered too?) and could in the future possibly some other old divines be offered as prizes? default smiley :) Because many of the old ones are somewhat useless as they are, having very low skills etc. At least I kind of hope that old divines would be offered a bit more often in some ways, because now it makes almost no sense to try and start compelting some old set, since it can easily take years.
Whatever the forum, if you think a player is being discourteous or belittling someone else, please use the report button. That way we can deal with it - the mods want a nice atmosphere as much as you do default smiley :)
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I'm sorry, that did go off topic, I won't do it again.

Some news about the promo, after the next promo. I think that is the best way to word it default smiley :) TAV?

When I say news it is 4 screenshots and I have a few more I will put in a separate post.

I've previewed and the spoiler posted correctly so I hope this works!

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Running at the same time on preprod is TWBF

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I did catch a balloon and I chose the send it on option. I was surprised not to choose a friend from my list as it just seemed to disappear when I clicked my choice .

Maybe the same aging points balloon will just circulate randomly around us all default smiley <:o)

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Hippogriff's page looks the same as any other horses page, but when you (groom or put to bed, I can't remember) he just leaves you feathers that float in front of his picture and then show up in his history Then to the right of him, there is a meter showing how many feathers you have
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More TAV

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They all take 1 day in the workshop.

Camera = 1200 x Apples

Diving Mask = 3600 x Oats

First Aid Kit = 3 x Red 2* saddle cloths, 6 x Red and white 2* ear bonnets

Flask = 6 x Red and blue 2* ear bonnets, 3 x Red 2* polo wraps, 3 x Blue 2* polo wraps

Life Preserver = 3 x Pieces of Cloud, 150 x Applesy

Pail = 6 x Croesus' Fortunes, 60 x Apples

Water Gun = 3 x Horns Of Plenty

Cap = 900 x Flax Seeds

Sunblock = 3 x Green 2* Classical Saddle Cloths, 6 x White 2* polo wraps

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