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hello everyone,
will the rest of the solar system divines be coming out in luck items soon? I cannot tell if the howrse pm about Earth implies that.
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

hello everyone,
will the rest of the solar system divines be coming out in luck items soon? I cannot tell if the howrse pm about Earth implies that.

From what I am seeing I would not be surprised with anything that may show up. default smiley (m)
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

hello everyone,
will the rest of the solar system divines be coming out in luck items soon? I cannot tell if the howrse pm about Earth implies that.

We don't know; luck item events like this aren't things that get tested. However (at least what I've seen since I've been on the game) it is uncommon for howrse to only release part of a divine set. Also, from the PM we all received I was lead to assume that they'll be re-releasing all of them.
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Asfridur wrote:

For some reason it reminds me of the musical Little Shop of Horrors default smiley (lol)

Agreed. Still creepy. Since no equines are carnivorous or even omnivorous, it's kind of an insult to the entire genera Equus. And I think the original movie is far superior, exp Jack Nicholson's scene. But the musical does have its moments.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
kitcat wrote:

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Eh, I can't decide what I think of the plant. Each time I seen it the faces are either creepy or funny.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
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As usual I'm a bit confused. How many plant horses are there? 7 & then you get Lotus or 7 x each type of plant horse (which seems like a LOT of horses) then you get Lotus. The wording just has me a little confused.
Sport Horse Breeder
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@Sport Horse Breeder. Yes. Looking at their page....

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There are 7. If you have them all you unlock nr. 8 called Lotus
If you had them all, and you worked them everyday they'd eat all your droppings in zero time. If they all require the same amount of "feed" of course default smiley (lol)
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2017 11:29:27
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when the pass horse change get implemented on servers, do the players get a pm before it happens? I'm curious as to whether i should be stocking up on more AP and pass horses on the AU server or not yet as i'd like to age what i can before it happens but id also like to do it as late as possible because procrastination is life
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2017 13:47:19
Retired breeder wrote:

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when the pass horse change get implemented on servers, do the players get a pm before it happens?

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Yes they do get PM into Official tab,,
On RU server they got PM 11 days before the change's getting implemented,,
And 19 days before the change'll be implemented they made Topic in event's forum for that,,

Change on RU server will get it's place on 7th February and will be the first live server (excluding 3 testing servers) to get this change,,
Asfridur wrote:

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If you get about 3 droppings per horse then you would have to care for about 70 horses per day, or do one full blup and work a few other horses. Not too bad for an active player.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th February 2017 14:43:34
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
kingojoplops wrote:

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My condensed version:
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Instead of the possible 30 passes from pass horses a month + the 1 from loyal player pass, you can only get up to 10 passes a month with a new loyal player pass system. You get max 10 points per day and when you get 30 points you get a pass. We don't know when it is coming to this server, and 3 servers have it already, while it will arrive on a 4th server in three days.

When you send 10 horses 25 yrs+ to heaven you get a divine called Yggdrasil that you can't care for or do anything with. All that happens is when you keep sending older horses to heaven he "gets older" and grows and you get a little photo album where you can scroll through his growing process

There will also be a "horses sent to Safe Haven this month" ranking as well as "all age horses sent to heaven" and "older horses (25yrs+) sent to heaven" rankings
Legacy Ann
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I feel like unless they give us another chance to earn more passes a month, through different ways, they are cheating us out of something that has been here for years, or at least give us divine that will give us a good BMI, such as a NYX Pack or something valuable.

I'm already dreading the day this change will come to the international server if it doesn't get improved default smiley :s
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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Wow a lot of censoring. Guess we broke some rules. Not quite sure what we did though default smiley :o
Any ways moving along.

Thanks Bezo
bezo93 wrote:

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If you get about 3 droppings per horse then you would have to care for about 70 horses per day, or do one full blup and work a few other horses. Not too bad for an active player.

Yes totally doable. I just checked what I've got so far today. So this is good news. Thought it would require way more default smiley :)
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Im loving the idea of a reason for droppings, other than manure
starlight dreamer!
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Asfridur wrote:

Wow a lot of censoring. Guess we broke some rules. Not quite sure what we did though default smiley :o
Any ways moving along.

I think the word

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is not allowed unless under a spoiler.default smiley :-x
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default smiley (lol) really?

Ok we'll just have to use CH___ or something then
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Or just use a spoiler banner.. !
Raf's Mum
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Great now Howrse makes me to spit out my cola on my screen.

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Chompy? Seriously? If we get a horse called Vegeta (hopefully a vegetable divine) ) and a divine called Clumpy I can start a kindergarten here... where Vegeta takes care of the bad bad divine kids default smiley xd
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 4th February 2017 21:27:36
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looks a little vicious to me...but whatever.default smiley (8)
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