sharii96's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 5th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
8882 | +12 | LilyQraz751 | 1,632,925 | ||||
8883 | +59 | HopeaHalla | 1,632,901 | ||||
8884 | -5 | Pearlescent | 1,632,112 | ||||
8885 | -7 | Kelcapoe | 1,631,997 | ||||
8886 | -10 | cellardoor | 1,631,977 | ||||
8887 | -7 | Voidfalls | 1,631,652 | ||||
8888 | -7 | molberrytree | 1,631,515 | ||||
8889 | -7 | Dormammu | 1,631,083 | ||||
8890 | -7 | wildhorse027 | 1,630,809 | ||||
8891 | -7 | sharii96 | 1,630,808 | ||||
8892 | -7 | Catt Catt | 1,630,547 | ||||
8893 | -2 | bluerose | 1,630,490 | ||||
8894 | -8 | abbitha | 1,630,220 | ||||
8895 | -8 | martyrik | 1,630,062 | ||||
8896 | -8 | Dratana | 1,629,972 | ||||
8897 | -8 | Ms.Voronia | 1,629,712 | ||||
8898 | -8 | ღDoréeღ | 1,629,574 | ||||
8899 | -7 | millywithany | 1,629,501 | ||||
8900 | -7 | megandannie | 1,629,493 | ||||
8901 | -6 | OnAMission99 | 1,629,162 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4747 | -3 | raknhrse | 129 | ||||
4748 | -3 | jane_doe1 | 129 | ||||
4749 | -3 | StellaStella | 129 | ||||
4750 | -3 | hghlnd | 129 | ||||
4751 | -3 | sassybrat_85 | 129 | ||||
4752 | -3 | elephant3246 | 129 | ||||
4753 | -3 | Merlin's Dream | 129 | ||||
4754 | -2 | writer86 | 129 | ||||
4755 | -2 | Laddie | 129 | ||||
4756 | -2 | sharii96 | 129 | ||||
4757 | -2 | greatgolfer | 129 | ||||
4758 | -2 | s.anathema | 129 | ||||
4759 | -2 | HippoLuv18 | 129 | ||||
4760 | -2 | Lapulta | 129 | ||||
4761 | -2 | trdoxie | 129 | ||||
4762 | -2 | Bellocaos | 129 | ||||
4763 | -2 | Tiger Eye | 129 | ||||
4764 | -2 | ♕Stolas♕ | 129 | ||||
4765 | -2 | deltacrosser | 129 | ||||
4766 | -2 | Cloud333 | 129 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
9981 | -1 | Lucky | 2,544,104 | ||||
9982 | +1 | Lady Andromeda | 2,543,551 | ||||
9983 | +80 | Ascension_08 | 2,543,061 | ||||
9984 | -2 | paintlover19 | 2,542,755 | ||||
9985 | -1 | koniginkeetie | 2,542,464 | ||||
9986 | -1 | Frellie | 2,542,260 | ||||
9987 | +495 | SilverBells_ | 2,542,232 | ||||
9988 | -1 | smallgreenpony | 2,542,112 | ||||
9989 | = | Dadweece | 2,541,999 | ||||
9990 | -4 | sharii96 | 2,541,777 | ||||
9991 | -1 | Blue dragon horn | 2,541,607 | ||||
9992 | -4 | t77777 | 2,541,518 | ||||
9993 | +7 | k666yla | 2,541,012 | ||||
9994 | +4 | Centaur | 2,540,837 | ||||
9995 | -2 | michosso | 2,540,662 | ||||
9996 | -4 | Felony | 2,540,299 | ||||
9997 | -1 | BraidedConnemara | 2,540,126 | ||||
9998 | +257 | shortygal | 2,540,076 | ||||
9999 | -5 | aquatic_apple | 2,539,943 | ||||
10000 | +2 | sugaplum16 | 2,539,227 |
Player | Days | ||||||
7603 | -1 | peabj | 1,259 | ||||
7604 | -1 | Shawn~Cowboy | 1,258 | ||||
7605 | -1 | ZACKATTACKJR2009 | 1,258 | ||||
7606 | -1 | abbeynchester | 1,258 | ||||
7607 | = | Moon Unicorn345 | 1,258 | ||||
7608 | = | Till the End | 1,258 | ||||
7609 | = | LKRuss | 1,258 | ||||
7610 | +4 | Pennypony | 1,258 | ||||
7611 | -1 | Friar Tuck | 1,257 | ||||
7612 | -1 | sharii96 | 1,257 | ||||
7613 | -1 | RisingMoon13 | 1,257 | ||||
7614 | -1 | Maja97 | 1,257 | ||||
7615 | = | PepperRodeyGus | 1,256 | ||||
7616 | = | Acespud | 1,256 | ||||
7617 | = | Glass+Mari | 1,256 | ||||
7618 | = | saria | 1,255 | ||||
7619 | = | bucking | 1,255 | ||||
7620 | = | ladyevanna | 1,255 | ||||
7621 | +7 | Decay_ | 1,255 | ||||
7622 | -1 | Chikoos | 1,255 |