
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Famousamos wrote:

Yay! Tuesday is the day i get to go visit the lady that sells me her old Schleichs! I can't wait...fingers crossed for a good haul!default smiley ^)

Good luck! You'll have to show us what you get!

Work have decided to put me in a town which has a shop which sells Schleich. Oh my poor bank account...

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Apollo Unicorn Stallion

Friesian Stallion

Mangalara Marchador Stallion

I also got some of the bayala collectable unicorns (Sunstone, Rose-quartz, Tourmaline and Sapphire). Now I'm just missing Opal who seems to be doing an Oldenburger foal on me, and either disappeared from Schleich website or pay stupid prices... Thankfully I have some amazon vouchers, so I may have to take the hit on that one just to complete the collection...
horses rock623
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Thank you! I got a good'll take me a bit to get them sorted and posted, but I'm excited to share!default smiley ^) those horses you got there are totally gorgeous! Can't wait to get my paws on them as well!default smiley *-)
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Well i'm gonna get started on trying to post my new treasures! These two are the sets i got, and the first one is a grail of mine, so super happy to have it!

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Its the Wild West series Covered Wagon set! And i have it in the box and all!default smiley (l) I am not sure if it came with the set initially, but i was given the settler family as well, which includes a mother, father, and daughter. The driver is not one of those three, but is part of the wagon set.default smiley :)

The other set i got is the Teepee set! Not sure what the exact name of the set is. Sadly i don't have the box for this set. This first pic is it not set up, but i posted to show the little smaller tent that comes with it. Also, you can't really tell it from the pics, but when you do set up the big teepee, it is actually surprisingly large!

I do love the Wild West series and hope to get more of it in the future.default smiley 8-)
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Ok, next up from my haul!default smiley :)

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I got several new (old) cows!

I got the Brown and White Cow (1990-2000).

I got her calf, but its the Germany Brown Head variant model. (1993-1999)
The first pic is the normal version, the second is my variant...more than just the head is different. I'm also excited that my little calf still has his old tag!

Next up is the similar Black and White Cow (1990-2000)

Now comes the Brown Bull (1992-1995).

And the Brown Cow Grazing...her tongue is out lol (1987-2001).

As well as the Brown calf (1996-2001).

Up next is the Brown Cow Lying (1984-1997).

And the Black and White Cow Lying (1988-2000).

And lastly, i got one of the Portugal variants of the Brown Cow Lying above...I can't find a picture of it online, but it is a much lighter tan sort of color. Otherwise its the same. So the last three are like triplets in their mold. Anyway, these are the cows i got...hopefully i can post some more of my haul soon!default smiley 8-)
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I think some of the photos didn't work (or my laptop is having a meltdown again), but that is already a lot! Can't wait to see what else you got!
horses rock623
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That's weird cause when I hit preview before posting they were working! Bummer.

Sorry I haven't had a chance to post any more yet...busy with life! I'm currently dog sitting all week, without a computer ugh.
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Hey guys...i know i'm moving slower than molasses in winter here, but time to get everything done has really been eluding me for a while now! Also, a lot of the models i got are older and more difficult to find info and pics on. But i'm gonna try to squeeze some in here tonight! I really hope that this time all the images come through, unlike last time!. They do show in the preview, but we shall see! Hope you like!default smiley ^)

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This list will just be some random wildlife and/or farmlife models.

First up is the Nanny Goat (1994-2002).

Next is the Dromedary Camel (1992-2005). This one still as its old flag tag!

Up now is the Brown Bear (1989-1996). Also still has tag!

Next is the Grizzly Bear Baby (1995-2003). Has tag but its in pretty bad shape.

Now is the Hippopotamus Calf (1996-2004).

And then came the Lion (1997-2005).

Another one i got is the Hyena (1997-1999). Also has its tag!

Next up is the Panda (1990-2001).

Finally is the Spotted Wobbegong (I enjoy saying that one lol) (2006-2008). Has tag!

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New for me! Its in spoilers cause of the large pic.default smiley 8-)

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Its the 2024 Fjord Mare!default smiley (7)

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I have my chestnut and white vanner mare but shes discolored. The chocolate lab and panda have soot on them. I replaced my paint horse stallion chestnut and white and Thoroughbred mare.. I have new gray Andulsion/ purebred spanish horse stallion, Arabian stallion, black and white paint horse mare, ,hanovarian foal, and the farm animal set cow, rooster, sheep and donkey foal arrived few days after electrical fire along with tan and white paint mare and i replaced my older sons mobile vet van horse ambulance..default smiley :'( it was hard writing these posts. Happy collecting keep model ponies safe.
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I'm so so sorry about the fire...that is a fear of mine. So destructive!default smiley :odefault smiley :'(
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That day i thought i Just lost my stretch black morgan stallion and barbie and spirit horses from cartoon. It was when they cooled i guess.
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