
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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Kate wrote:

Here he is!

Yes, I saw him, but he isn't on the Schleich website. Could it be he is from another company and just got mixed up? A few others in the videos didn't look familiar to me either (from the website).
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Nope, he's Schleich. :3
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He looks more like a safar I Ltd horse to me.
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 22:14:32
I personally think he looks too skinny... Oh well.

As for the jumping arena on previous page, I think it's too small, but the jumps are great! Same with the new arena. There a pony in it and it takes up a quarter of the whole place!
I find it suspicious though seeing as he isn't listed on the Schleich site at all. The only possibly explanation I could think of it that he is an exclusive. There is a video with him and other figures and none on listed on the official site.
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 23:06:08
I have several I'm not sure which they are I've looked it up but can't remember them. I have at least 2 family groups. I've sopped collecting them though I just keep the ones I have default smiley :)
I have 2 of the old Hanoverian mares, 2 old pinto stallion, new pinto mare, Shetland, and akhal teke gelding
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jlmiller wrote:

He looks more like a safar I Ltd horse to me.

Eh, not really. They have small legs..
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By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 00:27:02
I love the new schleich items! I think that they should make a hackney cart, a cross country riding set, and an Arabian stud!
Retired breeder wrote:

I love the new schleich items! I think that they should make a hackney cart, a cross country riding set, and an Arabian stud!

Don't they have a Arabian Stud..? I have him. His name is Dr.Pepper. :3
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By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 04:13:39
Ooh! Get hired, and when they make the cross-country set, I want one! default smiley (lol) And I REALLY need a rider, I can't wait till amazon gets them!
By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 04:23:32
Ya! Like a Arabian stud with a show halter and person wi th a whip.
By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 04:37:00
I want to make my stables with a tri-fold green board as the grass. I cleaned out under my bed today, so there's enough room I could just slide it under after playing so it takes up no space in my room. But I still need to make a box-barn. Maybe I'll find a good box tomorrow.
Retired breeder wrote:

I want to make my stables with a tri-fold green board as the grass. I cleaned out under my bed today, so there's enough room I could just slide it under after playing so it takes up no space in my room. But I still need to make a box-barn. Maybe I'll find a good box tomorrow.

Not to sound like a spoiled brat but, Dad was gonna make me four barns for almost all my horses default smiley :p Until my cousins, aunt and uncle might be coming so dad was like "I'll wait for the real carpenter to do this' default smiley xd So right now all my horses are in pastures.. :3
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Second, where is your barn??

Mine is on a pool table.. :3 and under a pool table. And around a pool table. Let's just say they take up a whole room. Plus a pool table. <^.^>
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By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 12:47:13
Mine is scattered all over my room right now. The horses have a box to be dumped into, but they're not in it.... But I do want to make a box barn and stick it on a green something (currently, my farm's grass is my blue carpet- it's a little odd. Plus they don't stand up too well on carpet sometimes, and then there's little temporary holes where I dug their hooves in to stand them up) then it will live under my bed when I am not playing with it.
Retired breeder wrote:

Mine is scattered all over my room right now. The horses have a box to be dumped into, but they're not in it.... But I do want to make a box barn and stick it on a green something (currently, my farm's grass is my blue carpet- it's a little odd. Plus they don't stand up too well on carpet sometimes, and then there's little temporary holes where I dug their hooves in to stand them up) then it will live under my bed when I am not playing with it.

My grass is green.. Hehehe. But it's a bit.... Dis coloured.. if you look in my forum (because I'm too lazy to bring it over here) I have pictures of some of my horses on the pool table.
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By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 16:01:38
I use diorama grass, mine is on tables in my room!
By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 16:04:43
Schleichs are the best though they hurt when you drop them on your feet but you can make up names and just role play with them yourself default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 16:46:37
Same here! I love doing that! I dropped a schleich pig on my head..... ow!
By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 17:49:21
Retired breeder wrote:

Mine is scattered all over my room right now. The horses have a box to be dumped into, but they're not in it.... But I do want to make a box barn and stick it on a green something (currently, my farm's grass is my blue carpet- it's a little odd. Plus they don't stand up too well on carpet sometimes, and then there's little temporary holes where I dug their hooves in to stand them up) then it will live under my bed when I am not playing with it.

I have blue carpet in my room too. Yuck! But mine is short so my horses stand pretty well.
Have all hard woods.. So it's pretty easy. I can't stand carpet.. Hehe.
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I'm going to be posting pictures in my schleich topic in my forum today, not here because they end up huge.. Hehe
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Does anyone have the stable girl, saddler and groomer?? I love them..
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By Retired breeder, 25th January 2015 18:44:45
I don't have them. ^^^ Right now I'm deciding (actually taking a break from deciding). What box to use for a barn. I can fit 6 decent stalls, 4 big stalls, or 8 tiny stalls in one with only tacking space- no office, tack room/area, etc. or in the other, I can have 3 decent or 5 tiny or 2 big 1 tiny, or 3 tiny 1 big, with extra tack space and office space. I might use both if my mom will let me.
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