[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
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I have 2 mares to cover and don't know if i should crossbreed them or purebreed Im trying to breed for genetic potential and skills
One is a selle français the other a carmague
If u have any ideas on what i should breed them with pls let me know
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comment to bump
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My newest (and current best) crossbreed is a Criollo x Selle (mother was a Criollo, father was my Selle, RH Fearless). He is amazing is classical comps, and his GP is 24k. His name is RH Black Ice.

Does anyone else have suggestions for two-way crosses that have the Selle or Nokota breed that would turn out successful in one or two different comps? I'm genuinely curious and would like to give it a go!
~Ghost Out~
  • Posted messages: 104
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Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me understand how the breeds are determined in even crosses? I have a crossbreed project where the top two breeds are Lusitanos and Highland evenly split. I thought they would switch breeds every generation but that didn't happen. This highland mare was bred to her brother this highland stallion and the resulting foals were all Lusitanos, but when those foals were bred together ( mare, stallion) their foals were Lusitanos again.
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Royale wrote:

Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me understand how the breeds are determined in even crosses? I have a crossbreed project where the top two breeds are Lusitanos and Highland evenly split. I thought they would switch breeds every generation but that didn't happen. This highland mare was bred to her brother this highland stallion and the resulting foals were all Lusitanos, but when those foals were bred together ( mare, stallion) their foals were Lusitanos again.
Usually in an even cross, the foal will take the dam's last listed breed in the genetics.

However, given that it's not the typical even split that I've bred (yours has two breeds that are even, with a few others thrown in), I ran some tests on preprod and determined that it's actually taking the dam's first listed breed. I'm going to assume, at least, because the percentages of the pairs I used were just a bit different than yours (mine had 26.7 for each of the top breeds compared to the 29.1 yours had, but I couldn't find a pair with the exact same percentages to test with).

I ran lots of tests to make sure it was the dam's first listed breed being taken, such as using sibling foals of the first pair to make sure there wasn't a hidden percentage throwing things off, I bred a pair once, then used a Bolt and bred again to see if that changed things, and also used pairs that were the same dominant breed with the same breed order, and so on. Lots of testsdefault smiley (lol) But they were all taking the dam's 1st listed breed in my case.

My suggestion to test it is to take this foal here, and breed her to her sire. The filly has Highland Pony first, so if their foal is a Highland, then I think we can conclude it's taking the dam's first listed breed for this type of cross.
Legacy Ann
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To add on to your theory about the dominant breed flip-flopping each generation: the reason that can happen is that the breed orders of the parents may be switching each generation. Breed order is usually random if the breeds share the same percentage. You can breed the same pair multiple times and the siblings breed order may be different.

Each split type (such as all even breeds, all different breeds but the same percentage, etc.) take the dominant breed from a particular parent's slot, so a change in the breed order of the parent can change the dominant breed of the foal.
Legacy Ann
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Thank you so much Legacy Ann!!
I bred the horses you suggested and the foal is a highland! Your theory is right. Interesting that it takes the dam's last listed breed when it's an even split but when there are other breeds it takes the first listed. Also good to know that the orders of the dominant breeds change, that'll be fun to keep an eye on.
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Royale wrote:

Thank you so much Legacy Ann!!
I bred the horses you suggested and the foal is a highland! Your theory is right. Interesting that it takes the dam's last listed breed when it's an even split but when there are other breeds it takes the first listed. Also good to know that the orders of the dominant breeds change, that'll be fun to keep an eye on.

If it is not an even split, it will take the highest percentage breed. For example:

Sire: 50% KWPN / 25% TB / 25% Paint
Dam: 50% Paint / 30% KWPN / 15% TB / 5% QH

Add up the percentage of each breed and divide by 2.

KWPN: 50 + 30 = 80 / 2 = 40%
Paint: 25 + 50 = 75 /2 = 36.5%
TB: 25 + 15 = 40 / 2 = 20%
QH: 5 + 0 = 5 / 2 = 2.5

So the resulting foal should be:
40% KWPN, 36.5% Paint, 20% TB, 2.5% QH

Which means that KWPN would be the breed the foal takes on.
AVH Lover
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Take that back. I reread the post and clicked on the horses and I was talking about the wrong thing. One thing you can do if you want the foals to be one specific breed is introduce a purebred and strategically breed until the percentage is slightly higher.

In your case, let's say you want the pictured breed to be Highland Pony. Here is how it would work:

Foundation Horse - 29.1 Lusi, 29.1 High, 23.6 Hano, 11.0 TB, 7.2 PK
Purebred - 100 High

1st Gen Foal - 64.6 High, 14.5 Lusi, 11.8 Hano, 5.5 TB, 3.6 PK
*Breed each gen to Foundation Horse*

2nd Gen Foal - 46.9 High, 21.8 Lusi, 17.7 Hano, 8.3 TB, 5.4 PK

3rd Gen Foal - 38 High, 25.5 Lusi, 20.7 Hano, 9.7 TB, 6.3 PK

4th Gen Foal - 33.5 High, 32.3 Lusi, 22.2 Hano, 10.4 TB, 6.7 PK

5th Gen Foal - 31.3 High, 30.7 Lusi, 22.9 Hano, 10.7 TB, 6.9 PK

6th Gen Foal - 30.2 High, 29.9 Lusi, 23.3 Hano, 10.9 TB, 7.1 PK

You can obviously continue on breeding the foals to the Foundation Horse until you are much closer but once you get close enough with the desired breed (Highland in this case), breed multiple foals out of that pair and continue your lines from there.
AVH Lover
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Hi there! I dabble in cross breeding every now and then, and want to start a new project. Therefore, I have a few questions.

What breeds breed well with Appys? What breeds breed well with Arabs? How well do Arabs breed with Appys?

Thank you!
Rose Wilder
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Rose Wilder wrote:

Hi there! I dabble in cross breeding every now and then, and want to start a new project. Therefore, I have a few questions.

What breeds breed well with Appys? What breeds breed well with Arabs? How well do Arabs breed with Appys?

Thank you!

1. Appys go really well with thoroughbreds. Here's one of mine with 93 gallop rosettes:


2. Vanners, Akhal-Tekes, Connemaras, Barbs, Russian Don Horses & Canadian Horses (for 'improving' the latter four breeds).

3. Haven't tried it myself but it'd improve the Arab's speed & gallop, or improve the Appy's jumping and stamina.
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I want to learn how to crossbreed Friesian with some other type of horse.
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What breeds can I crossbred my TB's. I am just starting a crossbreeding project. I am not sure what to use. My thoroughbred has higher Gallop, Speed,and dressage. I would like to increase jumping, trot and maybe stamina,but noy sure which horses to breed with. Please help
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goldhyperion401 wrote:

What breeds can I crossbred my TB's. I am just starting a crossbreeding project. I am not sure what to use. My thoroughbred has higher Gallop, Speed,and dressage. I would like to increase jumping, trot and maybe stamina,but noy sure which horses to breed with. Please help
I usually cross TBs with Appaloosas, because their skills complement one another, and they make good gallop rosette winners.

If you're wanting to increase jump, trot and stamina, you can breed to a breed with those top 3 skills, but you'll decrease some of the gallop and speed stats your TB has.

You could go with a Knabstrupper or Nokota. Both of those have dressage, trot and jump as top skills. If there is a specific comp type you want to enter, then that will affect your breed choices quite a bit, but if you just want to play around with the genetics, then you can be a bit more loose with your choices.
Legacy Ann
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Just started doing crosses and have a few foals I’m exited to see how they do. So far this one is probably my favorite- definitely gonna cross her with something to get her higher dressage . Any opinions on what breeds? https://www.howrse.com/elevage/chevaux/cheval?id=79643969&message=naissance
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I just bred a purebred TB (sire) with a purebred Quarter Pony (dam). I am getting a colt, but I thought I would get a filly. Can someone explain this? I am also gonna breed another TB (dam) to a Quarter Pony (sire) so we will see how that goes.
Rose Wilder
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Hello there! I’ve been interested in crossbreeding for quite a while. I had an account in 2022 where I dabbled in Thoroughbreds but I never bred them with a different breed. Now, I mostly breed Selles. Are there any breeds that pair really well with Selles?
  • Posted messages: 108
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Rose Wilder wrote:

I just bred a purebred TB (sire) with a purebred Quarter Pony (dam). I am getting a colt, but I thought I would get a filly. Can someone explain this? I am also gonna breed another TB (dam) to a Quarter Pony (sire) so we will see how that goes.
The gender of the foal is always random, and not related to crossbreeding.

infinityrider wrote:

Hello there! I’ve been interested in crossbreeding for quite a while. I had an account in 2022 where I dabbled in Thoroughbreds but I never bred them with a different breed. Now, I mostly breed Selles. Are there any breeds that pair really well with Selles?

I like doing KWPN dominant KWPN x Selle crosses. If you can get high GP parents, the foals make great show jumping rosette winners. By making the foal KWPN dominant, you get higher jump and speed stats from the Selle
Legacy Ann
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What goes good with Nokota's and/or Peruvian Pasos? I'm trying to dabble in both of these breeds and definitely want some competition winners.
  • Posted messages: 7
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So I’m new to crossbreeding and accidentally cross bred a thoroughbred and lustiano which ended up in a base of 7k stats in gallop and dressage. If I bred this horse to either of its parents’ breeds will those skills wash out to what the standard is for either breed?
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Cybertron wrote:

So I’m new to crossbreeding and accidentally cross bred a thoroughbred and lustiano which ended up in a base of 7k stats in gallop and dressage. If I bred this horse to either of its parents’ breeds will those skills wash out to what the standard is for either breed?
You can get an idea of a potential foal's GP by taking the average of the parents'. It's just a rough estimate

You will lose some of what you gained depending on which parent you breed to. If you breed back to the Lusitano you'll gain back some dressage and lose gallop, whereas if you breed to the Thoroughbred parent you'll gain gallop and lose some dressage

I usually calculate the possible pairings and compare to the different pairings and the purebred stats to see which would be better based on my goal
Legacy Ann
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How do I find crossbreed teams? Kinda looking for some inspiration of my own, or maybe even joining one If they tickle my fancy.
  • Posted messages: 20
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Ok, one of my first crosses, Indah
I'm also trying to keep it NIB to make it more challenging for myself.
Opinions? Really like the skillset on him.
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am wondering how this might turn out, i have 2 pure breeds, dam is a Akhal-Teke, sire is a Appaloosa, has anyone done this cross before?
  • Posted messages: 24
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Akhal2teke wrote:

am wondering how this might turn out, i have 2 pure breeds, dam is a Akhal-Teke, sire is a Appaloosa, has anyone done this cross before?

If they're both blupped, and they're close to the same genetic potential number, it would seem that dressage and jump would be your top two skills, the third skill could be either stamina or speed?
I've never done this cross either, so post the results if you do the cross.
  • Posted messages: 20
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